7 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to assess post-partum elevated nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β hydroxybutyrate (BHB), considered either togetheror separately,relative to the estrus cyclicity and first service pregnancy status of cows and their association withbody condition scores and some metabolites.Blood samples from 50 Montbéliarde dairy cowswere collected from 15 to 52 DIMto measure serum  BHB, NEFA,glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), γ-glutamyltransferase (γGT), calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium;and progesterone concentrations.Body condition score (BCS) was assessed at calving and at each time when blood samples were taken.Cows were considered as having post-partum elevated NEFA (H-NEFA) concentration if the concentration was≥0.70 mM and post-partum elevated BHB (H-BHB) concentration if the concentration was≥1.20 mM at 30 DIM. Overall, 93.33 % of cows having an elevated BHB show an elevated of NEFA and 51.61% of cows having an elevated NEFA have not an elevated BHB. Indeed, considering postpartum elevated NEFA as a predictor of sub-clinical ketotic cows can overrateresults. Whereas, considering postpartum elevated BHB as a predictor of cows with NEB can underestimate results. Excessive BCS at calving results in increasing the risk of post-partum elevated BHB. Cholesterol, triglycerides, AST, ALT, and urea were increased in cows having elevated BHB and NEFA compared with those having elevated NEFA only or healthy cows. Further, the risk of estrus cyclicity and pregnancy rate at first insemination (P/AI) was decreased in cows having both elevated BHB and NEFA or NEFA only


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    The aim of this work is to highlight the influence of variations of some energy balance indicators on the ovarian reaction to superovulation treatment. A three day superovulation protocol was implemented in five cows. Glycemia, BHB (β-hydroxybutyrate), NEFA (non-esterified fatty acids) and body condition score (BCS) were monitored before and during treatment. The ovarian reaction was assessed by estimating the number of corpora lutea. All biochemical parameters underwent variations at one time or another during the protocol. Maximum concentrations of 2.2 mmol/l, 1.01 g/l, 1.36 mmol/l were recorded respectively for BHB, glycemia and NEFA. Despite the lack of correlation between these parameters and the number of corpora lutea, the assays demonstrated a mobilization of body reserves in all the cows which caused a negative energy balance. Our results show that the parameters studied can support clinical data in the selection of embryo donor cows and serve as a discriminatory factor for those with a negative energy balance

    Studija učinka antibiotika i simbiotika na kvalitetu sperme putem sustava računalno potpomognute analize sperme

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    The objective of the current work was to study in vitro sperm quality after antibiotics and symbiotic administration and to evaluate treatment administered before insemination with the aim of reducing artificial insemination failures in goats. This experimental study was carried out at the Animal Reproduction Biotechnology Laboratory (Blida, Algeria). Semen analysis was performed using the Computer-assisted sperm analysis system. In the first experimental approach, we used the antibiotics most commonly administered in the veterinary field for the treatment of subclinical endometritis. A total of eight antibiotics were studied. Each antibiotic tested was co-incubated with frozen goat semen brought from the Centre for Artificial Insemination and Genetic Improvement. For the second experimental approach, we incubated semen with a symbiotic (Symbiovéba). Finally, we selected two antibiotics among those used, namely colistin and cotrimoxazole, and these were co-incubated with the symbiotic and the semen, to examine possible combinations of antibiotics with symbiotics in the treatment and prevention of uterine infections (broad spectrum synergistic activity). Antibiotics have been shown to have a detrimental effect on the sperm cell, by decreasing sperm motility. The average value calculated on all antibiotics was 18% (as opposed to initial motility of 78% in the control group), with an alteration of the linear speed that would have a negative impact on fertilization. On the other hand, symbiotics had a beneficial effect on spermatozoa motility and vitality. The combination of the symbiotic and colistin proved to be very promising. In conclusion, the use of symbiotics in the treatment of subclinical endometriosis at the time of goat insemination is beneficial, and requires greater attention in future research.Cilj je ovoga rada bio proučiti in vitro kvalitetu sperme nakon dodavanja antibiotika i simbiotika te procijeniti terapiju danu nedugo prije osjemenjivanja da bi se smanjio broj neuspješnosti umjetnih osjemenjivanja (AI) u koza. Naša eksperimentalna studija provedena je u Laboratoriju za asistiranu reprodukciju životinja (Blida, Alžir). Analiza sjemena provedena je sustavom računalno potpomognute analize sperme (CASA). Za prvi eksperimentalni pristup rabili smo antibiotike koji se najčešće daju u veterini za liječenje subkliničkog endometritisa (SCE), a proučeno je ukupno osam antibiotika. Svaki ispitani antibiotik bio je koinkubiran sa zamrznutim sjemenom koza iz Centra za umjetno osjemenjivanje i genetsko poboljšanje (CNIAAG). Za drugi pristup koinkubirali smo spermu sa simbiotikom (Symbiovéba). Na kraju smo izabrali dva antibiotika među onima rabljenima - kolistin i kotrimoksazol. Da bismo pokušali pronaći moguću kombinaciju antibiotika sa simbioticima u liječenju i prevenciji infekcije maternice (široki spektar sinergizirane aktivnosti) koinkubirali smo ih sa simbiotikom i sjemenom. Pokazalo se da antibiotici imaju negativan učinak na spermije jer su prouzročili smanjenje njihove pokretljivosti. Prosječna izračunata vrijednost na svim antibioticima bila je 18 % (početna pokretljivost kontrolne skupine bila je 78 %) te promjena linearne brzine koja bi imala negativan učinak na oplodnju, dok su simbiotici su imali blagotvorni učinak na pokretljivost i vitalnost sperme. Kombinacija simbiotika i kolistina bila je vrlo obećavajuća što znači, da je uporaba simbiotika u liječenju subkliničkog endometritisa (SCE) u vrijeme umjetnog osjemenjivanja koza korisna, ali ju je potrebno i dalje pratiti i istraživati

    Probiotički učinak na mobilizaciju tjelesnih rezervi u kasnoj gravidnosti koza

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    This study was carried out to evaluate a probiotic effect on the mobilisation of body reserves in goats towards the end of gestation by measuring ketone body production in blood and calculating the body condition score (BCS). Ketone body production was monitored by measuring the betahydroxybutyrate BHB levels in the blood using a portable kit (PRECISION XTRA Blood ketone test). The results revealed that the use of the probiotic SYMBIOVEBA® (association of Saccharomyces cervicae and Lactobacillus) did not decrease the formation of blood BHB in goats, and therefore did not decrease mobilization of the body reserves of goats in late pregnancy.Ova je studija provedena da bi se procijenio probiotički učinak na mobilizaciju tjelesnih rezervi koza na kraju njihove gravidnosti, uzimajući u obzir proizvodnju ketonskih tijela u krvi i ocjenu tjelesne kondicije (BCS). Proizvodnja ketonskih tijela praćena je mjerenjem razina betahidroksibutirata (BHB) u krvi uporabom prijenosnog kompleta (PRECISION XTRA test za ketone u krvi). Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da uporaba probiotika SYMBIOVEBA® (kombinacija Saccharomyces cervicae i lactobacillus) nije smanjila formiranje BHB-a u krvi koza te time nije smanjila mobilizaciju njihovih tjelesnih rezervi u kasnoj gravidnosti

    Body condition score, some nutritional parameters in plasma, and subsequent reproductive performance of Montbéliarde cows in Algeria

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships among body condition score (BCS) and plasma metabolite concentrations, and subsequent reproductive performance of Montbéliarde cows in Algeria. The study was conducted in two commercial dairy farms in Tizi-Ouzou area. Blood samples were collected from 50 Montbéliarde dairy cows at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks postpartum to measure serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose, total cholesterol, urea nitrogen, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), γ-glutamyltransferase (γGT), calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and progesterone. Body condition score (BCS) was assessed at calving and at each time when blood samples were taken. Resumption of postpartum cyclicity was evaluated by progesterone concentrations (≥1 ng/mL) at 4, 6, and 8 weeks postpartum. Increased BHBA, NEFA and glucose concentrations were associated with a lower probability of ovarian activity resumption (ROA) and pregnancy at first insemination (P/1-AI). However, concentrations of plasma cholesterol, AST, ALT, TG and total protein were positively associated with ROA. In addition, increased BHBA and sodium were associated with increased of time to conception. Moreover, decreased Mg concentrations were associated with increasing of time from calving to first insemination. No significant effect was seen between BCS at calving and BCS loss on P/1-AI. So balanced nutrition and reproduction management can ameliorate reproductive performance