886 research outputs found

    On Markovian Cocycle Perturbations in Classical and Quantum Probability

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    We introduce Markovian cocycle perturbations of the groups of transformations associated with the classical and quantum stochastic processes with stationary increments, which are characterized by a localization of the perturbation to the algebra of events of the past. It is namely the definition one needs because the Markovian perturbations of the Kolmogorov flows associated with the classical and quantum noises result in the perturbed group of transformations which can be decomposed in the sum of a part associated with deterministic stochastic processes lying in the past and a part associated with the noise isomorphic to the initial one. This decomposition allows to obtain some analog of the Wold decomposition for classical stationary processes excluding a nondeterministic part of the process in the case of the stationary quantum stochastic processes on the von Neumann factors which are the Markovian perturbations of the quantum noises. For the classical stochastic process with noncorrelated increaments it is constructed the model of Markovian perturbations describing all Markovian cocycles up to a unitary equivalence of the perturbations. Using this model we construct Markovian cocyclies transformating the Gaussian state ρ\rho to the Gaussian states equivalent to ρ\rho .Comment: 27 page

    On tomographic representation on the plane of the space of Schwartz operators and its dual

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    It is shown that the set of optical quantum tomograms can be provided with the topology of Frechet space. In such a case the conjugate space will consist of symbols of quantum observables including all polynomials of the position and momentum operators.Comment: 9 page

    New multiplicativity results for qubit maps

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    Let Φ\Phi be a trace-preserving, positivity-preserving (but not necessarily completely positive) linear map on the algebra of complex 2×22 \times 2 matrices, and let Ω\Omega be any finite-dimensional completely positive map. For p=2p=2 and p4p \geq 4, we prove that the maximal pp-norm of the product map \Phi \ot \Omega is the product of the maximal pp-norms of Φ\Phi and Ω\Omega. Restricting Φ\Phi to the class of completely positive maps, this settles the multiplicativity question for all qubit channels in the range of values p4p \geq 4.Comment: 14 pages; original proof simplified by using Gorini and Sudarshan's classification of extreme affine maps on R^

    Entanglement-enhanced classical capacity of two-qubit quantum channels with memory: the exact solution

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    The maximal amount of information which is reliably transmitted over two uses of general Pauli channels with memory is proven to be achieved by maximally entangled states beyond some memory threshold. In particular, this proves a conjecture on the depolarizing channel by Macchiavello and Palma [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 65}, 050301(R) (2002)]. Below the memory threshold, for arbitrary Pauli channels, the two-use classical capacity is only achieved by a particular type of product states.Comment: 5 page