14 research outputs found

    L’approche par les compĂ©tences en AlgĂ©rie : de la thĂ©orie Ă  la pratique

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    Le MinistĂšre de l’Éducation Nationale algĂ©rien a recommandĂ© d’adopter l’approche par les compĂ©tences dĂšs 2002. Dans quelle mesure les documents thĂ©oriques institutionnels et les manuels de langue française sont-ils en conformitĂ© avec les fondements de cette approche ? Comment les enseignants reçoivent-ils et Ă©valuent-ils la rĂ©forme ? Cette derniĂšre a-t-elle eu les effets escomptĂ©s ? L’étude montre que la rĂ©forme semble rester au stade des intentions, entre autres, parce que les programmes et manuels vĂ©hiculent de nombreuses insuffisances et parce que les enseignants, qui n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© prĂ©parĂ©s Ă  celle-ci, la rejettent.The Algerian Ministry of National Education recommended adopting the competency-based approach as early as 2002. To what extent are the institutional theoretical documents and the French-language textbooks in conformity with the foundations of this approach ? How do teachers receive and evaluate reform ? Has the latter had the desired effects ? The study shows that the reform seems to remain at the stage of intentions, among others, because the programs and textbooks convey many shortcomings and because the teachers, who have not been prepared for it, reject it

    Pour une didactisation des nouvelles de Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement d’Assia Djebar

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    Notre rĂ©flexion porte globalement sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt de recourir aux productions littĂ©raires francophones d’auteurs algĂ©riens dans l’enseignement du français langue Ă©trangĂšre. Nous voulons, Ă  travers l’exemple des nouvelles du recueil Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement d’Assia Djebar, montrer que la didactisation des textes de ces auteurs peut s’avĂ©rer bĂ©nĂ©fique pour l’enseignement / apprentissage de la langue Ă©trangĂšre. Nous traitons d’abord de la problĂ©matique gĂ©nĂ©rale de la didactisation des textes d’auteurs algĂ©riens. Ensuite, nous l’inscrivons dans le cadre de la sĂ©quence didactique et du projet- apprenant. Enfin, nous formulerons des propositions quant Ă  l’utilisation de ces nouvelles pour le dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©tence plurilingue et pluriculturelle.Our thinking relates generally to the benefit of using French literary productions of Algerian writers in teaching French as a foreign language.We want, through the example of the short stories gathered in the book Women of Algiers in their apartment of Assia Djebar, to show that the didactization of the texts of these authors is essential and can be very beneficial. We first address the overall problem of didactization of Algerian author’s texts. Then we inscribe it in the context of teaching and learning sequence and project. We conclude with proposals to use the short stories for the development of multilingual and multicultural competence

    De la notion de « langue appliquée » : vers une nécessaire autonomie

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    Dans cette Ă©tude, nous comptons dĂ©montrer que les langues appliquĂ©es sont Ă  mĂȘme de constituer un sous-champ Ă  part entiĂšre de la didactique des langues. Or, jusqu’à prĂ©sent, les langues appliquĂ©es sont souvent assimilĂ©es Ă  des langues de spĂ©cialitĂ© ou des langues sur objectifs spĂ©cifiques. Pourtant, la notion mĂȘme de « langue appliquĂ©e » et l’examen du contenu des formations initiĂ©es pour leur enseignement/apprentissage montrent qu’il s’agit de formations spĂ©cifiques destinĂ©es Ă  des publics spĂ©cifiques. En comparant les principales formations en langues appliquĂ©es et les formations en langues de spĂ©cialitĂ© ou sur objectifs spĂ©cifiques, nous concluons ici mĂȘme Ă  l’émergence d’un nouveau sous-champ de la didactique et Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de l’apprĂ©hender dans son autonomie.In this study we intend to demonstrate that applied languages are able to constitute a complete subfield of language didactics. However, until now, applied languages are often treated as Language​s Specialties (LS) or as Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP). Yet, the notion of "applied language(s) to
" and the examination of the course features aiming at their teaching/learning shows that we are dealing with specific training for specific audiences. The comparison of the main features of language training courses with those applied in specialized languages or languages for specific purposes leads to conclude, here, that we are witnessing the emergence of a new sub-field of didactics, which must necessarily be considered as independent

    La valeur d’applicabilitĂ© d’une thĂ©orie linguistique. L’exemple des temps, des modes et des aspects du systĂšme verbal français

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    The contribution of linguistics to the teaching of French as a foreign language is one of the remedial solutions to overcome the inadequacies of grammar in French as a foreign language. The example of the times, modes and aspects of the French verbal system has been the subject of this article which exploits these different difficulties of grammar. This will rely on certain linguistic theories, via the value of applicability of Marie Eve Damar (2009), to bring remedies to the problems posed by this fact of language. We proceed initially to identify the different inconsistencies of three grammars, then we analyze three linguistic theories that relate to the verbal system. This tool will allow us to use one of the theories or criteria to identify remedial approaches to the didacticalization of the verb in FLE classroom


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    L’apport de la linguistique Ă  l’enseignement du français langue Ă©trangĂšre reprĂ©sente l’une des solutions remĂ©diative pour pallier les insuffisances de la grammaire en classe de FLE. L’exemple des temps, des modes et des aspects du systĂšme verbal français a fait l’objet de cet article qui exploite ces diffĂ©rentes difficultĂ©s de la grammaire. Celle-ci va s’appuyer sur certaines thĂ©ories linguistiques, via la valeur d’applicabilitĂ© de Marie Ève Damar (2009 a, b), pour apporter des remĂ©diations aux problĂšmes posĂ©s par ce fait de langue. Nous dĂ©gagerons, dans un premier temps, les diffĂ©rences entre trois grammaires, puis nous analysons trois thĂ©ories linguistiques qui portent sur le systĂšme verbal. Cet outil va nous permettre d’exploiter l’une des thĂ©ories ou l’un des critĂšres pour cerner des pistes remĂ©diative Ă  la didactisation du verbe en classe de FLE

    Pour une didactisation des nouvelles de Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement d’Assia Djebar

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    Our thinking relates generally to the benefit of using French literary productions of Algerian writers in teaching French as a foreign language.We want, through the example of the short stories gathered in the book Women of Algiers in their apartment of Assia Djebar, to show that the didactization of the texts of these authors is essential and can be very beneficial. We first address the overall problem of didactization of Algerian author’s texts. Then we inscribe it in the context of teaching and learning sequence and project. We conclude with proposals to use the short stories for the development of multilingual and multicultural competence

    L’approche par les compĂ©tences en AlgĂ©rie : de la thĂ©orie Ă  la pratique

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    The Algerian Ministry of National Education recommended adopting the competency-based approach as early as 2002. To what extent are the institutional theoretical documents and the French-language textbooks in conformity with the foundations of this approach ? How do teachers receive and evaluate reform ? Has the latter had the desired effects ? The study shows that the reform seems to remain at the stage of intentions, among others, because the programs and textbooks convey many shortcomings and because the teachers, who have not been prepared for it, reject it

    De la notion de « langue appliquée » : vers une nécessaire autonomie

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    In this study we intend to demonstrate that applied languages are able to constitute a complete subfield of language didactics. However, until now, applied languages are often treated as Language​s Specialties (LS) or as Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP). Yet, the notion of "applied language(s) to
" and the examination of the course features aiming at their teaching/learning shows that we are dealing with specific training for specific audiences. The comparison of the main features of language training courses with those applied in specialized languages or languages for specific purposes leads to conclude, here, that we are witnessing the emergence of a new sub-field of didactics, which must necessarily be considered as independent

    Analyse sociodidactique des évaluations internationales inspirées du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues

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    Notre Ă©tude s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une sociodidactique qui prend en considĂ©ration la diversitĂ© des contextes et des cultures Ă©ducatives – et par extension des cultures d’évaluation – qui les caractĂ©risent. Elle porte sur la prise en compte des spĂ©cificitĂ©s des contextes Ă©trangers dans les Ă©valuations internationales qui s’inspirent du Cadre EuropĂ©en Commun de RĂ©fĂ©rence pour les Langues (C.E.C.R.), et sur les retombĂ©es des cultures d’évaluation concernant des candidats vivant dans des contextes gĂ©ographiques, culturels et Ă©ducatifs diffĂ©rents de ceux des concepteurs de ces Ă©valuations sur les rĂ©sultats qu’ils obtiennent. La premiĂšre partie montre que plusieurs des descripteurs de l’échelle des niveaux de compĂ©tences proposĂ©e dans le C.E.C.R. suggĂšrent la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la prise en compte de l’environnement immĂ©diat de l’apprenant/usager de la langue Ă©trangĂšre. La deuxiĂšme partie montre que ce principe ne semble pas ĂȘtre suffisamment respectĂ© par les concepteurs des Ă©preuves des DELF et DALF, et elle met en Ă©vidence quelques-unes des difficultĂ©s auxquelles pourraient faire face ceux qui les subissent, quand ils ne sont pas europĂ©ens, voire français. Nos expĂ©rimentations nous conduisent Ă  conclure, d’une part, que ces difficultĂ©s dĂ©coulent essentiellement de la nature des consignes et des thĂ©matiques, et, d’autre part, que les contraintes qui en rĂ©sultent dĂ©savantagent les publics qui ne connaissent pas la France et sa culture et remettent en question partiellement la fiabilitĂ© et l’équitĂ© de ces Ă©valuations.Our study is part of a socio-didactic research that considers the diversity of contexts and of the educational cultures – and by extension of the evaluation cultures – that characterize them. It focuses on taking into account the specificities of foreign contexts in the international evaluations based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (C.E.F.R.), and on the impacts of these evaluation cultures on the results obtained by candidates who live in geographical, cultural and educational contexts different from those of the designers of these evaluations. The first part shows that several of the descriptors of the scale of competency levels proposed in the C.E.F.R. suggest the need to take into account the immediate environment of the foreign language learner/user. The second part reveals that this principle does not seem to be sufficiently considered by the designers of the DELF and DALF tests, and highlights some of the difficulties faced by those who take those tests when they are not European, if not French. Our experiments lead us to conclude, on the one hand, that these difficulties stem essentially from the nature of the tests’ instructions and themes and, on the other hand, that the resulting constraints penalize in particular those who do not know France and its culture and, in part, call into question the reliability and fairness of these assessments

    Faciliter l’acculturation Ă  l’écriture universitaire des Ă©tudiants de licence de français en AlgĂ©rie : genres discursifs et rapport Ă  l’écrit

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    For several reasons specific to the Algerian context, including the transition from Arabic to French language of instruction, the university entrance leads to a methodological break, discursive, linguistic and cognitive. Facilitating this transition requires an “intellectual affiliation”. That would, among other things, aim to compare the characteristics of pre-university and university speech, to identify students’ problems, as well as their representations and relationship to writing; the overall aim being to consider possible pathways that would facilitate the acculturation to academic discourse. By reference to the genres, this article allows to link academic programs and disciplinary practices, with the aim to renew curricula