31 research outputs found

    Melanomakrofagni centri i oboljenja morske mačke bljedice, Scyliorhinus canicula (L.), iz južnog Jadrana ā€“ značaj za budući monitoring

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    Melanomacrophages of fish are commonly explored as biomarkers of water pollution and are considered to be sensitive albeit non-specific health indicators in water ecosystems. Sharks as long living marine species are good sentinel species. This study presents morphometric data for splenic and hepatic melanomacrophages (MMC), and observed histopathology in ten lesser-spotted catsharks, Scyliorhinus canicula (L.), one of the most abundant shark species in the eastern Adriatic Sea. At necropsy, we collected random tissue samples from liver, brain, gallblader, pancreas, spleen, kidney, gills, entire digestive system, thyroid gland, rectal gland, entire urogenital (male samples) and genital system (female samples). Collected tissue samples were routinely processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Periodic Acid-Schiff, and Masson Trichrome for microscopic examinations and morphometry. There was a minimal number of histopathological lesions in the examined sharks, but morphometric values reported herein were three folds higher than in previous studies in free-ranging sharks. Studies on larger numbers of sharks are needed to elucidate the biological significance of our finding in the context of population decline of the lesser-spotted catshark.Melanomakrofagni centri različitih taksa ribolikih životinja nerijetko se koriste kao biomarkeri u ekoloÅ”kim studijama, te se smatraju pouzdanim pokazateljima stanja u ispitivanju onečiŔćenja. Mor-ski psi, kao objektivno dugoživuće marinske vrste, predstavljaju idealne modele za ovakve studije. U ovom radu autori su prezentirali detaljne morfometrijske podatke za melanomakrofagne centre (MMC) opservirane u jetri i slezeni, kao i uočene histopatoloÅ”ke promjene na deset jedinki morske mačke bljedice, Scyliorhinus canicula (L.) - kao jedne od najzastupljenijih prečnousta istočnog Jadranskog mora. Tijekom obdukcije, uzorkovani su svi organi koji si potom rutinski histoloÅ”ki bojeni (hematoksilin-eozin, Periodic Acid-Schiff i Massonā€™s Trichtome) s ciljem detaljnijih mik-roskopskih opservacija. Uočena morfologija, kao i brojnost, MMC ispitivanih jedinki odgovara lit-eraturnim podacima za druge vrste prečnousta. Međutim, dokumentirane morfometrijske vrijednosti bile su tri puta veće u odnosu na prethodne studije. Prosječni broj MMC po vidnom polju (HPF) i prosječan postotak područja okupiranog od strne MMC u jetri i slezeni nisu pokazali statistički značajnu razliku. Ipak, prosječna povrÅ”ina jednog jetrenog MMC bila je veća u odnosu na one u slezeni (p<0,05). Opisani podaci o MMC značajno doprinose joÅ” uvijek dosta ograničenim podacima o distribuciji, morfologiji i morfometrija MMC kod landovine, te možemo reći da predstavljaju polaznu vrijednost za sljedeće studije. Daljnje, multidisciplinarne, studije neophodne su kako bi se ostvario Å”iri uvid u učinke i povezanost MMC s različitim patoloÅ”kim stanjima i razumijevanje nega-tivnog utjecaja pritisaka koji vladaju u staniÅ”tu na zdravstveno stanje mačke bljedice, ali i drugih vrsta, u Jadranskom moru

    Razvoj čvrstih mikroigala za transdermalnu aplikaciju lijekova u kućnih ljubimaca

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    The objective of this paper was to create an economical and abecedarian 3D printing method for the production of solid microneedles, as a more efficient transdermal drug delivery method, for day-to-day use in companion animals. The process of 3D printing was conducted using two types of 3D printers, utilizing the FDM and SLA printing techniques. Modulus of Elasticity was calculated for the determination of mechanical properties of the material, where the printed specimen was subjected to axial loading, and deformations were measured using an optical scanner. Post-processing was conducted by washing microneedles in isopropyl alcohol, followed by UV curing. The procedure of testing penetration capabilities was conducted at two sites of cat skin: auris externa and the lateral part of the abdomen. The SLA printing method was more precise, resulting in higher quality microneedles for animal use compared to the FDM printing technique. Modulus of Elasticity was calculated and the value E=0.9 GPa can be used. Testing proved that the printed model was able to penetrate the skin at the tested sites. The use of microneedles is simple and economical, and therefore has wide applications in small animal practice. Veterinarians can access microneedle design repositories and print them for more effective transdermal drug delivery. The multifunctionality and transferability of the design in the present study ensure that it can be further modified to provide personalized therapy.Cilj ovog rada je kreiranje ekonomične i abecedarne metode 3D printanja za proizvodnju čvrstih mikroigli, kao učinkovitije transdermalne metode aplikacije lijeka, za svakodnevnu uporabu u kućnih ljubimaca. Proces 3D printanja se provodi pomoću nekoliko tipova 3D printera, koristeći FDM i SLA tehnike printanja. Modul elasticiteta izračunat je za određivanje mehaničkih svojstava koriÅ”tenog materijala, pri čemu je printani uzorak podvrgnut aksijalnom opterećenju, a deformacije su mjerene optičkim skenerom. Naknadna obrada je obavljena ispiranjem MNA u izopropil alkoholu, nakon čega je uslijedilo UV suÅ”enje. Procedura ispitivanja sposobnosti penetracije MNs provedena je na dva mjesta na koži mačke: auris externa i lateralni dio abdomena. SLA metoda printanja bila je preciznija, Å”to je rezultiralo mikroiglama veće kvalite za uporabu na životinjama u usporedbi s FDM tehnikom printanja. Modul elasticiteta je izračunat i može se koristiti vrijednost E=0,9 GPa. Testiranje printanih mikroigli je pokazalo da je model bio u stanju da penetrira u kožu na testiranim područjima. Uporaba mikroigli je jednostavna i ekonomična, stoga može biti Å”iroko rasprostranjena u praksi malih životinja. Veterinari mogu pristupiti repozitorijumima dizajna mikroigli i sami iste printati, kako bi ih koristili za učinkovitiju transdermalnu aplikaciju lijekova. Multifunkcionalnost i primjenjivost dizajna u ovoj studiji osiguravaju mogućnost daljnje modifikacije da bi se omogućila indivudualna terapija

    Comparative anatomical studies on ductus venosus in fetuses of domestic ruminants

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    The study has aimed to investigate and determine the anatomical position, shape, size, and histological features of the ductus venosus, and its role as a shunt in the fetal circulatory system in domestic ruminants. The research was conducted on 19 bovine, 11 sheep and 5 goat fetuses, aborted at the late stage of pregnancy or deceased just after delivery. The general anatomy of the ductus venosus was investigated by in-situ dissection of the corrosive cast obtained by injection of 25% solution of Vinylite mass through the umbilical vein. For histological examination, the fetal tissue samples were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-Van Gieson and Gomori.s silver stain. The results showed that ruminant fetal ductus venosus is a curved, trumpet-shaped vessel, situated in the central part of the liver, above the porta hepatis. Its ventral part is constricted in the form of an isthmus, having a prominent lip-like thickening at the junction with the portal sinus. Histological examination showed the dominant presence of collagen and elastic fibers in its tunica media, with thin bands of smooth muscle fibers oriented in a longitudinal and circular direction indicating ability for vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. Ā© 2021 Sciendo. All rights reserved


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    Dijagnostika tuberkuloze goveda zasniva se na ante-mortem testovima, testiranju prilikom transporta životinja te postmortalnim nalazima i kultivaciji. Primarni test za testiranje stada je tuberkulinski kožni test, bilo kao jednokratni ili komparativni intradermalni test. Također, u primjeni je i in vivo gama interferon test. Međutim, u oba slučaja lažno pozitivni rezultati dovode do značajnih poteÅ”koća u in vivo dijagnostici tuberkuloze goveda te gubitaka usljed uklanjanja životinja. Stoga je obavezan postmortalni pregled neÅ”kodljivo uklonjenih životinja pozitivnih na tuberkulinski ili gama interferon test, kao i goveda u klaonicama. Nažalost, nedovoljno razvijene lezije se često mogu previdjeti, te je ova pretraga male senzitivnosti. Ukoliko se lezije ustanove, uzorke treba analizirati histoloÅ”ki te mikrobioloÅ”ki


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    This paper describes an oral squamous cell carcinoma with metastases into the lung in a 24-years-old female rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta). At necropsy, 3.5 cm ulcerative, white grey, irregular mass with necrosis and loss of the muscle, and osteolysis of the mandibular bone was observed on the mentum. Histopathologically, the mass consisted of multiple highly cellular lobules of oval to polygonal cells in the abundant connective tissue stroma, and with high mitotic index. There were multifocal pearl-like foci of keratinized cells. Neoplastic cells were PAS negative. Immunohistochemically, positive labeling for high molecular weight cytokeratine (CKhmw) and negative labeling for CA antigen were obtained. Key words: neoplasia, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, monke


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    Forest flies, also known as deer keds (Lipoptena cervi), are obligate blood-feeding ectoparasites that infest cervids (Cervidae) in Europe, Siberia, China and North America. These flies are vectors of potential zoonotic bacterium Bartonella schoenbuchensis. The aim of this study was to determine the species of ectoparasites found on one male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) shot during hunting season 2011 in the area of Bihać municipality. Using the morphological keys, all adult keds were identified as Lipoptena cervi Linnaeus, 1761. Key words: Lipoptena cervi, roe deer, Bihać municipality </span


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    <p>This paper describes the occurence of listeriosis in silage fed domestic sheep of the Pramenka type. The aim was to investigate causes of death of animals with previously manifested nervous signs. According to the Law on Veterinary Medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the brain of sheep showing nervous signs of illness must be examined with suspicion on Listeria monocytogenes infection. The disesase occured inĀ  the region of Eastern Bosnia in February, 2009. The sheep affected were adult, gravid females. All sheep affected by disease shared similar clinical signs: dyspnea, increased heart rate, circling, staggering, torticollis and inappetence. No abortions of gravid sheep were noted. All simptoms were lasting for 3 to 4 days with lethal outcome and mortality of 5%. The administration of procaine benzylpenicillin showed no results. The necropsy of death sheep revealed encephalitis.<br />Histopathologically, multifocal microabscesses containing mainly degenerated and viable neutrophils, perivascular accummulation of lymphocytes and plasma cells with some macrophages and neutrophils, and multifocal fibrinous microthrombi in the lumina of the blood vessels were observed in the brain tissue. Also, neuronal degeneration and small microglial accummulation were noted. Microbiologically, Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from the brain tissue.</p><p>Key words: Listeria monocytogenes, encephalitis, microabscess, sheep, silage</p