40 research outputs found

    Quality of life of families with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Family health domain

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    Introduction: The most general definition of quality of life states that “quality of life is the degree of what makes life good.” Contemporary disability research increasingly relies on examining the quality of life of the whole family. Health and developmental outcomes are affected by the health of children and their environment. The objective of this study is to determine the difference in quality of life between families with children with disabilities and families with children without disabilities in the area of family health. Methods: The Family Quality of Life Questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. The test group consisted of 41 families of children with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities who use day care centers. The control group consisted of 69 families of children without disabilities whose members are employed in day care centers. Results: A statistically significant difference was found in the quality of life of families of children with disabilities and families of children without disabilities in the area of family health within the concept of satisfaction with family health (p = 0.0001), with respondents in the test group reporting a lower mean score of 3.1 ± 0.86 compared to subjects in the control group 3.94 ± 0.62. None of the respondents in the test group reported being very satisfied with family health, while for most respondents in both groups, 38 (92.8%) in the test group and 66 (95.7%) in the control group, family health was very important for quality of life. Conclusion: A statistically significant difference was found in the quality of life of families of children with disabilities and families of children without disabilities within the concept of achievement, the concept of satisfaction with family health and the determination is a statistically significant difference in relation to the existence of health services in the place of residence

    Ergonomija školskog namještaja u prevenciji lošeg držanja tijela učenika

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    Physical and psychological disorders in school-age children, as a consequence of prolonged sitting in class, denote one of the alarming issues of the today’s civilization. Scientific and professional literature pays great attention to the causes and phenomena of postural disorders caused by prolonged sitting, such as musculoskeletal disorders and back pain (MSD/BP). This phenomenon in children is increasingly correlated with school furniture design. School furniture, especially the chair and desk, are one of the most important factors to achieve the right body posture of pupils during school education. Despite this, not much attention is paid to the ergonomic requirements in furniture design, which are a prerequisite for good health, motivation improvement and learning of students. The objective of this paper is to show the impact of unmatched school furniture on the development of health problems and poor pupils’ posture through a review of scientific literature and previous studies concerning the issue. The results include a comparison of ten papers published in the period from 2004 to 2017 in Finland, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Nigeria, Brazil, Iran, Belgium, United Kingdom and India. Various databases have been used, including Pub Med, Google Scholar, Medline, Hrčak, Dabar, Science Direct and Science Citation Index. By reviewing the previous research of the selected authors dealing with sitting posture in school, an insight was gained into the effect of inadequate body postures on pupils’ health that could be used as guidance for new school furniture design.Tjelesni i psihički poremećaji koji se pojavljuju u djece školske dobi kao posljedica dugotrajnog sjedenja na nastavi jedan su od alarmantnih problema današnje civilizacije. Znanstvena i stručna literatura veliku pozornost pridaju uzrocima i pojavama poremećaja držanja tijekom sjedenja, poput mišićno-koštanih smetnji i bolova u leđima (engl. MSD/BP). Ta se pojava u učenika sve više povezuje i s oblikovanjem školskog namještaja. Ergonomski oblikovan školski namještaj, poglavito stolice i stolovi, jedan su od važnih preduvjeta ispravnog držanja tijela učenika tijekom školske nastave. Usprkos tome, pri oblikovanju namještaja nedovoljno se uzimaju u obzir ergonomski zahtjevi kao uvjet dobrog zdravlja i unapređenja učeničke motivacije i uspješnog učenja. Cilj rada jest pokazati utjecaj neodgovarajućega školskog namještaja na pojavu zdravstvenih tegoba i lošeg držanja učenika, i to na temelju pregleda znanstvene literature i dosadašnjih istraživanja te problematike. Rezultati obuhvaćaju usporedbu deset objavljenih članaka u razdoblju 2004. – 2017., a ta su istraživanja provedena u Finskoj, Grčkoj,Republici Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Nigeriji, Brazilu, Iranu, Belgiji, Velikoj Britaniji i Indiji. Korištene su različite baze podataka, uključujući Pub Med, Google znalac, Medline, Hrčak, Dabar, Science Direct i Science Citation Index. Proučavanjem dosadašnjih istraživanja izdvojenih autora koji su se bavili problematikom sjedenja u školi dobiven je uvid o utjecaju neodgovarajućeg položaja tijela na zdravlje učenika, što može poslužiti kao smjernica u oblikovanju novoga školskog namještaja

    Comparison between capacitive and resistive electronic transfer therapy and high-intensity laser therapy in pain conditions related to musculoskeletal disorders

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    Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) imply damage to muscular or skeletal systems, which usually develop due to strenuous, repetitive activity, or an inflammation process. The therapy with capacitive and resistive electronic transfer (CRet) and high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) have mainly been applied for pain relief in these conditions. This paper aims to provide an overview of the efficient results of CRet therapy and HILT in managing pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders found in the available literature. Methods: Articles related to musculoskeletal disorders were searched through electronic databases, such as PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Lilacs, Cochrane, Research Gate, and available website search tools. After excluding records that are not clinical trials and studies (such as review articles, patient information, and Ph.D. papers) and articles which did not deal with pain in musculoskeletal disorders, 61 articles met our criteria and were included in the overview. Results: By reviewing the selected articles related to CRet therapy and HILT effects on pain in musculoskeletal disorders, it was found that both therapies have a favorable effect on pain reduction. Conclusion: The selected papers showed that both therapies are powerful tools for pain reduction. Although there are no specific protocols, including the number and frequency of therapies applied and other parameters, in both therapy modalities, pain alleviation occurs during or immediately after a therapy cycle application

    Daily activities of employed persons with visual impairment

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    Introduction: The challenges faced by visually impaired people in their efforts to integrate themselves into the labor market and the general position of persons with disabilities, regarding their employment and social security, is extremely difficult. Employment is the best safeguard against social exclusion and one of the main ways to achieve a full involvement in the society of the visually impaired people.Methods: The research was conducted on a sample of 25 visually impaired people employed at “TMP” d.o.o. Sarajevo. The study was used as a cross-sectional survey method wherein data were collected through appropriate survey instruments, using a modified survey questionnaire.Results: Out of the total number of respondents, 48% are male and 52% are female. The majority of respondents use other persons’ assistance when moving (n = 16). The largest number of respondents had 100% visual impairment (n = 17). The majority of subjects have no strenuous physical activity. The largest number of respondents during the previous week walked for at least 10 minutes, in the sequence of all 7 days and was driven in motor vehicles. When doing household chores, 56% of respondents said they had no difficulty. The most common difficulties in recreation, sports and physical activity in leisure time, that were encountered by 32% of respondents, are poor sound signalling and difficulties of visual nature, though 68% of respondents said that they had no difficulty in their recreational activities.Conclusion: The daily activities of employed visually impaired persons have a positive impact on their quality of life. Various are occupations of visually impaired people that improve their quality of life

    Daily activities of working individuals with hearing and speech disabilities

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    Introduction Disability is one of the factors that can lead to social exclusion and poverty of individuals with hearing and speech impairment. This is due to the fact that individuals with disabilities are often underestimated, in terms of their work and social skills. The employment of people with disabilities represents a powerful mechanism for achieving full participation of the marginalized groups in all spheres of society. Methods The study included a total of 40 people with hearing and speech disabilities, out of which 16 individuals were employed at DES d.o.o. Sarajevo and 24 at SINKRO d.o.o. Sarajevo. A combination of three questionnaires was used for assessing daily activities and their impact on the quality of life (QoL) of the individuals with hearing and speech disabilities. Results In the total sample, there were 35% males and 65% females. Complete deafness was observed in the majority of participants (90%), while the rest had either moderate (7.5%) or mild (2.5%) hearing impairment. A higher number of participants used sign language as the means of communication, compared to manual alphabet. About 17.5% of the participants used a cochlear implant or a hearing aid. Most of the individuals lived with a spouse (70%), 20% lived with their parents, 7.5% lived independently, and 2.5% lived with a guardian. The majority of the participants who were married had a child (57.5%). The average Ferrans and Powers' Quality of Life Index (QLI) was 19.33, and the average value for total daily activities was 11.700 MET. The average value for the level of physical activity in males was M = 13716.5 and in females M = 10613.56 (p > 0.05). Conclusions Overall, we showed that daily activities have a positive effect on the QoL of working individuals with hearing and speech disabilities, i.e., the individuals who had a higher level of physical activity also had a higher QoL

    Quality of life of mothers who have children with developmental disabilities

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    Introduction: The primary source of strength and support is the child’s family. A special role in caring for a child with developmental disabilities is played by his mother. The objective of this research is to find out the assessment of the quality of life (QOL) of disabled children mothers as well as to research the relation of sociodemographic variables of the respondents, as specified in this study and estimate the quality of their life and health.Methods: The cross-sectional study was performed by the use of the descriptive-analytical method. In a targeted association of families which have children and persons with difficulties was conducted this research on a sample of 100 registered mothers. The research instrument was the standardized questionnaire for QOL, the World Health Organization QOL-BREF and the users’ records of the mothers in the association.Results: The average age of the respondents was M = 48. 01 ± 11. 68. About 62% of the respondents are married, 54% have a high school diploma, 67% are not employed, 68% of the respondents did not declare to have health problems, and among those who declared to have health problems, the most common disease was diabetes mellitus. The average number of household members was M = 3. 44 members. The number of the household members was significantly and positively related to the domain of social interaction (rs = 0. 219; p < 0. 05), the domain of the environment (rs = 0. 220; p < 0. 05) and to the general QOL (rs = 0. 227; p < 0. 05). The age of the respondents was significantly and positivelyrelated only to the environmental domain (rs = 0. 205; p < 0. 05). The respondents who drive a car showed a significantly higher level of QOL in the field of mental health (p = 0. 042) and the environment (p = 0. 005). Concerning mothers with higher incomes rate, their QOL was better in the following domains: Physical health (p = 0. 030), mental health (p = 0. 002), environment (p = 0. 000001), and general QOL (p = 0. 0002).Conclusion: The respondents with a larger number of household members, those who have the support of family members, who were without health problems, and who independently use own car for transportation, consider their QOL as being better. Therefore, a promotional – preventive program for improving the life quality of mothers of children and persons with disabilities should include accessible life in the community and the ability to recognize the unique needs of the entire family of children and persons with disabilities

    The frequency of the use of information and communication technologies in school age children and musculoskeletal disorders connected with their use

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    Introduction: information and communication technology (ICT) has multiplied its availability and use, resulting in enormous usage, especially among school-age children, who use it for an average of 7.5 hours per day. The amount of time adolescents spend in front of electronic screens has increased significantly between the ages of 10 and 14, but there are significant gender changes. For boys, this increase is 41.6 minutes per day, while for girls it is 22.7 minutes per day. Methods: The study is designed as an epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive-analytic, comparative study. The study will be conducted in the form of an online questionnaire on the Microsoft Forums platform during the period 12/15/2021 to 12/30/2021. Respondents were able to access the request for consent using a link and a QR code, which was previously signed by a parent/guardian giving consent for children to participate in this study. Results: The results of this study show that school-aged children generally use cell phones with a touch screen between 2 and 3 hours daily during the work week (39.2%) and TV (39.5%). Pain caused by ICT use in the past 12 months occurred mainly in the neck/shoulder area (42.4%), while pain in the previous month occurred mainly in the lower extremities (29.1%). Conclusion: Increased use of ICT devices was associated with higher levels of musculoskeletal symptoms. The higher pain burden in various body parts is of concern, and further research on the effects of ICT device use in adolescents is needed and warranted

    Adapted VTA and SIA method in tree static assessment with use of resistography

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    Background and Purpose: This paper introduces a method for assessment of static safety by using the combination of adapted VTA and SIA methods and a resistograph. The aim is to assess the static as reliably as possible and without the need for expensive equipment. The purpose of this paper is to propose amethod for the static assessment which could be applied in practice in the future. Materials and Methods: Seven trees in the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science (University of Zagreb) were selected for the assessment of vitality and static safety. It has been detected that those trees were affected by possible indicators of decreased vitality, such as fungi fruiting bodies on the root collar or trunk, dead branches, growthmalformations, burrs, dead bark etc. The selected trees were: Fagus sylvatica L. »Purpurea Tricolor«, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall, Acer pseudoplatanus L. »Leopoldii«, Fagus grandifolia Ehrh., Quercus petraea L., Quercus phellos L. and Salix alba L. The static stability of the said trees was assessed using a combination of the following three methods: i) adapted VTA (Visual Tree Assessment) method; ii) SIA (Static Integrated Assessment) method; iii) resistograph measurement using IML-Rezi F-300.The height of each treewasmeasured using the Vertex device, while their diameters were measured using a measuring band. The trees were examined for external symptoms indicating their vitality. The crowns were observed using the Pentax XCF (12x50) binoculars. Afterwards, based on the basic data on the trees, the minimum thickness of sound wood (SW) necessary to maintain the static safety was determined using a computer program. The obtained data were then used to determine the manner in which and the place where the diagnostic instruments shall be used. Results and Conclusions: Based on the knowledge of the subject trees and themeasurement of their diameters and heights, SW, as well as the basic safety of trees was determined using the SIA method which was 140% to 410%. For all selected trees, the required safety was 100%, so SWminimum requirement for intact wood ranged from4.4 cmfor themaple to 9.4 for the oak. The resistograph measurements of the 7 assessed trees established that four complied with the requirements, while the American ash, the white willow and the sessile oak were decided for cutting down. The decision was made based on the median measured values, which were below the threshold determined by the SIA method. The sessile oak demonstrated the highest non-compliance, since it scored only 37.0% of the value required for intact wood. The willow scored 48.7%, while the ash scored 62.5%. The results of the resistograph measurement were compared to the r/R ratio. Those results show that there was no difference between the two methods, although the weak point of r/R ratio could be clearl

    Effectiveness of physical treatment at De Quervain᾽s disease

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    <strong>Introduction:</strong> De Quervain᾽s disease is a stenosing tenosynovitis of common tendon sheath of abducktor policis longus and extensor policis brevis muscles. Due to the superficial positions it can easily lead to<br />mechanical injuries of tendons and their sheaths. The disease more often affects women over 40 years old and people with certain professions who intensively use hand and fingers in their daily work. Pathological<br />changes consist of sheath᾽s fibrous layer thickening. The clinical condition develops gradually with the pain of varying intensity. It is localized above the radial styloid process and radiates from the back side of the<br />thumb. The aim is to determine the efficacy of physical therapy at De Quervain᾽s disease.<br /><strong>Methods: T</strong>he study was conducted on 50 patients with De Quervain's disease who were reported to the CBR "Praxis" Sarajevo. With retrospective analysis the data was processed for the period from 01.01.2001. to 31.12.2011. year. Before the initiation of physical therapy assessment of functional status scored from 0 to 6 was performed. In the chronic phase physical therapy was performed, after which it underwent assessment of therapy success scores of 0-5. Criteria for inclusion in the study were patients with confirmed De Quervain's disease, patients of both sex and of all ages, and criterion for exclusion was non-compliance with<br />treatment protocols.<br /><strong>Results: </strong>In the CBR "Praxis" with De Quervain᾽s disease total of 50 patients were treated in that period, of which 34 women and 16 men. 38% of respondents received a score of 4, while 56% of patients at the end of<br />treatment received a score of 5.<br /><strong>Conslusion:</strong> Physical therapy and kinesiotherapeutical procedures have greatly contributed to the elimination of symptoms and consequences of De Quervainove disease

    Assessment of functional mobility of persons in the 3rd age of life after programmed therapeutic exercises

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    Introduction: Active aging is a process of optimizing of opportunities for health, participation, and safety to improve the quality of life as people age. Therapeutic exercises to strengthen muscles are especially important for the elderly, and the results of such exercises are positive in people with functional limitations. The aim of the study was to assess functional mobility of people in the 3rd age of life after programmed therapeutic exercises.Methods: The prospective study included two groups of 130 respondents over the age of 65 who came to the “Centre for Healthy Aging” in Novo Sarajevo in the period from September 1, 2014, until March 1, 2015. Using the time up and go test (TUG), the basic functional mobility was assessed and it represents the minimum time the respondent needs to get up from the armchair, walk a distance of three meters, turn around, and sit back in the armchair. We tested the respondents at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the study, which lasted for 6 months.Results: Analysis of the gender structure of the control and the test groups, using the Chi-square test, found a statistically significant difference, and in the test group, there were more female subjects than in the control group, χ2 = 50.620; p = 0.001. Analysis of the functional mobility of the respondents of the test groups using the TUG at the end of the study found that the respondents of the test group needed statistically significantly less time to perform the test (8.84 seconds) compared to the control group (9.59 seconds) and test Group B (9.41 seconds), F = 4.711; p = 0.041.Conclusion: Programmed therapeutic exercise leads to a significant improvement in functional mobility of persons in the 3rd age of life