853 research outputs found

    Updating Singular Value Decomposition for Rank One Matrix Perturbation

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    An efficient Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm is an important tool for distributed and streaming computation in big data problems. It is observed that update of singular vectors of a rank-1 perturbed matrix is similar to a Cauchy matrix-vector product. With this observation, in this paper, we present an efficient method for updating Singular Value Decomposition of rank-1 perturbed matrix in O(n2 log(1ϵ))O(n^2 \ \text{log}(\frac{1}{\epsilon})) time. The method uses Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for updating singular vectors in O(n log(1ϵ))O(n \ \text{log} (\frac{1}{\epsilon})) time, where ϵ\epsilon is the precision of computation

    On the local cohomology modules deffined by a pair of ideals and serre subcategories

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    This paper is concerned about the relation between local cohomology modules defined by a pair of ideals and Serre classes of R-modules, as a generalization of results of J. Azami, R. Naghipour and B. Vakili (2009) and M. Asgharzadeh and M.Tousi (2010). Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I, J be two ideals of R and M be an R-module. Let a\in \~{W}(I; J) and t \in N_0 be such that Ext^t_R(R/a,M)\in S and Ext^j_R(R/a,H^i_I;J(M))\inS for all i =0. Then for any submodule N of H^t_I;J(M) such that Ext^1_R(R/a;N)\in,we obtain HomR(R=a;H^t_I;J(M)/N)\inS.Comment: 12 page

    Faltings' local-global principle for the in dimension <n\bf< n of local cohomology modules

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    The concept of Faltings' local-global principle for the in dimension <n< n of local cohomology modules over a Noetherian ring RR is introduced, and it is shown that this principle holds at levels 1, 2. We also establish the same principle at all levels over an arbitrary Noetherian ring of dimension not exceeding 3. These generalize the main results of Brodmann et al. in \cite{BRS}. Moreover, as a generalization of Raghavan's result, we show that the Faltings' local-global principle for the in dimension <n<n of local cohomology modules holds at all levels rNr\in \mathbb{N} whenever the ring RR is a homomorphic image of a Noetherian Gorenstein ring. Finally, it is shown that if MM is a finitely generated RR-module, a\frak a an ideal of RR and rr a non-negative integer such that atHai(M)\frak a^tH^i_{\frak a}(M) is in dimension <2< 2 for all i<ri<r and for some positive integer tt, then for any minimax submodule NN of Har(M)H^r_{\frak a}(M), the RR-module \Hom_R(R/\frak a, H^r_{\frak a}(M)/N) is finitely generated. As a consequence, it follows that the associated primes of Har(M)/NH^r_{\frak a}(M)/N are finite. This generalizes the main results of Brodmann-Lashgari \cite{BL} and Quy \cite{Qu}.Comment: To appear in Communications in Algebra. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1308.554

    On the Attached prime ideals of local cohomology modules defined by a pair of ideals

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    Let II and JJ be two ideals of a commutative Noetherian ring RR and MM be an RR-module of dimension dd. If RR is a complete local ring and MM is finite, then attached prime ideals of HI,Jd1(M)H^{d-1}_{I,J}(M) are computed by means of the concept of co-localization. Also, we illustrate the attached prime ideals of HI,Jt(M)H^{t}_{I,J}(M) on a non-local ring RR, for t=dimMt= \dim M and t=cd(I,J,M)t= cd(I,J,M).Comment: are welcome

    On graded local cohomology modules defined by a pair of ideals

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    Let R=nN0RnR = \bigoplus_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{0}} R_{n} be a standard graded ring, MM be a finite graded RR-module and JJ be a homogenous ideal of RR. In this paper we study the graded structure of the ii-th local cohomology module of MM defined by a pair of ideals (R+,J)(R_{+},J), i.e. HR+,Ji(M)H^{i}_{R_{+},J}(M). More precisely, we discuss finiteness property and vanishing of the graded components HR+,Ji(M)nH^{i}_{R_{+},J}(M)_{n}. Also, we study the Artinian property and tameness of certain submodules and quotient modules of HR+,Ji(M)H^{i}_{R_{+},J}(M).Comment: are welcome

    On top local cohomology modules, Matlis duality and tensor products

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    Let a\mathfrak{a} be an ideal of a local ring (R,m)(R, \mathfrak{m}) with c=cd(a,R)c = \mathrm{cd}(\mathfrak{a},R) the cohomological dimension of a\mathfrak{a} in RR. In the case that c=dimRc=\dim R, we first give a bound for depth~D(Hac(R))D(H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R)), where c>2c>2 and (R,m)(R,\mathfrak{m}) is complete. Later, Hac(R)RHac(R)H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R) \otimes_R H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R), D(Hac(R))RD(Hac(R))D(H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R)) \otimes_R D(H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R)) and Hac(R)RD(Hac(R))H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R) \otimes_R D(H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R)) are examined. In the case c=dimR1c=\dim R-1, the set AttRHac(R)_R H^c_\mathfrak{a}(R) is considered.Comment: 12 pages, This is the extended version of arXiv:1302.1274v1 and arXiv:1212.0245. accepted to appear in Journal of Algebra and Its Application

    On the associated prime ideals of local cohomology modules defined by a pair of ideals

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    Let II and JJ be two ideals of a commutative Noetherian ring RR and MM be an RR-module. For a non-negative integer nn it is shown that, if the sets \Ass_R(\Ext^{n} _{R}(R/I,M)) and \Supp_R(\Ext^{i}_{R}(R/I,H^{j}_{I,J} (M))) are finite for all in+1i \leq n+1 and all j<nj< n, then so is \linebreak\Ass_R(\Hom_{R}(R/I,H^{n}_{I,J}(M))). We also study the finiteness of \Ass_R(\Ext^{i}_{R}(R/I,H^{n}_{I,J} (M))) for i=1,2i=1,2.Comment: are welcome

    Some homological properties of ideals with cohomological dimension one

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    Let R denote a commutative Noetherian ring and let I be an ideal of R such that H_i^I(R) = 0, for all integers i greater than or equal to 2. In this paper we shall prove some results concerning the homological properties of I

    Upper bounds, cofiniteness, and artinianness of local cohomology modules defined by a pair of ideals

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    Let RR be a commutative noetherian ring, I,JI,J be two ideals of RR, MM be an RR-module, and S\mathcal{S} be a Serre class of RR-modules. A positive answer to the Huneke,^,s conjecture is given for a noetherian ring RR and minimax RR-module MM of krull dimension less than 3, with respect to S\mathcal{S}. There are some results on cofiniteness and artinianness of local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals. For a ZD-module MM of finite krull dimension and an integer nNn\in\mathbb{N}, if \lc^{i}_{I,J}(M)\in\mathcal{S} for all i>ni>n, then \lc^{i}_{I,J}(M)/\fa^{j}\lc^{i}_{I,J}(M)\in\mathcal{S} for any \fa\in\tilde{W}(I,J), all ini\geq n, and all j0j\geq0. By introducing the concept of Seree cohomological dimension of MM with respect to (I,J)(I,J), for an integer rN0r\in\mathbb{N}_0, \lc^{j}_{I,J}(R)\in\mathcal{S} for all j>rj>r iff \lc^{j}_{I,J}(M)\in\mathcal{S} for all j>rj>r and any finite RR-module MM.Comment: 13 page

    Relative Cohen-Macaulay filtered modules with a view toward relative Cohen-Macaulay modules

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    Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, a a proper ideal of R and M a finite R-module. It is shown that, if (R;m) is a complete local ring, then under certain conditions a contains a regular element on DR(Hc a(M)), where c = cd(a;M). A non-zerodivisor characterization of relative Cohen-Macaulay modules w.r.t a is given. We introduce the concept of relative Cohen-Macaulay filtered modules w.r.t a and study some basic properties of such modules. In paticular, we provide a non-zerodivisor characterization of relative Cohen-Macaulay filtered modules w.r.t a. Furthermore, a characterization of cohomological dimension filtration of M by the associated prime ideals of its factors is established. As a consequence, we present a cohomological dimension filtration for those modules whose zero submodule has a primary decomposition. Finally, we bring some new results about relative Cohen- Macaulay modules w.r.t a.Comment: 15 page