23 research outputs found

    Private Hungarian coinage from Sigismund to Ivan Zapolja

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    U radu se obrađuju novci koje su u srednjovjekovnoj Ugarskoj na temelju kraljevskoga odobrenja kovali magnati i neke ustanove. Ta posebna izdanja zlatnih guldena, denara (i njegovih frakcija), obola i peneza (pfenniga) od redovnog kraljevskog novca razlikovala su se samo po oznakama kojima su se identificirale osobe (i ustanove) za koje su kovana, te komornici i kovničari koji su ih izradili, a koji su također u drugim prilikama izrađivali i redovni - kraljevski novac. To su privatna izdanja koje numizmatika definira kao ā€œnovac kovan zaā€, a ne kao ā€œnovac kovan odā€. Nisu kovana ni na temelju prava kovanja novca, niti je osoba (ustanova) kojoj su pripadala trebala imati svoju kovnicu novca. Izrađivana su u postojećim kraljevskim kovnicama koje su im prepuÅ”tane u zalog, zakup, za naplatu ratnih troÅ”kova ili drugih dugovanja. U radu je navedeni materijal izdvojen iz ukupnoga ugarskog numizmatičkog korpusa i sistematiziran kronoloÅ”ki, prema novčanim vrstama, kategorijama osoba i ustanova za koje je kovan, kao i prema načinima označavanja. Primjena navedene metode izravno je rezultirala rasvjetljavanjem povijesno-druÅ”tveno-monetarno-političkog konteksta i njegovih sudionika, te omogućila da se od toga materijala formira potpuno zasebna cjelina unutar ukupnog numizmatičkog korpusa. Za nekoliko dosadaÅ”njih rjeÅ”enja, ovdje ocijenjenih kao očite i krupne pogreÅ”ke, provedeni su ispravci.The paper describes coins issued, with royal approval, by magnates and some institutions in medieval Hungary. These special editions of gold guldens, denars (and its factions), obols and pennies (pfennigs) differed from regular royal coins only in the marks identifying the persons (and institutions) they were minted for, and the chamberlains and minters who struck them, and who otherwise also struck regular royal money. These were private editions that numismatists define as ā€œcoins minted forā€ and not ā€œcoins minted byā€. They were not produced on the basis of the right to issue coins, nor did the person (institution) to which they belonged necessarily have its own mint. They were struck in existing royal mints which they leased, to pay for war expenses or other debts. The author separates this material from the total body of Hungarian numismatics and systematizes it chronologically, according to monetary types, categories of persons and institutions for which it was minted, as well as markings. This method of coinage throws a light on the historical-social-monetary-political context and its participants, and has enabled separating this material into a completely distinct entity within the overall numismatic corpus. Several earlier approaches, judged here as obvious and major errors, have undergone corrections

    The Iconography, Metrology and Graphics of Bosnian Coins Minted Between 1472 and 1477 (Coins of King Nikola Iločki)

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    U radu se analizira ikonografija, metrologija i grafija bosanskih novaca koje je kovao kralj Nikola Iločki između 1472. i 1477. godine. Njegovi su novci nanovo klasificirani na temelju aversnih i reversnih prikaza, obodnih legendi i oznaka. Pomoću povijesnih podataka i novih klasifikacija određen je redoslijed kovanja i sustavna periodizacija pri čemu je posebna pažnja poklonjenja njegovu hodočaŔću u Rim po povratku s kojega je započeo kovanje vrsta svoga novca po ugledu na novac akvilejskih patrijarha. Autor misli da se novci Nikole Iločkoga ne mogu smatrati imitacijama jer on nije ni novac Matije Korvina ni novac akvilejskih patrijarha kovao bez ikakva prava i nezakonito. Izvor Nikolinog ius cudendae monetae bio je ugarski kralj i stoga je njegov novac morao nalikovati seniorovom. Kovanje novca po ugledu na novac akvilejskih patrijarha temeljeno je na papinom priznanju Nikole za kralja Bosne i, u skladu s tada uobičajenom praksom, preuzimanju grbova iŔčezlih nositelja koji su mu tim povodom mogli biti dodijeljeni u papinskoj kancelariji.The article analyses the iconography, metrology and graphics of Bosnian coins minted by King Nikola Iločki between 1472 and 1477. His coins have been re-classified on the basis of obverse and reverse designs, edge legends and markings. Historical data and new classifications were used to determine the order of minting and the systemic periodization, where special attention was given to his pilgrimage to Rome, on the return from which he began to mint coins modelled on the coins of the Patriarch of Aquileia. The author considers that the coins of Nikola Iločki cannot be deemed imitations because he did not without a right or illegally mint the coins of Matthias Corvinus or the coins of the Patriarchs of Aquileia. The source of Nikolaā€™s ius cudendae monetae was the King of Hungary, and therefore his coins had to be similar to those of his senior. Minting coins modelled on the coins of the Patriarch of Aquileia was based on the Popeā€™s recognition of Nikola as King of Bosnia and, in accordance with the then usual practice, his appropriation of the coats of arms of extinct bearers, which could on that occasion have been granted to him in the Papal Chancery

    Coins of Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić

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    U radu se razmatra novac koji je Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić kovao temeljem prava vezanog uz titulu splitskoga hercega. Nakon pregleda povijesti, posjeda i rodoslovlja obitelji Hrvatinića, autor izlaže periodizaciju i određuje vrijeme kovanja pojedinih vrsta Hrvojeva splitskoga novca na temelju njegove heraldike i primarnih izvora kao Å”to je Missale glagoliticum Hervoiae ducis spalatensis. Utvrđuje podrijetlo dvaju Hrvojevih grbova, odnosno seniore koji su ih tome splitskom hercegu dodijelili (ili prema čijim su simbolima napravljeni), a i vrijeme njihove uporabe. Na temelju toga utvrđuje se vrijeme kovanja vrsta njegova novca i daje se detaljna metroloÅ”ka i ikonografska analiza te podjela na nominale, vrste i varijante. Ta podjela povećim dijelom korespondira s ranijom Rengjelovom podjelom. Uzimajući u obzir dvojbeni podatak (odluku mletačkih vlasti da u svibnju 1410. počnu kovanje novca koji je jednak Hrvojevu) i konfrontirajući ga s poznatim povijesnim događajima i numizmatičkim materijalom, autor zaključuje da je jedna varijanta novca s neobičnim tekstom legende, do sada pripisivana Hrvoju, mogući produkt mletačke urote. Takva je urota imala jasni cilj, pozivala je Splićane da zbace Hrvojevu vlast i da se ā€œoslobode od ropstva Faraonovaā€œ.The author considers the coins that Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić minted on the grounds of his title of Duke (Herceg) of Split. After giving a survey of the history, estates and genealogy of the Hrvatinić family, he gives the periods and times when Hrvojeā€™s different Split coins were minted, basing his finding on heraldry and primary sources such as the Missale glagoliticum Hervoiae ducis spalatensis. He establishes the origin of two of Hrvojeā€™s coats-of-arms, the seniors who granted them to this Split Duke (or under whose symbols they were made), and the time of their use. On these grounds he establishes the time when the different kinds of coins were minted, gives their detailed metrological and iconographic analysis and a division into denominations, kinds and variants. This classification greatly corresponds with Rengjelā€™s earlier classification. Taking into account that in May 1410 the Venetian authorities decided to begin minting coins that were the same as Hrvojeā€™s, and placing this in the context of known historical events and numismatic material, the author concludes that one variant of the coins previously attributed to Hrvoje, with an unusual text of the legend, may in fact be the product of a Venetian conspiracy. This conspiracy had a clear aim, it called on the people of Split to overthrow Hrvoje and ā€œfree themselves from slavery to the pharaohā€

    Coins with Coats-of-Arms of the Croatian Clans of Kurjaković Krbavski (from the Gusić Clan) and Lapčani ā€“ Coins of Georg Ludwig Count of Sinzendorf from 1676

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    U radu se obrađuje novac s grbovima hrvatskih rodova Kurjakovića Krbavskih (iz roda Gusića) i Lapčana koji je 1676. godine kovao Juraj Ljudevit, grof od Sinzendorfa. To je specifičan slučaj preuzimanja grbova dvaju rodova koje među starim hrvatskim plemenima spominje Pacta Conventa. Uz osnovne podatke o oba roda analizirana je njihova heraldička ostavÅ”tina kroz nekoliko izabranih i vremenski karakterističnih primjera grbova zabilježenih u nekim stranim grbovnicima kao izvorima od prvorazredne važnosti. Istraženi su dostupni genealoÅ”ki podatci o oba roda, posebice nakon njihova međusobnoga bračnoga ujedinjenja i povezivanja s obitelji od Trautmansdorfa u idućoj generaciji, te napokon prelaska grbova i naslova na obitelj od Sinzendorfa, pa je tako formirano rodoslovlje. U doba najvažnijega pripadnika obitelji od Sinzendorfa, grofa Jurja Ljudevita, službeno su carskom diplomom ujedinjeni grbovi Kurjakovića Krbavskih i Lapčana. Utvrđena su dva tipa složenoga grba Jurja Ljudevita. Na jednome su tipu grbovi naÅ”ih dvaju rodova ujedinjeni i čine jedan grb. Drugi se put javljaju kao dva odvojena Å”tita u složenome grbu, i to upravo na dukatima, polutalirima i talirima koje je Juraj Ljudevit kovao 1676. godine i koji su obrađeni u radu.The article is about coins with coats-of-arms of the Croatian Clans of Kurjaković Krbavski (from the Gusić Clan) and Lapačni, minted in 1676 by Georg Ludwig (Juraj Ljudevit), Count of Sinzendorf. This is a specific case showing the incorporation of the arms of the two clans, both mentioned in the Pacta Conventa (1102) as ancient Croatian tribes. Besides giving basic data about the clans, the author analyses their heraldic heritage using several chosen examples of their coats of arms, specific for the time when they were used, as recorded in some old armorials which are sources of first-class importance. He researches genealogical data about the two clans, especially after they were joined by marriage and in the next generation linked with the Trautmannsdorf family, and finally the transferring of the arms and the title to the Sinzendorf family, and the resulting genealogy. At the time of the most important member of the Sinzendorf family, Count Georg Ludwig, the arms of the Kurjaković Krbavski and Lapčani clans were officially united by imperial charter. Two types of composite coats of arms were granted to Georg Ludwig. On one type the arms of the two Croatian clans are united and form one coat of arms. They appear again as two separate shields in the composite arms, on ducats, half-thalers and thalers that Georg Ludwig minted in 1676 and which are the subject of the article

    Iconography, Metrology and Inscriptions on Bosnian Coins Minted between 1354 and 1418

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    U radu se razmatra ikonografija, metrologija i grafija novca bosankih vladara i magnata kovanoga od 1354. do 1418. godine, od Tvrtkova banovanja do druge vladavine kralja Stjepana Ostoje. Obrađen je novac Tvrtka I., Stjepana DabiÅ”e, Radiča Sankovića, Hrvoja Vukčića Hrvatinića, Tvrtka II. i Stjepana Ostoje, a koji je optjecao Bosnom, Kotorom i Splitom. Istražena je i definirana periodizacija i redoslijed kovanja tipova novca, kao i novčane stope odnosno uporaba monetarnih sustava: sterlinÅ”koga i kelnskoga; i to za novac svih vladara i magnata.The article describes the iconography, metrology and inscriptions on coins issued by Bosnian rulers and magnates from 1354 to 1418, from the time of Ban Tvrtko to the second rule of King Stjepan Ostoja. Coins of the following are included: Tvrtko I, Stjepan DabiÅ”a, Radič Sanković, Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić, Tvrtko II and Stjepan Ostoja, and they were in circulation in Bosnia, Kotor and Split. The author also researches and defines the periodisation and order of minting types of coins, the rates and the use of monetary systems: the sterling and Cologne systems, for the coins of rulers and magnates

    Medieval Bosnian Coins from the Middle and Late Periods ā€“ the Time of the Kingdom

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    U radu se razmatra okrunjenje Tvrtka I. za kralja sa sfragističkoga (sigilografskoga), diplomatičkoga, heraldičkog i numizmatičkog aspekta.The author considers the coronation of Tvrtko I as King of Bosnia from the sphragistic (sigillographic), diplomatic, heraldic and numismatic aspect

    Coins Minted by Vassals of Bosnian Rulers

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    U radu se razmatraju dva slučaja kovanja novca od podložnika bosanskih vladara. Autor pretragom utvrđuje različitu pravnu praksu pri kovanju novca: uzurpaciju kraljeva prava i ius cudendae monetae dodijeljeno od seniora.The author examines two instances of coins minted by vassals of Bosnian rulers. He shows that there were different legal practices in striking coins: usurpations of the kingā€™s right and ius cudendae monetae granted by the senior

    A Contribution to the Research of the Coats of Arms of the ƚjlaki (Iločki) Family ā€“ Development, Specificities and Changes

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    Cilj rada je istražiti, usustaviti i prikazati heraldičku baÅ”tinu, te otkriti i protumačiti poruke o pripadnicima obitelji Iločkih koje donose grbovi (čiji se reprezentativni karakter uočava pri gotovo svakoj mijeni nositeljeva statusa) i s njima povezana ikonografija (o kojima drugi, do sada dostupni, izvori djelomice Å”ute) i predaju ih historiografiji. Za tu je svrhu na raspolaganju 88 pečata, 11 grbova u kamenoj i keramičkoj plastici i 18 komada novca. Radi se o primarnim izvorima nastalim u kancelarijama obitelji ili u njihovu krugu, pa im je karakter službeni. Na temelju heraldičke i ikonografske analize te sadržaja legendi treba odgonetnuti Å”to ti izvori govore i kako rasvjetljavaju pojedine epizode iz života i političkog djelovanja pripadnika obitelji. Tako dobijene zaključke povijesna znanost može upotrebom drugih izvora potvrditi ili opovrći. Sekundarna vrela na raspolaganju za koriÅ”tenje u posljednjem dijelu rada su historiografske knjige iz XVI. i XVII. stoljeća koje, s djelimičnim izuzetkom careva, sve osobe pa i Nikolu Iločkoga predstavljaju isključivo heraldički, u skladu s pravilom da su grb i njegov nositelj jednoThe purpose of this work is to investigate, systematize and display the heraldic heritage and to discover and interpret the messages brought by coats of arms (whose representative character could be noticed in almost every change in the personal status) and related iconography (about which other, available till now, sources are partly silent) about the members of the Ujlak family, and present them to historiography. Seals (88), arms in stone and ceramic plastic (11) and coins (18) are available for this purpose. These primary sources are created in the family offices or around them and their character is official. The messages of the sources and how they light up specific episodes of the life and political activities of the members of the family are to be explained by heraldic and iconographic analysis, and the content of the textual legends. The changes seen here are: the acquisition of the city of Ilok; Nicholasā€™ standing with Ladislaus the Posthumous and Queen Elizabeth; and Emperor Frederick III; and ultimately the release of submission to Matthias Corvinus, the submission to the papal supremacy and transformation of Bosnia in the papal fief. Some of reached conclusions are already confirmed by other sources but the remaining, presented here for the first time, the historiography can confirm or deny using other sources. The 16th and 17th century historiographical books are secondary sources available for use in the last part of the paper. With partial exception of the emperors, all persons including Nicholas of Ujlak are represented there exclusively heraldically in accordance with the rule that the coat of arms and its owner are one