163 research outputs found

    Potential prebiotic effect of whey protein and spent brewer yeast hydrolysates by enzymes of Cynara cardunculus extract

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    Biologically active peptides are of particular interest to food science and health since they have demonstrated beneficial physiological roles upon ingestion. These biopeptides can be released and/or activated in vivo during gastrointestinal digestion or otherwise via enzyme-mediated proteolysis throughout food processing. The survival of many bacterial species inhabiting the large bowel depends essentially on the substrates made available to them, most of which come directly from the diet. Some of these substrates can be selectively considered asprebiotics - which are nondigestible food ingredients that can stimulate beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli or bifidobacteria growth in the colon. Thus, the major objective of this research work was to study the potential prebiotic activity of peptide extracts obtained via hydrolysis of whey proteins from a mixture of milk (cow, ewe and goat) and spent brewer yeast extracts achieved by cardosins present in Cynara cardunculus aqueous extract. The strains tested were probiotic strains viz. Lactobacillus acidophillus Ki and Bifidobacterium lactisBb12 and Frutooligosacharides were used as positive control of prebiotic activity. From whey protein hydrolysates two fractions were tested, the ultrafitration permeate (PM >1000 Da and 20000 Da). Incorporation of the extracts in media without glucose did not produce such good results, but the better activity was obtained for the ultrafiltration permeate of whey hydrolyzate (>1000 and >20000 Da); this result was expected since both extracts stimulate mainly the bacterial growth through the nitrogen compounds: peptides and aminoacids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardiac venous arterialization in acute myocardial infarction: how great is the benefit?

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    Cardiac venous arterialization has been proposed as an alternative approach for myocardial revascularization in ischaemic heart disease. It is based on using the cardiac venous system to transport arterial blood from a systemic artery to infarcted myocardial areas. Our goal was to evaluate its benefit in reducing acute myocardial infarct size and its effects on cardiac performance. In a group of pigs, the left internal mammary artery was anastomosed to the left anterior descending vein; this vein was ligated proximally. The left anterior descending coronary artery was also occluded. Over 5 days, several diagnostic procedures were used to characterize and measure the extent of myocardial infarct, namely ECG, echocardiography, cardiac biomarkers and histopathology. Data were compared with those from a control group of pigs, which were submitted to ligation of only the left anterior descending coronary artery. In the experimental group, echocardiography revealed that the ejection fraction and thickness of the ventricular walls remained unchanged 4 days after surgery, in contrast to the major alterations in the control group. In fact, the ejection fraction in the control group decreased by 21% (P 0.2). This study reveals that selective cardiac venous arterialization can nourish the myocardium and is able to reduce infarct size by more than 50%, while protecting cardiac performance. We believe, therefore, that further investigation should be carried out into this technique in order for it to be considered as an option in coronary surgery

    Efeito de quito-oligosacarídeos modificados nas características físico-químicas e microbiológicas em uma bebida probiótica fermentada

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    The effect of the addition of chitooligosaccharides modified with glucose (COS-Glc), with potential prebiotic activity, on a smoothie beverage was evaluated during the storage. Two probiotic smoothie formulations made with probiotic yogurt (60%) and mango pulp (40%) were prepared, as follows: formulation F1 containing 2.0 % COS-Glc, and formulation F2 without the addition of COS-Glc (control). Commercial probiotic culture of Bifidobacterium lactis ssp. was used in both formulations. The products were evaluated for hygienic-sanitary quality, physicochemical composition, titratable acidity, syneresis, and bacteria viability (selective enumeration of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Bifidobacterium spp.) after one day of manufacture. The viability of the microorganisms, the hygienic-sanitary quality and the physicochemical characteristics (titratable acidity and syneresis) of the beverages were evaluated throughout 30 days of storage at 8 +/- 1 degrees C. The hygienic-sanitary quality was satisfactory, and the beverages were suitable for consumption. The addition of modified chitooligosaccharides to the probiotic beverage led to an increase in titratable acidity and syneresis. The formulation F1 presented significantly higher total solids, total dietary fiber, and carbohydrates when compared to F2. The addition of COS-Glc did not affect the viability of the probiotics in the beverage along with the storage, which remained within the recommended dose to exert its therapeutic effect. The combination of COS-Glc and probiotics can be an interesting tool to produce smoothie type dairy beverages without adversely affecting the characteristics of the product, besides conferring added value to the product due to the incorporation of an ingredient with potential prebiotic activity.O efeito da adição de quito-oligossacarídeos modificados com glucose (COS-Glc), com potencial atividade prebiótica em uma bebida smoothie foi avaliado durante a estocagem. Duas formulações de bebida probiótica foram elaboradas com iogurte probiótico (60%) e polpa de manga (40%), sendo a formulação F1 adicionada de 2,0% de COS-Glc e a formulação F2 (controle) sem COS-Glc. Uma cultura probiótica comercial (Bifidobacterium lactis ssp.) foi utilizada em ambas as formulações. Os produtos foram avaliados quanto à qualidade higiênico-sanitária, composição físico-química, acidez titulável, sinérese e viabilidade dos micro-organismos (contagem seletiva de Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus e Bifidobacterium spp.) após 1 dia de fabricação. Verificou-se a viabilidade dos microrganismos, a qualidade higiênico-sanitária e as características físico-químicas (acidez titulável e sinérese) das bebidas ao longo de 30 dias mantidas à 8 ± 1 °C. A qualidade higiênico-sanitária foi satisfatória e as bebidas se mostraram aptas para o consumo. A adição de quito-oligossacarídeos modificados na bebida probiótica favoreceu o aumento da acidez titulável e da sinérese. A formulação F1 apresentou valores significativamente superiores de sólidos totais, fibras totais e carboidratos quando comparados à F2. A adição de COS-Glc não afetou a viabilidade dos micro-organismos probióticos na bebida ao longo da estocagem, os quais permaneceram em doses recomendadas para exercer o efeito terapêutico. A combinação de COS-Glc e probióticos podem ser utilizados juntos para a produção de bebidas lácteas tipo smoothie sem afetar as caraterísticas do produto, conferindo ainda valor adicional ao produto devido a incorporação de um ingrediente com potencial atividade prebiótica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estimating the Glomerular Filtration Rate in Pediatric Patients With Neurogenic Bladder: A Comparison Between Creatinine- and Cystatin C-Equations

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    Background and objective Patients with neurogenic bladder (NB) are at a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). Due to their lower muscle mass, the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) based on creatinine (Cr) may be overestimated and delay the diagnosis of renal failure. This study compared eGFR calculated with different equations based on Cr and/or cystatin C (CysC) in children with NB, and the differences between patients with lower muscle mass (underdeveloped lower limbs) and those with independent gait (less muscle depletion). Methods We calculated the eGFR in pediatric patients with NB and CKD stages 1 and 2 by using the following equations: Chronic Kidney Disease in Children equation for serum creatinine (CKiD-Cr), CKiD-CysC, CKiD combined-Cr/CysC, Zappitelli-CysC, and Zappitelli combined-Cr/CysC. Results We evaluated a total of 47 patients, 74.5% with CKD stage 1, with a median age of 14.1 years. Of these participants, 59.6% had lipo/myelomeningocele. The CKiD-Cr and CysC-based equations led to significantly lower calculated eGFR ​​(p<0.05), specifically CKiD-CysC (p<0.001), Zappitelli-CysC (p<0.001), CKiD-Cr/CysC (p<0.001), and Zappitelli combined-Cr/CysC (p<0.05). When CKiD-CysC was used, 68% of the patients moved to a more advanced CKD stage. In patients without independent gait, with lower muscle mass (55.3%), the median eGFR calculated using the CKiD-Cr and CKiD combined-Cr/CysC equations was significantly higher (p<0.05). However, there were no differences between the two groups when using the other CysC-based equations. Conclusion In patients with NB and poor muscle mass, the CKiD-Cr equation may overestimate renal function. CysC-based equations seem more reliable in these patients, especially in those with greater muscular atrophy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Water content of pomegranate seeds subjected to storage and packaging periods

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    The worldwide demand for unconventional fruits, such as pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), has been growing due to their nutraceutical characteristics. Given the social and industrial importance of the crop, information about the seed storage conditions should be elucidated to technify its cultivation. The objective of this work was to evaluate, by determining the water content, the behavior of pomegranate seeds when stored in different periods and packages. The seeds were separated into 2 lots: seeds with sarcotesta and for another lot, seeds without sarcotesta. The storage periods used were: 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days, in 3 types of packaging (polyethylene, paper bags and glass bottles), which were stored in BOD at 5±0.2ºC and relative humidity 35±2%. After storage periods, the seed water content was evaluated. Throughout storage periods, polyethylene containers reduced the water content of seeds with and without sarcotesta. Paper bags did not preserve the water content of both types of pomegranate seeds. The water content of pomegranate seeds with and without sarcotesta was better conserved when glass containers were used for storage.The worldwide demand for unconventional fruits, such as pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), has been growing due to their nutraceutical characteristics. Given the social and industrial importance of the crop, information about the seed storage conditions should be elucidated to technify its cultivation. The objective of this work was to evaluate, by determining the water content, the behavior of pomegranate seeds when stored in different periods and packages. The seeds were separated into 2 lots: seeds with sarcotesta and for another lot, seeds without sarcotesta. The storage periods used were: 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days, in 3 types of packaging (polyethylene, paper bags and glass bottles), which were stored in BOD at 5±0.2ºC and relative humidity 35±2%. After storage periods, the seed water content was evaluated. Throughout storage periods, polyethylene containers reduced the water content of seeds with and without sarcotesta. Paper bags did not preserve the water content of both types of pomegranate seeds. The water content of pomegranate seeds with and without sarcotesta was better conserved when glass containers were used for storage

    Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) atividades de sensibilização para a vacinação

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    O Vírus do Papiloma Humano (HPV) é responsável por um elevado número de infeções, maioritariamente assintomáticas e de regressão espontânea. A prevenção desta infeção baseia-se sobretudo nos comportamentos adotados e fundamentalmente na vacinação, que deve ser efetuada de acordo com o Programa Nacional de Vacinação, ou consoante recomendação médica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Comunidade de Prática da Rede NÓS: Colaborando e Compartilhando Conhecimentos em Arranjos Produtivos Locais

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    As comunidades de prática (CoPs) surgem como uma forma de organização capaz de ativar o compartilhamento do conhecimento, estimular a aprendizagem, promover a disseminação de melhores práticas, incentivando, por exemplo, novas abordagens para a solução de problemas entre as pequenas empresas aglomeradas. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a história da CoP da Rede NÓS, focada no tópico Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL). A Rede Nós foi instituída pelo Banco Mundial e outras instituições parceiras nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, com o objetivo de promover a inclusão social, redução da pobreza e desenvolvimento local. Considerando que esta pesquisa se fundamenta no entendimento da aprendizagem numa perspectiva social, que remete a fenômenos como interação, troca de experiências e diálogo, procurou-se obter evidências empíricas do trabalho da CoP por meio da narração de histórias de seus membros. Os dados foram coletados durante o período de novembro de 2004 a maio de 2006, mediante relatórios das atividades de moderação de conhecimentos da CoP e dos relatos compartilhados on-line pelos participantes. A interpretação procedeu-se com base na articulação de um instrumento de análise da narrativa. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram a importância da CoP da Rede Nós para a geração, colaboração e compartilhamento do conhecimento sobre APLs, entre instituições do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, por meio da disseminação de práticas e experiências válidas para as referidas regiões, em prol do desenvolvimento local

    Licenciamento de pólos geradores de viagens no Brasil

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Resumo: &lt;/strong&gt;Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as bases normativas de um processo de licenciamento aplicável à instalação e funcionamento de Pólos Geradores de Viagens (PGV) no Brasil. O licenciamento de tais empreendimentos se enquadra como processo administrativo de outorga, ou seja, aquele que trata de licenciamento ambiental e licenciamento de atividades e exercício dos direitos, dentre outros. Os processos de licenciamento de PGV nos municípios de São Paulo e de Recife são apresentados e analisados à luz dos princípios de um processo administrativo.Abstract:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Abstract:&lt;/strong&gt; This paper presents the Brazilian framework applied to the procedures for issuing legal licences to the installation and operation of enterprises that attract and generate trips (PGV). These procedures are characterized as an administrative process and on the light of its principles the case studies of the municipalities of São Paulo and Recife are analyzed

    Nodal segments and zygotic embryos in culture media for the in vitro propagation of tamarind

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    There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts.There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts

    Enfermagem de Reabilitação no Brasil frente à situação de pandemia: Estudo de Caso

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    Rehabilitation nursing in Brazil is established, primarily, within the Specialized Rehabilitation Center, where nurses develop care actions to reach the maximum health potential of the user. In this context, the pandemic scenario causes multiple changes in the care process, influencing new ways of thinking about the nurse's work in this context. Therefore, the study aims to understand how rehabilitation nurses are experiencing the world pandemic scenario, answering the question "How is the reality of rehabilitation nursing in the state of Santa Catarina - Brazil facing the pandemic scenario?". For this, the research has a qualitative approach, outlined by the method of multiple case studies, showing the reality of five rehabilitation nurses in four rehabilitation centers in the state of Santa Catarina. From the data, three categories emerged, which describe how the preparations were made for the closure of services, how nursing reinvented itself in times of pandemic, what were the challenges and potential found in this trajectory and what is expected of the future. It is concluded that in view of the changes experienced by the rehabilitation nurses, each institution assumed a position that directly impacted the nurses' work process, being necessary to reinvent the way of caring and create mechanisms to share preventive measures in the midst of social isolation.La enfermería de rehabilitación en Brasil se establece, principalmente, dentro del Centro de Rehabilitación Especializada, donde las enfermeras desarrollan acciones de atención para alcanzar el máximo potencial de salud del usuario. En este contexto, el escenario de la pandemia provoca múltiples cambios en el proceso de atención, influyendo en nuevas formas de pensar sobre el trabajo de la enfermera en este contexto. Por lo tanto, el estudio tiene como objetivo comprender cómo las enfermeras de rehabilitación están experimentando el escenario de la pandemia mundial respondiendo a la pregunta "¿Cómo se enfrenta la realidad de la enfermería rehabilitadora en el estado de Santa Catarina - Brasil al escenario pandémico?". Para esto, la investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, delineado por el método de estudios de casos múltiples, que muestra la realidad de cinco enfermeras de rehabilitación en cuatro centros de rehabilitación en el estado de Santa Catarina. A partir de los datos, surgieron tres categorías, que describen cómo se hicieron los preparativos para el cierre de los servicios, cómo la enfermería se reinventó en tiempos de pandemia, cuáles fueron los desafíos y el potencial encontrados en esta trayectoria y qué se espera del futuro. Se concluye que en vista de los cambios experimentados por las enfermeras de rehabilitación, cada institución asumió una posición que impactó directamente el proceso de trabajo de las enfermeras, siendo necesario reinventar la forma de cuidar y crear mecanismos para compartir medidas preventivas en medio del aislamiento social.A enfermagem de reabilitação no Brasil é estabelecida, prioritariamente, dentro de Centro Especializados de Reabilitação, onde enfermeiros desenvolvem ações de cuidado para alcançar o potencial máximo de saúde do usuário. Nesse contexto, o cenário de pandemia provoca múltiplas alterações no processo de cuidar, influenciando novas maneiras de pensar o trabalho do enfermeiro. Logo, o estudo objetiva compreender como os enfermeiros de reabilitação estão vivenciando o cenário de pandemia mundial, respondendo à questão “Como está a realidade da enfermagem de reabilitação no estado de Santa Catarina - Brasil frente ao cenário de pandemia?”. Para isso a pesquisa possui abordagem qualitativa, delineada pelo método de estudos de casos múltiplos, evidenciando a realidade de cinco enfermeiros de reabilitação em quatro centros de reabilitação do estado de Santa Catarina. A partir dos dados emergiram três categorias, as quais descrevem como foram os preparos para o fechamento dos serviços, como a enfermagem se reinventou em tempos de pandemia, quais foram os desafios e potencialidades encontradas nessa trajetória e o que se espera do futuro. Conclui-se que diante às mudanças vivenciadas pelos enfermeiros de reabilitação, cada instituição assumiu um posicionamento que impactou diretamente o processo de trabalho dos enfermeiros, sendo necessário reinventar a forma de cuidar e criar mecanismos para compartilhar medidas de prevenção em meio ao isolamento social