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    Reviewing historical medical manuscripts shows that neurological disorders have been previously described in the Islamic Golden Age. Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna (980-1037 AD), was one of the most renowned scientists during this period. He widely practiced medicine, especially those disorders related to neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry in conventionalmedicine. In his extant book al-QānÅ«n fÄ« al-Tibb (the Canon of Medicine), he claimed that some types of brain diseases can be related to the ā€œmarāqqā€ and called them marāqq-related disorders. From Avicennaā€™s viewpoint, ā€œmarāqqā€ is considered a membranous structure in the abdomen. Ibn Sina has illustrated the association between the ā€œmarāqqā€ and the brain through some direct and indirect pathways. As a result, some disturbances in the ā€œmarāqqā€ can influence the brain, which can contribute to the pathogenesis of a number of brain diseases. Accordingly, those patients who regularly had gastrointestinal discomfortsexperienced a higher prevalence of headache, melancholia, and epilepsy. This study aimed to explore the relationship between abdominal and brain diseases from Avicennaā€™s viewpoint. Furthermore, the definition, clinical manifestation, and therapeutic strategies of marāqq-related disorders were described.Pregled povijesnih medicinskih rukopisa pokazuje da su neuroloÅ”ki poremećaji već bili opisani u islamskome zlatnom dobu. Ibn Sina, poznat i kao Avicenna (980. ā€“ 1 037.), bio je jedan od najpoznatijih znanstvenika toga vremena. Djelovao je u mnogim područjima medicine. Posebno je proučavao poremećaje vezane uz neurologiju, neurokirurgiju i psihijatriju u konvencionalnoj medicini. U svojoj knjizi ā€žal-QānÅ«n fÄ« al-Tibbā€œ (Kanon medicine) tvrdio je da se neke bolesti mozga mogu povezati s ā€žmarāqqomā€œ i nazvao ih poremećajima povezanim s marāqqom. S Avicennina stajaliÅ”ta, ā€žmarāqqā€œ je membranska struktura u abdomenu. Ibn Sina ilustrirao je vezu između ā€žmarāqqaā€œ i mozga pomoću nekih izravnih i neizravnih veza. Kao rezultat toga, neki poremećaji u ā€žmarāqquā€œ mogu utjecati na mozak, Å”to može pridonijeti patogenezi brojnih bolesti mozga. Sukladno tome, pacijenti s redovitim gastrointestinalnim tegobama imali su učestalije glavobolje, melankolije i epilepsije. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio istražiti odnos između bolesti abdomena i mozga s Avicennina stajaliÅ”ta. Opisana je i definicija, klinička manifestacija i terapijske strategije poremećaja povezanih s ā€žmarāqqomā€œ