21 research outputs found
La corruzione amministrativa in una burocrazia di tipo concorrenziale: modelli di analisi economica.
L'articolo esamina la corruzione amministrativa in una burocrazia strutturata con funzionari a giurisdizioni sovrapposte. L'analisi viene condotta ricorrendo a modelli della domanda e dell'offerta delle prestazioni fornite dai funzionari dietro versamento di tangenti. La diffusione della corruzione ed i possibili equilibri vengono poi esaminati per mezzo di modelli che introducono possibili diverse distribuzioni statistiche dei costi di corruzione per i singoli funzionari.
Proprieta' intellettuale ed industria farmaceutica: Ricerche nel campo della proprieta' intellettuale dei farmaci
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the complez relationship between Intellectual Property (IP) and Pharmaceutical Industry. Chapter 1 introduces the main issues of Intellectual Property, Innovation and Scientific Research. Chapter 2 surveys alternative measures to the protection of IP, such as public subsidies for research and innovation and public purchase of intellectual property rights. Chapter 3 analyzes different incentives for innovation on the demand side. Chapter 4 deals with the peculiar characters of the innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry . Chapter 5 analyzes alternatives incentives on the supply side. Chapter 6 studies incentives schemes on the demand side for the Pharmaceutical Industry . Chapter 7 summarizes some tentative conclusive remarks and set an agenda for future research.
VERT-X: VERTical X-ray raster-scan facility for ATHENA calibration. The concept design
Calibration of the ATHENA telescope is a critical aspect of the project and raises significant difficulties due to the unprecedented size, mass and focal length of the mirror assembly. The VERT-X project, financed by ESA and started in January 2019 by a Consortium led by INAF and which includes EIE, Media Lario Technologies, GPAP, and BCV Progetti, aims to design an innovative calibration facility. In the VERT-X design the parallel beam, needed for calibration, is produced placing a source in the focus of an X-ray collimator. This system is mounted on a raster-scan mechanism which covers the entire ATHENA optics. The compactness of the VERT-X design allows a vertical geometry for the ATHENA calibration facility, with several potential benefits with respect to the long horizontal tube calibration facilities