3,117 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Multiuser Scheduling: Statistical Guarantees on Bursty Packet Loss

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    In this paper, we consider energy efficient multiuser scheduling. Packet loss tolerance of the applications is exploited to minimize average system energy. There is a constraint on average packet drop rate and maximum number of packets dropped successively (bursty loss). A finite buffer size is assumed. We propose a scheme which schedules the users opportunistically according to the channel conditions, packet loss constraints and buffer size parameters. We assume imperfect channel state information at the transmitter side and analyze the scheme in large user limit using stochastic optimization techniques. First, we optimize system energy for a fixed buffer size which results in a corresponding statistical guarantee on successive packet drop. Then, we determine the minimum buffer size to achieve a target (improved) energy efficiency for the same (or better) statistical guarantee. We show that buffer size can be traded effectively to achieve system energy efficiency for target statistical guarantees on packet loss parameters.Comment: Proc. Physcomnet in conjunction with WIOPT 201

    Novi steroidni derivati sintetizirani iz 3betha-hidroksiandrosten-17-ona

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    In this study, we synthesized some new substituted steroidal derivatives using 3betha-hydroxyandrosten-17-one (dehydroepiandrosterone) as starting material. The synthesized steroidal derivatives 1-11 were evaluated for their androgenic-anabolic activities compared to testosterone as positive control. Details of the synthesis, spectroscopic data and toxicity (LD50) of synthesized compounds are reported.U radu je opisana sinteza novih steroidnih derivata 1-11 koristeći 3betha-hidroksiandrosten-17-on (dehidroepiandrosteron) kao početnu supstanciju. Androgeno-anaboličko djelovanje tih spojeva uspoređivano je s djelovanjem testosterona kao pozitivnom kontrolom. Navode se detaljni sintetski postupci, spektroskopska karakterizacija i podaci o toksičnosti (LD50)

    Long-Lived Double-Barred Galaxies: Critical Mass and Length Scales

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    A substantial fraction of disk galaxies is double-barred. We analyze the dynamical stability of such nested bar systems by means of Liapunov exponents,by fixing a generic model and varying the inner (secondary) bar mass. We show that there exists a critical mass below which the secondary bar cannot sustain its own orbital structure, and above which it progressively destroys the outer (primary) bar-supporting orbits. In this critical state, a large fraction of the trajectories (regular and chaotic) are aligned with either bar, suggesting the plausibility of long-lived dynamical states when secondary-to-primary bar mass ratio is of the order of a few percent. Qualitatively similar results are obtained by varying the size of the secondary bar, within certain limits, while keeping its mass constant. In both cases, an important role appears to be played by chaotic trajectories which are trapped around (especially) the primary bar for long periods of time.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters (Vol. 595, 9/20/03 issue). Replaced by revised figure and corrected typo

    Delay-time optimization for driving and sensing of signals on high-capacitance paths of VLSI systems

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    Minimization of the delay times associated with driving and sensing signals from large capacitance paths by optimizing the fan-out factor of the driver stages, the gain of the input sensing stages, and the path voltage swing are examined. Examples of driving signals on a high capacitance path with two driving schemes are: a push-pull depletion-load driver chain and a fixed driver; and of sensing signals with two sensing schemes: a single-ended depletion-load inverter input stage and a balanced regenerative strobed latch are presented

    Corrosion mechanism and bioactivity of borate glasses analogue to Henchā€™s bioglass

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    Bioactive borate glasses (from the system Na2O-CaO-B2O3-P2O5) and corresponding glass-ceramics as a new class of scaffold material were prepared by full replacement of SiO2 with B2O3 in Hench patented bioactive glass. The prepared samples were investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The DTA data were used to find out the proper heat treatment temperatures for preparation of the appropriate glass-ceramics with high crystallinity. The prepared crystalline glass-ceramics derivatives were examined by XRD to identify the crystalline phases that were precipitated during controlled thermal treatment. The FTIR spectroscopy was used to justify the formation of hydroxyapatite as an indication of the bioactivity potential or activity of the studied ternary borate glasses or corresponding glass-ceramics after immersion in aqueous phosphate solution. The corrosion results are interpreted on the basis of suggested recent views on the corrosion mechanism of such modified borate glasses in relation to their composition and constitution
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