1 research outputs found

    The virtual learning environment for training in taking Papanicolaou test

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    Introduction: The use of information and communication technologies, facilitate educational processes, allowing interaction from different places and at different times, facilitating self-learning and collaborative learning. It has been incorporated into a health area and adopted by oncological centers in different countries. Objective: To design and evaluate an interactive Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in order to update, train and support of nursing staff, in the performance of the Pap test, in support of the National Plan for Cervical Cancer Prevention. Material and Method: A virtual learning environment was created, supported by the Moodle Learning Management System, following the methodological model of instructional design ADDIE. In addition, a usability test was carried out, using a Likert-type survey to assess ease of learning, satisfaction and attractiveness. Results: The content of the course was included in three main phases: (a) Course Introduction: to introduce the students to the course, the teaching profile is presented, the norms of the same and the form of evaluation are established. (b) Development of Learning Units: Made from learning objects. (c) Evaluation, discussion and sharing of points of view and solving problems. Conclusions: The virtual learning environment is adjusted to the specific needs of training in the technique of conventional pap smear test and meets the characteristics described in the literature: granulity, pedagogical flexibility, formalization, self-sustainability and usability.   Introducci贸n: El uso de tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n y comunicaci贸n facilitan los procesos educativos, permitiendo interacci贸n desde diferentes lugares y en tiempos diversos, facilitando el autoaprendizaje y aprendizaje colaborativo. Se ha incorporado en 谩mbito de salud y adoptado por centros oncol贸gicos en diferentes pa铆ses. Objetivo: Dise帽ar y evaluar un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje para la actualizaci贸n, capacitaci贸n y soporte de personal de enfermer铆a en la realizaci贸n de la prueba de Papanicolaou, en apoyo al plan nacional de prevenci贸n de c谩ncer de cuello uterino. Material y M茅todos: Se cre贸 un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje soportado por el Sistema de Gesti贸n de Aprendizaje Moodle, siguiendo el modelo metodol贸gico de dise帽o instruccional ADDIE. Adem谩s, se realiz贸 prueba de usabilidad, mediante encuesta tipo Likert para evaluar facilidad de aprendizaje, satisfacci贸n y atractividad. Resultados: Se incorpor贸 la tem谩tica del curso que abarca tres fases principales: (a) Introducci贸n al curso: para ubicar al estudiante en la asignatura, se presenta el perfil docente, se establecen las normas del mismo y la forma de evaluaci贸n. (b) Desarrollo de las Unidades de Aprendizaje: constituidas por objetos de aprendizaje y (c) Evaluaci贸n, discusi贸n y socializaci贸n de puntos de vista, resoluci贸n de problemas. Conclusiones: El ambiente virtual de aprendizaje se ajusta a las necesidades espec铆ficas de capacitaci贸n en la t茅cnica de toma de la prueba de Papanicolaou convencional y cumple con las caracter铆sticas descritas en la literatura: granulidad, flexibilidad pedag贸gica, formalizaci贸n, autocontenibilidad y usabilidad.&nbsp