1 research outputs found

    Bullying: Keys to its detection, prevention and psychoeducational intervention

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    El acoso escolar o bullying es un tipo de violencia escolar que ha recibido gran atenci贸n por parte de la comunidad cient铆fica, pero tambi茅n de las administraciones y otras organizaciones y organismos. Hoy sabemos que es un fen贸meno complejo con una naturaleza idiosincr谩tica que est谩 presente casi en la totalidad de centros educativos, pero no de forma generalizada. Tambi茅n se ha avanzado mucho en la identificaci贸n de los factores asociados a su implicaci贸n y, consecuentemente, en el dise帽o de pr谩cticas basadas en la evidencia para prevenirlo e intervenir ante 茅l. El presente cap铆tulo se dedica a hacer una s铆ntesis del estado del arte sobre este problema de violencia escolar atendiendo a las tres principales fases que se deben seguir para afrontarlo entre el alumnado adolescente: detecci贸n, prevenci贸n e intervenci贸n. En la detecci贸n, se diferenciar谩 de otras formas de violencia; en la prevenci贸n, se describir谩n los factores de riesgo y de protecci贸n asociados; y en la intervenci贸n, la diversidad de programas que se han desarrollado y su eficacia.Bullying is a type of school violence that has received a great deal of attention from the scientific community, but also from administrations and other organizations and bodies. We now know that it is a complex phenomenon with an idiosyncratic nature that is present in almost all schools, but not in a generalized way. Much progress has also been made in identifying its factors associated and, consequently, in designing evidence-based practices to prevent and intervene against it. This chapter is devoted to a synthesis of this problem of school violence, focusing on the three main phases that must be followed to tackle it among adolescent students: detection, prevention and intervention. In detection, it will be differentiated from other forms of violence; in prevention, the associated risk and protective factors will be described; and in intervention, the diversity of programmes that have been developed and their effectiveness