15 research outputs found

    Characterization, Classification, and Genesis of Seismocardiographic Signals

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    Seismocardiographic (SCG) signals are the acoustic and vibration induced by cardiac activity measured non-invasively at the chest surface. These signals may offer a method for diagnosing and monitoring heart function. Successful classification of SCG signals in health and disease depends on accurate signal characterization and feature extraction. In this study, SCG signal features were extracted in the time, frequency, and time-frequency domains. Different methods for estimating time-frequency features of SCG were investigated. Results suggested that the polynomial chirplet transform outperformed wavelet and short time Fourier transforms. Many factors may contribute to increasing intrasubject SCG variability including subject posture and respiratory phase. In this study, the effect of respiration on SCG signal variability was investigated. Results suggested that SCG waveforms can vary with lung volume, respiratory flow direction, or a combination of these criteria. SCG events were classified into groups belonging to these different respiration phases using classifiers, including artificial neural networks, support vector machines, and random forest. Categorizing SCG events into different groups containing similar events allows more accurate estimation of SCG features. SCG feature points were also identified from simultaneous measurements of SCG and other well-known physiologic signals including electrocardiography, phonocardiography, and echocardiography. Future work may use this information to get more insights into the genesis of SCG

    An Adaptive Feature Extraction Algorithm for Classification of Seismocardiographic Signals

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    This paper proposes a novel adaptive feature extraction algorithm for seismocardiographic (SCG) signals. The proposed algorithm divides the SCG signal into a number of bins, where the length of each bin is determined based on the signal change within that bin. For example, when the signal variation is steeper, the bins are shorter and vice versa. The proposed algorithm was used to extract features of the SCG signals recorded from 7 healthy individuals (Age: 29.4±\pm4.5 years) during different lung volume phases. The output of the feature extraction algorithm was fed into a support vector machines classifier to classify SCG events into two classes of high and low lung volume (HLV and LLV). The classification results were compared with currently available non-adaptive feature extraction methods for different number of bins. Results showed that the proposed algorithm led to a classification accuracy of ~90%. The proposed algorithm outperformed the non-adaptive algorithm, especially as the number of bins was reduced. For example, for 16 bins, F1 score for the adaptive and non-adaptive methods were 0.91±\pm0.05 and 0.63±\pm0.08, respectively

    Grouping Similar Seismocardiographic Signals Using Respiratory Information

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    Seismocardiography (SCG) offers a potential non-invasive method for cardiac monitoring. Quantification of the effects of different physiological conditions on SCG can lead to enhanced understanding of SCG genesis, and may explain how some cardiac pathologies may affect SCG morphology. In this study, the effect of the respiration on the SCG signal morphology is investigated. SCG, ECG, and respiratory flow rate signals were measured simultaneously in 7 healthy subjects. Results showed that SCG events tended to have two slightly different morphologies. The respiratory flow rate and lung volume information were used to group the SCG events into inspiratory/expiratory groups or low/high lung-volume groups, respectively. Although respiratory flow information could separate similar SCG events into two different groups, the lung volume information provided better grouping of similar SCGs. This suggests that variations in SCG morphology may be due, at least in part, to changes in the intrathoracic pressure or heart location since those parameters correlates more with lung volume than respiratory flow. Categorizing SCG events into different groups containing similar events allows more accurate estimation of SCG features, and better signal characterization, and classification

    Seismocardiographic Signal Timing with Myocardial Strain

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    Speckle Tracking Echocardiography (STE) is a relatively new method for cardiac function evaluation. In the current study, STE was used to investigate the timing of heart-induced mostly subaudible (i.e., below the frequency limit of human hearing) chest-wall vibrations in relation to the longitudinal myocardial strain. Such an approach may help elucidate the genesis of these vibrations, thereby improving their diagnostic value

    Heart Rate Monitoring During Different Lung Volume Phases Using Seismocardiography

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    Seismocardiography (SCG) is a non-invasive method that can be used for cardiac activity monitoring. This paper presents a new electrocardiogram (ECG) independent approach for estimating heart rate (HR) during low and high lung volume (LLV and HLV, respectively) phases using SCG signals. In this study, SCG, ECG, and respiratory flow rate (RFR) signals were measured simultaneously in 7 healthy subjects. The lung volume information was calculated from the RFR and was used to group the SCG events into low and high lung-volume groups. LLV and HLV SCG events were then used to estimate the subjects HR as well as the HR during LLV and HLV in 3 different postural positions, namely supine, 45 degree heads-up, and sitting. The performance of the proposed algorithm was tested against the standard ECG measurements. Results showed that the HR estimations from the SCG and ECG signals were in a good agreement (bias of 0.08 bpm). All subjects were found to have a higher HR during HLV (HRHLV_\text{HLV}) compared to LLV (HRLLV_\text{LLV}) at all postural positions. The HRHLV_\text{HLV}/HRLLV_\text{LLV} ratio was 1.11±\pm0.07, 1.08±\pm0.05, 1.09±\pm0.04, and 1.09±\pm0.04 (mean±\pmSD) for supine, 45 degree-first trial, 45 degree-second trial, and sitting positions, respectively. This heart rate variability may be due, at least in part, to the well-known respiratory sinus arrhythmia. HR monitoring from SCG signals might be used in different clinical applications including wearable cardiac monitoring systems

    Buckling Analysis Of A Functionally Graded Implant Model For Treatment Of Bone Fractures: A Numerical Study

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    In orthopedics, the current internal fixations often use screws or intramedullary rods that obstruct bone material. In this paper, an internal implant was modelled as a hollow cylindrical sector made of a functionally graded material (FGM), which will hold bone in place with less obstruction of bone surface. Functionally graded implant was considered as an inhomogeneous composite structure, with continuously compositional variation from a ceramic at the outer diameter to a metal at the inner diameter. The buckling behavior of the implant was numerically analyzed using a finite element analysis software (ANSYS), and the structural stability of the implant was assessed. The buckling critical loads were calculated for different fixation lengths, cross sectional areas, and different sector angles. These critical loads were then compared with the critical loads of an FGM hollow cylinder with the same cross sectional area. Results showed that the critical load of the hollow cylindrical sector was ∼ 63%, ∼ 70%, and ∼ 73% of the hollow cylinder for different fixation lengths, cross sectional areas, and sector angles, respectively. Further investigations are warranted to study the relation between the composition profile and the implant stability, which can lead to batter internal fixation solutions

    Grouping Similar Seismocardiographic Signals Using Respiratory Information

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    Seismocardiography (SCG) offers a potential noninvasive method for cardiac monitoring. Quantification of the effects of different physiological conditions on SCG can lead to enhanced understanding of SCG genesis, and may explain how some cardiac pathologies may affect SCG morphology. In this study, the effect of the respiration on the SCG signal morphology is investigated. SCG, ECG, and respiratory flow rate signals were measured simultaneously in 7 healthy subjects. Results showed that SCG events tended to have two slightly different morphologies. The respiratory flow rate and lung volume information were used to group the SCG events into inspiratory/expiratory groups or low/high lung-volume groups, respectively. Although respiratory flow information could separate similar SCG events into two different groups, the lung volume information provided better grouping of similar SCGs. This suggests that variations in SCG morphology may be due, at least in part, to changes in the intrathoracic pressure or heart location since those parameters correlates more with lung volume than respiratory flow. Categorizing SCG events into different groups containing similar events allows more accurate estimation of SCG features, and better signal characterization, and classification

    Analysis Of Seismocardiographic Signals Using Polynomial Chirplet Transform And Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-Ville Distribution

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    Seismocardiographic (SCG) signals are chest surface vibrations induced by cardiac activity. These signals may offer a method for diagnosing and monitoring heart function. Successful classification of SCG signals in health and disease depends on accurate signal characterization and feature extraction. One approach of determining signal features is to estimate its time-frequency characteristics. In this regard, four different time-frequency distribution (TFD) approaches were used including short-Time Fourier transform (STFT), polynomial chirplet transform (PCT), Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD), and smoothed pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution (SPWVD). Synthetic SCG signals with known time-frequency properties were generated and used to evaluate the accuracy of the different TFDs in extracting SCG spectral characteristics. Using different TFDs, the instantaneous frequency (IF) of each synthetic signal was determined and the error (NRMSE) in estimating IF was calculated. STFT had lower NRMSE than WVD for synthetic signals considered. PCT and SPWVD were, however, more accurate IF estimators especially for the signal with time-varying frequencies. PCT and SPWVD also provided better discrimination between signal frequency components. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that PCT and SPWVD would be more reliable methods for estimating IF of SCG signals. Analysis of actual SCG signals showed that these signals had multiple spectral components with slightly time-varying frequencies. More studies are needed to investigate SCG spectral properties for healthy subjects as well as patients with different cardiac conditions

    Time-Frequency Distribution of Seismocardiographic Signals: A Comparative Study

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    Accurate estimation of seismocardiographic (SCG) signal features can help successful signal characterization and classification in health and disease. This may lead to new methods for diagnosing and monitoring heart function. Time-frequency distributions (TFD) were often used to estimate the spectrotemporal signal features. In this study, the performance of different TFDs (e.g., short-time Fourier transform (STFT), polynomial chirplet transform (PCT), and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) with different mother functions) was assessed using simulated signals, and then utilized to analyze actual SCGs. The instantaneous frequency (IF) was determined from TFD and the error in estimating IF was calculated for simulated signals. Results suggested that the lowest IF error depended on the TFD and the test signal. STFT had lower error than CWT methods for most test signals. For a simulated SCG, Morlet CWT more accurately estimated IF than other CWTs, but Morlet did not provide noticeable advantages over STFT or PCT. PCT had the most consistently accurate IF estimations and appeared more suited for estimating IF of actual SCG signals. PCT analysis showed that actual SCGs from eight healthy subjects had multiple spectral peaks at 9.20 ± 0.48, 25.84 ± 0.77, 50.71 ± 1.83 Hz (mean ± SEM). These may prove useful features for SCG characterization and classification