305 research outputs found

    Influence in Classification via Cooperative Game Theory

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    A dataset has been classified by some unknown classifier into two types of points. What were the most important factors in determining the classification outcome? In this work, we employ an axiomatic approach in order to uniquely characterize an influence measure: a function that, given a set of classified points, outputs a value for each feature corresponding to its influence in determining the classification outcome. We show that our influence measure takes on an intuitive form when the unknown classifier is linear. Finally, we employ our influence measure in order to analyze the effects of user profiling on Google's online display advertising.Comment: accepted to IJCAI 201

    A Methodology for Information Flow Experiments

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    Information flow analysis has largely ignored the setting where the analyst has neither control over nor a complete model of the analyzed system. We formalize such limited information flow analyses and study an instance of it: detecting the usage of data by websites. We prove that these problems are ones of causal inference. Leveraging this connection, we push beyond traditional information flow analysis to provide a systematic methodology based on experimental science and statistical analysis. Our methodology allows us to systematize prior works in the area viewing them as instances of a general approach. Our systematic study leads to practical advice for improving work on detecting data usage, a previously unformalized area. We illustrate these concepts with a series of experiments collecting data on the use of information by websites, which we statistically analyze

    Operation and Control of DC Microgrid

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    Power harnessing technology from the renewable energy resources has been developed over the past two decades. This technology enabled us to integrate renewable energy-based power generation to the conventional electric power grid. This study aims to improve the dynamic response and the load regulation using improved control strategies of the dc converters used to interface utility and renewable energy-based power generation. The power sharing between multiple dc microgrids/ac-dc microgrids is also investigated

    Voice over IP

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    The area that this thesis covers is Voice over IP (or IP Telephony as it is sometimes called) over Private networks and not over the Internet. There is a distinction to be made between the two even though the term is loosely applied to both. IP Telephony over Private Networks involve calls made over private WANs using IP telephony protocols while IP Telephony over the Internet involve calls made over the public Internet using IP telephony protocols. Since the network is private, service is reliable because the network owner can control how resources are allocated to various applications, such as telephony services. The public Internet on the other hand is a public, largely unmanaged network that offers no reliable service guarantee. Calls placed over the Internet can be low in quality, but given the low price, some find this solution attractive. What started off as an Internet Revolution with free phone calls being offered to the general public using their multimedia computers has turned into a telecommunication revolution where enterprises are beginning to converge their data and voice networks into one network. In retrospect, an enterprise\u27s data networks are being leveraged for telephony. The communication industry has come full circle. Earlier in the decade data was being transmitted over the public voice networks and now voice is just another application which is/will be run over the enterprises existing data networks. We shall see in this thesis the problems that are encountered while sending Voice over Data networks using the underlying IP Protocol and the corrective steps taken by the Industry to resolve these multitudes of issues. Paul M. Zam who is collaborating in this Joint Thesis/project on VoIP will substantiate this theoretical research with his practical findings. On reading this paper the reader will gain an insight in the issues revolving the implementation of VoIP in an enterprises private network as well the technical data, which sheds more light on the same. Thus the premise of this joint thesis/project is to analyze the current status of the technology and present a business case scenario where an organization will be able to use this information

    Modular covariance and uniqueness of JTˉJ\bar{T} deformed CFTs

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    We study families of two dimensional quantum field theories, labeled by a dimensionful parameter μ\mu, that contain a holomorphic conserved U(1)U(1) current J(z)J(z). We assume that these theories can be consistently defined on a torus, so their partition sum, with a chemical potential for the charge that couples to JJ, is modular covariant. We further require that in these theories, the energy of a state at finite μ\mu is a function only of μ\mu, and of the energy, momentum and charge of the corresponding state at μ=0\mu=0, where the theory becomes conformal. We show that under these conditions, the torus partition sum of the theory at μ=0\mu=0 uniquely determines the partition sum (and thus the spectrum) of the perturbed theory, to all orders in μ\mu, to be that of a μJTˉ\mu J\bar T deformed conformal field theory (CFT). We derive a flow equation for the JTˉJ\bar{T} deformed partition sum, and use it to study non-perturbative effects. We find non-perturbative ambiguities for any non-zero value of μ\mu, and comment on their possible relations to holography.Comment: Minor corrections, comments adde

    Parallel Jacket Transformation in Multi-Mesh Network

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    In this paper a parallel algorithm for Jacket transform is proposed in multi mesh architecture having n4 processing elements. Multi mesh architecture is formed by collection of meshes having n × n structure. These meshes are arranged in n rows and n columns. In this paper, in place generation of the Jacket matrix elements in multi mesh of size n4 processors has been presented, which is then followed by an algorithm for the Jacket transformation. This parallel algorithm for Jacket transformation of vector of length N has been proposed with O (log ?N)) addition time and O (?N) data movement time

    A Review on the epidemiology and characteristics of COVID-19

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    In December 2019, there was a health emergency worldwide named novel coronavirus or COVID-19 by the world health organization (WHO). It originated from the Wuhan seafood market, Hubei Province, China. Till now Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 or SARS-CoV-2 spread over 216 countries with 177,108,695 confirmed cases and 3,840,223 confirmed death cases has been reported (5:31 pm CEST, 18 June 2021; WHO). Analyzing the risk factor of this pandemic situation, different government health organizations of all the countries including WHO are taking several preventive measures with ongoing research works, even the vaccination process started. In this study, we tried to analyze all the available information on pandemic COVID-19, which includes the origin of COVID-19, pathogenic mechanism, transmission, diagnosis, treatment, and control-preventive measures, also the additional treatment and prevention taken by the Indian government is being studied here
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