15 research outputs found

    Environmental and economic analysis of the life cycle of Rooftop Greenhouses (RTGs)

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    Rooftop Greenhouses (RTG) are an opportunity that cities cannot miss. Not only do they allow the development of a new agricultural production model of urban proximity, but also contribute to a low carbon economy, all while taking advantage of the city's spaces that up until now were disused: the roofs of the buildings. The aim of this study is to perform the environmental and economic life cycle assessment of Rooftop Greenhouses (RTGs) in comparison with conventional greenhouses systems by analysing different covering materials to define the optimal RTG scenario. The assessment is divided into: (1) a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study between the two reference greenhouses: the RTG and the conventional greenhouse (CG). (2) The assessment of different covering materials– horticulture glass (HG), polycarbonate (PC), polyethylene (PE), polyethylene double-layer and ETFE. (3) A life cycle assessment with the optimal covering material to analyse the environmental burdens optimal scenario for the RTG. Along with the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) assessment, which is applied in order to analyse the economic performance of current and optimal scenario and determine the best option. Following a cradle-to-grave approach, construction, operation and end-of-life stages are included in the study. The functional unit is defined as 1 kg of tomatoes produced over 1 year. The applied LCIA methods are the ReCiPe (hierarchical, midpoint), including the following impact categories: Global Warming (GW), Freshwater Eutrophication (FE), Mineral Resource Scarcity (MRS) and Water Consumption (WC), and the single method Cumulative Energy Demand (CED). For the economic analysis Net present value (NPV) are considered. According to the results obtained in this thesis, results show that the RTG has an environmental impact between 1.3 for WC to 2.7 for GW times higher than a CG. The values obtained for the other indicators are between this interval. The structure of the greenhouse - structure, cover material and auxiliary equipment - represents between 66% and 98% of the total impact for the RTG and, between 60% and 83% for the CG in its whole useful life. Moreover, polyethylene is the material with the lowest environmental impact per greenhouse. The use of ETFE has been valued as a substitute for the current RTG covering, as the replacement with polyethylene does not meet the structural and safety requirements in buildings. Finally, with the new ETFE cover, there is a global improvement for all impact categories. GW stands out for its reduction of 7% of CO2 eq emissions, avoiding 0.05 kg of CO2 eq by kg of tomatoes produced. An important reduction of 10% at CED was also identified, saving 0.84 MJ per kg of tomato. At a cost level, the replacement of the total RTG covering increases the price by 6.8€ per m2. In conclusion, polyethylene can be considered optimal, from an environmental and economic point of view, for conventional greenhouses or non-integrated RTG. However, for the RTG of reference in this work, the optimal cover material is the ETFE, which has similar results than the polyethylene while it “fits” better in the urban environment

    Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Associated with Varicella-Zoster Virus Encephalitis in a Child

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    Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) is a triad of peri-auricular pain, ipsilateral facial nerve palsy and vesicular rash around the ear pinna. It is caused by reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that lies dormant in the geniculate ganglia. It can be complicated by VZV encephalitis rarely. We report the case of an 8-year-old previously healthy boy who presented to a tertiary care hospital in Muscat, Oman in 2021 with fever, progressive left ear pain, vesicular rash around his ear pinna and left-sided facial nerve palsy. His course was complicated by VZV encephalitis where he was managed with IV acyclovir and IV corticosteroids. He improved significantly and was asymptomatic with a normal neurology examination at the 6-months follow-up. Keywords: Varicella Zoster Virus; Ramsay Hunt Syndrome; Encephalitis; Children

    Gastrointestinal lesions in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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    "Introduction : Le syndrome de l'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA) s'accompagne souvent d'atteintes du tube digestif, tumorales ou secondaires à des infections opportunistes. Le but du travail est de déterminer les aspects endoscopiques et anatomo-pathologiques des atteintes digestives secondaires au SIDA et d'étudier leur corrélation. Patients et méthodes : 68 patients atteints du SIDA ont été explorés au service EFD-HGE sur une période de 5 ans. Tous les patients ont bénéficié d'une endoscopie œso-gastro-duodénale (EOGD) et/ou d'une iléo-coloscopie avec une étude anatomo-pathologique des biopsies. Résultats : Les lésions digestives hautes étaient: une œsophagite mycosique dans 19 cas, une gastrite congestive dans 14 cas, une gastrite ulcérative chez un patient, une gastrite érosive chez un patient, une duodénite congestive dans 9 cas et des lésions angiomateuses très évocatrices de la maladie de Kaposi dans 6 cas. L'étude anatomo-pathologique des biopsies a conclu à des lésions digestives hautes liées au SIDA dans 27 cas (53 %). Les lésions digestives basses étaient : une colite ulcérative dans 22 cas, des angiodysplasies dans 4 cas, une colite érosive dans 16 cas. La coloscopie totale était normale chez 2 patients. L'étude anatomo-pathologique des biopsies iléales et coliques a conclu à des lésions secondaires au SIDA dans 8 cas (18,1 %). Il existait une corrélation statiquement significative entre les aspects endoscopiques et anatomopathologiques spécifiques au SIDA (coefficient kappa = 0,730). Conclusion : Les atteintes digestives liées au SIDA sont assez fréquentes, elles étaient de 51,4 % dans cette étude dominées par les infections opportunistes. Une corrélation était retrouvée entre les lésions endoscopiques et spécifiques au SIDA.Background: The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is often associated of the gastrointestinal lesions, tumor or secondary to opportunistic infections. The aim of this study is to determine the endoscopic and histopathological gastrointestinal lesions of AIDS and study their correlation. Patients and Method: 68 patients with AIDS were explored in our unit over a five-year period. All patients underwent an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and/or a total colonoscopy with histopathological study of biopsies. The kappa coefficient was used to calculate the correlation between endoscopic and histopathological lesions specific to AIDS. Results: Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed: fungal esophagitis in 19 cases, congestive gastritis in 14 cases, ulcerative gastritis in a patient, erosive gastritis in a patient, congestive duodenitis in 9 cases, and angiomatous lesions of Kaposi's sarcoma in 6 cases. Histopathological study of biopsies concluded to specific upper gastrointestinal lesions of AIDS in 27 cases (54%): Candida albicans in 19 patients, Kaposi's sarcoma in 6 cases, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) gastritis in 1 case, gastric cryptosporidiosis associated with Cytomegalovirus gastritis in 1 case. Colonoscopy objectified: ulcerative colitis in 22 cases, 4 cases of angiodysplasia, erosive colitis in 16 cases. Histopathological study of ileal and colonic biopsies concluded to specific lesions of AIDS in 8 cases (18.1%). Significant correlation was found between endoscopic and histopathological lesions specific of AIDS (kappa = 0.730). Conclusion: Gastrointestinal lesions specific of AIDS are fairly common, they were 52.2% in this study dominated by opportunistic infections. A correlation was found between endoscopic and histopathological lesions specific of AIDS in this study

    Melanosis coli

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    La mélanose colique est une affection bénigne qui découle de l'abus de laxatifs anthraquinoniques. Elle est décrite comme une pigmentation foncée de la muqueuse colique. Elle est souvent liée à la constipation. La mélanose colique est principalement diagnostiquée par l’endoscopie et confirmée par l’histologie. Il est important de reconnaître la mélanose colique qui peut régresser généralement en quelques mois avec l’arrêt des laxatifs. Bien qu'elle soit considérée comme une maladie bénigne, les biopsies endoscopiques doivent être faites sur les zones pigmentées et les zones non pigmentées en raison de la suspicion d'adénome ou de carcinome colorectal associé. A ce propos, nous rapportons tous les cas de mélanose colique colligés au service EFD-Hépato-gastroentérologie à l’hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat au Maroc. L'évolution était favorable après l'arrêt de l'utilisation de laxatifs chez tous les patients.Melanosis coli is a benign condition that arises from anthraquinone laxative abuse. It is described as a dark pigmentation of colonic mucosa. It is often related with constipation. Melanosis coli is mainly diagnosed by endoscopic and confirmed by histopathology. It is important to recognize the melanosis coli which can be regressed generally in a few months with the discontinuation of laxatives. Although it is seen as a benign disease, colonoscopy biopsies should be taken on the pigmented and not pigmented areas because of the suspicion of associated colorectal adenoma and carcinoma. In this regard we report all cases of melanosis coli enrolled in EFD-hepatogastroenterology unit at ibn sina hospital in Rabat-Morocco. The evolution was favorable after discontinuation of the use of laxative in all patients

    Nor-BNI Antagonism of Kappa Opioid Agonist-Induced Reinstatement of Ethanol-Seeking Behavior

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    Recent work suggests that the dynorphin (DYN)/kappa opioid receptor (KOR) system may be a key mediator in the behavioral effects of alcohol. The objective of the present study was to examine the ability of the KOR antagonist norbinaltorphimine (norBNI) to attenuate relapse to ethanol seeking due to priming injections of the KOR agonist U50,488 at time points consistent with KOR selectivity. Male Wistar rats were trained to self-administer a 10% ethanol solution, and then responding was extinguished. Following extinction, rats were injected with U50,488 (0.1–10 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline and were tested for the reinstatement of ethanol seeking. Next, the ability of the nonselective opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone (0 or 3.0 mg/kg, s.c.) and nor-BNI (0 or 20.0 mg/kg, i.p.) to block U50,488-induced reinstatement was examined. Priming injections U50,488 reinstated responding on the previously ethanol-associated lever. Pretreatment with naltrexone reduced the reinstatement of ethanol-seeking behavior. norBNI also attenuated KOR agonist-induced reinstatement, but to a lesser extent than naltrexone, when injected 24 hours prior to injections of U50,488, a time point that is consistent with KOR selectivity. While these results suggest that activation of KORs is a key mechanism in the regulation of ethanol-seeking behavior, U50,488-induced reinstatement may not be fully selective for KORs

    Anémie de fanconi au CHU Hassan II Fès: à propos de 6 observations

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    L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie récessive associée à une instabilité chromosomique, elle est marquée par une hétérogénéité phénotypique qui inclut une insuffisance médullaire, un syndrome malformatif variable, une prédisposition à développer des leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM) et une hypersensibilité cellulaire aux agents pontant l'ADN. Le diagnostic est basé sur l'augmentation anormale du taux de cassures chromosomiques spontanées mais surtout, et de manière spécifique, sur une augmentation nette de ces cassures chromosomiques en présence d'agents alkylants bifonctionnels, ce qui est le cas pour nos six patients. Le conseil génétique rejoint celui des maladies autosomiques récessives. Nous rapportons nos premières observations au CHU Hassan II Fès, confirmées par la mise en évidence d'une grande instabilité chromosomique après culture sous Mitomycine C en comparaison avec un témoin normal. Le but de cet article est la mise à jour de nos connaissances sur la génétique de l'Anémie de Fanconi et à travers ces six observations nous illustrons le rôle de la cytogénétique dans le diagnostic et le conseil génétique pour une meilleure prise en charge aussi bien des enfants atteints que de leurs familles

    Stress response and risky driving behaviours under the influence of alcohol in young drivers

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    Résumé : Introduction. Les collisions routières représentent un grave problème à travers le monde. Elles causent des dizaines de millions de blessés chaque année et figurent comme l’une des principales causes de décès chez les jeunes adultes. La conduite avec les capacités affaiblies, la vitesse et d’autres comportements routiers à risque (CRR) sont souvent associés à ces accidents. Notre équipe de recherche s’est intéressée à l’étude de marqueurs de risque de l’implication dans les CRR. Les résultats indiquent qu’une faible réponse au stress, mesurable par l’hormone cortisol, est liée à un nombre plus élevé de condamnations passées pour conduite avec les capacités affaiblies chez les contrevenants et à l’implication future dans les accidents et quasi-accidents chez les jeunes conducteurs. Aucune étude n’avait encore étudié le lien direct entre la réponse au stress et la présence de CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. But et hypothèse. L’étude a pour but principal de mesurer l’association entre la réponse au stress des jeunes conducteurs et la présence de CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. L’hypothèse principale soutient qu’une faible réponse au stress est liée à la présence de CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. L’objectif secondaire de cette étude est d’explorer si d’autres variables (c.-à-d., la recherche de sensations, la consommation de cigarettes et la consommation problématique d’alcool), peuvent expliquer la variance de réponse au stress chez les jeunes conducteurs. L’hypothèse secondaire propose que la recherche de sensations, la sévérité de la consommation d’alcool et de cigarettes sont des variables qui expliquent la variance de réponse au stress. Méthode. Quarante conducteurs masculins âgés de 20 à 24 ans ont pris part à l’étude. Les comportements routiers suite à la consommation d’alcool (c.-à-d., vitesse et non-respect de la signalisation lors du premier trajet, décision de conduire un deuxième trajet sous l’effet de l’alcool) ont été observés à l’aide d’un simulateur de conduite. La réponse au stress a été mesurée à l’aide d’une tâche d’induction du stress standardisée et des échantillons de cortisol salivaire ont été recueillis avant et après la tâche. Les variables de l’objectif secondaire ont été mesurées à l’aide de questionnaires. Résultats. Les résultats démontrent qu’une faible réponse au stress est négativement et significativement associée à la présence de CRR lors de la conduite du simulateur sous l’influence de l’alcool (r (38) = -0,30, p = 0,032). La recherche de sensations explique significativement la variance de la réponse au stress (β = -0,33; p = 0,041); la sévérité de la consommation d’alcool et la consommation de cigarettes n’expliquent pas significativement la variance de réponse au stress entre individus. Implications. Les résultats de cette étude ont permis de mettre en lumière le lien existant entre la réponse au stress et l'implication des jeunes conducteurs dans les CRR suite à la consommation d’alcool. L’efficacité d’outils de prévention et d’intervention adaptés aux caractéristiques des individus qui réagissent moins au stress devrait être étudiée dans d’autres études. // Abstract : Introduction. Motor vehicle crashes are a serious problem worldwide. They cause tens of millions of injuries each year and represent one of the leading causes of death in young adults. Impaired driving, speeding and other risky driving behaviours (RDBs) are often associated with these crashes. Examination of risk markers associated with involvement in RDBs by our research team has shown that a low response to a stressful task, measurable by cortisol, is linked to a higher number of past convictions for impaired driving in offenders and to future involvement in crashes and near-crashes in young drivers. No study had yet examined the direct link between stress response and the presence of RDBs following alcohol consumption. Goals and Hypotheses. The primary goal of the study is to measure the association between young drivers’ stress response and the presence of RDBs following alcohol consumption. The main hypothesis is that a low stress response is linked to RDBs following alcohol consumption. The study’s secondary objective is to explore whether other variables (i.e., sensation seeking, cigarette use, and problem drinking) may explain the variance in stress response exhibited by young drivers. Hence, the secondary hypothesis proposes that sensation seeking and the severity of alcohol and cigarette use are variables that explain the variance in stress response. Method. Forty male drivers aged 20 to 24 years old participated in the study. Driving behaviours following alcohol consumption (i.e., speeding and failure to obey traffic signs during the first trip, deciding to drive a second trip under the influence of alcohol) were observed by means of a driving simulator. Stress response was measured using a standardized stress-inducing task, and saliva cortisol samples were collected before and after the task. Questionnaires gathered data used to test the secondary hypothesis. Findings. The findings show that a low stress response is negatively and significantly associated with the RDBs when driving the simulator under the influence of alcohol (r (38) = -0.30, p = 0.032). Sensation seeking significantly explains the variance in stress response (β = -0.33; p = 0.041); the severity of alcohol consumption and cigarette use do not significantly explain the variance in stress response across individuals. Implications. The study findings clarify the link between stress response and the involvement of young drivers in RDBs following alcohol consumption. The efficacy of prevention and intervention tools adapted to the characteristics of individuals who react less to stress should be explored in future studies

    Mutational analysis of the helicase-like domain of Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase.

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    Reverse gyrase is a unique type IA topoisomerase that is able to introduce positive supercoils into DNA in an ATP-dependent process. ATP is bound to the helicase-like domain of the enzyme that contains most of the conserved motifs found in helicases of the SF1 and SF2 superfamilies. In this paper, we have investigated the role of the conserved helicase motifs I, II, V, VI, and Q by generating mutants of the Thermotoga maritima reverse gyrase. We show that mutations in motifs I, II, V and VI completely eliminate the supercoiling activity of reverse gyrase and that a mutation in the Q motif significantly reduces this activity. Further analysis revealed that for most mutants, the DNA binding and cleavage properties are not significantly changed compared to the wild type enzyme, whereas their ATPase activity is impaired. These results clearly show that the helicase motifs are tightly involved in the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to the topoisomerase activity. The zinc finger motif located at the N-terminal end of reverse gyrases was also mutated. Our results indicate that this motif plays an important role in DNA binding

    Supraclavicular versus infraclavicular approach in inserting totally implantable central venous access for cancer therapy: A comparative retrospective study.

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    IntroductionThe insertion of an implantable central venous access is performed according to a variety of approaches which allow the access to the subclavian vein, yet the supraclavicular technique has been underused and never compared to the other methods. The aim of this study was to testify on the efficacy and safety of the subclavian puncture without ultrasound guidance « Yoffa » in comparison with the classical infraclavicular approach (ICA).Material and methodsThis is a retrospective study with prospective data collection on patients followed at the national oncology institute for cancer, in the period extending from May 1st 2017 to August 31st 2017. All patients had a totally implantable central venous access device inserted by the same surgeon AS for chemotherapy administration and demographic characteristics, as well as procedure details were examined. The primary outcomes were the intraoperative complications, while the secondary outcomes represented immediate postoperative and mid-term complications (at 15 months of follow up). Outcomes were compared between techniques by means of non parametric tests and the Fischer test.ResultsOur study included 135 patients with 70 patients undergoing the subclavian technique, while 65 were subject to the infraclavicular approach. Both groups had no statistically significant demographic characteristics. The number of vein puncture attempts exceeding once, the accidental artery puncture and operative time were more significant in the ICA group; (39,6 vs 17,6 p = 0,01) (9.2% vs 0; p = 0,01) and (27± 13 vs 23± 8min, p = 0.045) respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the immediate and midterm complication rate between the two methods 1(1,4) vs 2 (3) p = 0.5.ConclusionIn case of unavailability of ultrasonographic guidance, the use of the supra-clavicular landmarks approach is linked to higher success rates and less arterial punctures, thereby proving to be a safe and reliable approach