5 research outputs found
Strengthening Institutional Model of Women-Farmers Group in Developing Household Food Diversification
The research objectives are (1) examining food diversification and household food security levels in the Women-Farmers Group (KWT) in rural areas and (2) analyzing the existing empowerment model of KWT and developing an alternative model of KWT based on potency. The research was conducted in Bulukumba and North Luwu Regencies, South Sulawesi, Indonesia by taking unit of analysis at household of KWT level. The findings of the research include: diversification of household food consumption in KWT in both districts is still a relatively āless diverseā; except for vegetable consumption can be said to be āquite diverseā. This is caused by the diversification program through P2KP movement and yard use activities. Generally, food diversification scores obtained KWT classified as āfood insecureā (mean score = 4). The needs potential based of KWT include: an increase in group training programs; economic enterprises development and understanding on food diversification. The alternative models of KWT based on potency, needs and experiences of KWT members include (1) model of institutional support (assistance, facilities, promotion and learning process) and (2) model of human resources capacity of group members include: appropriate training and development of leadership potency to increase capability in recognizing and solving problems of food diversification and understanding on nutrition and food
Pertanian merupakan pondasi penting dalam pemenuhan komoditas pangan. Pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan rumah tangga merupakan landasan penting untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan. Namun tidak semua masyarakat di Desa Tampingmojo Kecamatan Tembelang Kabupaten Jombang memiliki lahan pertanian untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pangannya, terlebih lahan pertanian di Desa Tampingmojo semakin berkurang sejak dibangunnya jalan tol Mojokerto-Kertosono, sehingga suplai komoditas pangan seperti sayuran dan ikan bergantung pada pasokan dari luar Desa Tampingmojo. Akuaponik menjadi solusi ketahanan pangan masyarakat desa Tampingmojo. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Teknologi Akuaponik kepada masyarakat desa Tampingmojo dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal yang tersedia. Masyarakat sasaran kegiatan ini adalah kelompok ibu-ibu PKK dan pemuda Karang Taruna desa Tampingmojo. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Participatory Action Research (PAR) yang dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahap yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pengenalan akuaponik menunjukkan respon dan antusiasme yang positif dari peserta pelatihan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa 80% pertanyaan post test dapat dijawab peserta dan penyampaian materi teknologi akuaponik sederhana dapat diterima dengan baik serta dapat diterapkan dengan sumberdaya yang tersedia di desa Tampingmojo.
Kata kunci: akuaponik, pertanian, ketahanan pangan
Agriculture is an important foundation in the fulfillment of food commodities. Meeting household food needs is an important foundation for achieving food security. However, not all people in Tampingmojo Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency have agricultural land to be able to meet their food needs, especially agricultural land in Tampingmojo Village has decreased since the construction of the Mojokerto - Kertosono toll road, so that the supply of food commodities such as vegetables and fish depends on supplies from outside the village. Tampingmojo. Aquaponics is a solution for food security for the Tampingmojo village community. This community service purpose to introduce Aquaponics Technology to the Tampingmojo village community by utilizing available local resources. The targeted community for this activity is a group of PKK women and Karang Taruna youth in the village of Tampingmojo. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR) which is carried out in 3 stages, there are preparation, implementation and evaluation. The results of the evaluation showed that 80% of the post-test questions could be answered by participants and the delivery of simple aquaponic technology materials was well received and could be applied with the available resources in Tampingmojo village.
Keywords: aquaponics, agriculture, food securit
Teknologi Akuaponik sebagai Home Farm untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan Pangan di Desa Tampingmojo
Agriculture is an important foundation in the fulfillment of food commodities. Meeting household food needs is an important foundation for achieving food security. However, not all people in Tampingmojo Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency have agricultural land to be able to meet their food needs, especially agricultural land in Tampingmojo Village has decreased since the construction of the Mojokerto - Kertosono toll road, so that the supply of food commodities such as vegetables and fish depends on supplies from outside the village. Tampingmojo. Aquaponics is a solution for food security for the Tampingmojo village community. This community service purpose to introduce Aquaponics Technology to the Tampingmojo village community by utilizing available local resources. The targeted community for this activity is a group of PKK women and Karang Taruna youth in the village of Tampingmojo. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR) which is carried out in 3 stages, there are preparation, implementation and evaluation. The results of the evaluation showed that 80% of the post-test questions could be answered by participants and the delivery of simple aquaponic technology materials was well received and could be applied with the available resources in Tampingmojo village