79 research outputs found

    Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Loss in HTS-Coated Conductors Under Perpendicular Magnetic Fields

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    © 2017 IEEE. High-Tc superconducting (HTS)-coated conductors are a promising option for the next-generation power devices. However, their thin-film geometry incurs dynamic loss when exposed to a perpendicular external ac magnetic field, which is difficult to predicate and estimate. In this paper, we propose and verify a numerical simulation model to predict the dynamic loss in HTS-thin-coated conductors by taking into account their Jc-B dependence and I-V characteristics. The model has been tested on a SuperPower YBCO-coated conductor, and we observed a linear increase of dynamic loss along the increasing field amplitude after the threshold field. Our simulation results agree closely with experimental measurements as well as an analytical model. Furthermore, the model can predict the nonlinear increase of dynamic loss at high current, while the analytical model deviates from the measurement results and still shows a linear correlation between the dynamic loss and the external magnetic field. In addition, we have used this model to simulate the distributions of magnetic field and current density when dynamic loss occurs. Results clearly show the flux traversing the coated conductor, which causes dynamic loss. These distributions have also been used to analyze the change of dynamic loss when either the transport current or the magnetic field increase individually, while the other factor remains constant. The simulation analysis on dynamic loss is done for the first time in this paper, and our results clearly demonstrate how dynamic loss changes as well as its dependence on transport current and magnetic field. © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Effective reduction of magnetisation losses in copper-plated multifilament coated conductors using spiral geometry

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    We wound copper-plated multifilament coated conductors spirally on a round core to decouple filaments electromagnetically under ac transverse magnetic fields and measured their magnetisation losses. Although the coated conductors were plated with copper, which connects all filaments electrically and allows current sharing among them, the spiral geometry decoupled filaments similar to the twist geometry, and the magnetisation loss was reduced effectively by the multifilament structure. The measured magnetisation loss of a 4 mm wide, 10-filament coated conductor with a 20 μm thick copper wound spirally on a 3 mm core was only 7% of that of the same 10-filament coated conductor with a straight shape under an ac transverse magnetic field with an amplitude and frequency of 100 mT and 65.44 Hz, respectively. We separated the measured magnetisation losses into hysteresis and coupling losses and discussed the influence of filament width, copper thickness, and core diameter on both losses. We compared the hysteresis losses with the analytical values given by Brandt and Indenbom and compared the coupling losses with the values calculated using a general expression of coupling loss with the coupling time constants and geometry factors

    The dynamic resistance of YBCO coated conductor wire: Effect of DC current magnitude and applied field orientation

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    Dynamic resistance, which occurs when a HTS coated conductor carries a DC current under an AC magnetic field, can have critical implications for the design of HTS machines. Here, we report measurements of dynamic resistance in a commercially available SuperPower 4 mm-wide YBCO coated conductor, carrying a DC current under an applied AC magnetic field of arbitrary orientation. The reduced DC current, I t/I c0, ranged from 0.01 to 0.9, where I t is the DC current level and I c0 is the self-field critical current of the conductor. The field angle (the angle between the magnetic field and the normal vector of the conductor wide-face) was varied between 0° and 90° at intervals of 10°. We show that the effective width of the conductor under study is ∼12% less than the physical wire width, and we attribute this difference to edge damage of the wire during or after manufacture. We then examine the measured dynamic resistance of this wire under perpendicular applied fields at very low DC current levels. In this regime we find that the threshold field, B th, of the conductor is well described by the nonlinear equation of Mikitik and Brandt. However, this model consistently underestimates the threshold field at higher current levels. As such, the dynamic resistance in a coated conductor under perpendicular magnetic fields is best described using two different equations for each of the low and high DC current regimes, respectively. At low DC currents where I t/I c0 ≤ 0.1, the nonlinear relationship of Mikitik and Brandt provides the closest agreement with experimental data. However, in the higher current regime where I t/I c0 ≥ 0.2, closer agreement is obtained using a simple linear expression which assumes a current-independent penetration field. We further show that for the conductor studied here, the measured dynamic resistance at different field angles is dominated by the perpendicular magnetic field component, with negligible contribution from the parallel component. Our findings now enable the dynamic resistance of a single conductor to be analytically determined for a very wide range of DC currents and at all applied field angles. This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in 'Superconductor Science and Technology'. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/aaa49e

    Magnetization Losses in Multiply Connected YBa2Cu3O6+x Coated Conductors

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    We report the results of a magnetization losses study in experimental multifilament, multiply connected coated superconductors exposed to time-varying magnetic field. In these samples, the superconducting layer is divided into parallel stripes segregated by non-superconducting grooves. In order to facilitate the current sharing between the stripes and thus increase the reliability of the striated conductors, a sparse network of superconducting bridges is superimposed on the striated film. We find that the presence of the bridges does not substantially increase the magnetization losses, both hysteresis and coupling, as long as the number of bridges per length of the sample is not large. These results indicate that it is possible to find a reasonable compromise between the competing requirements of connectivity and loss reduction in an ac-tolerant version of the high temperature coated conductors specifically designed for ac power applications.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures to be published in J. Appl. Phy

    Magnetic Field Drifts of Small HTS Dipole Magnet Under Repeated Excitation

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    Shielding-current-induced fields (SCIFs) in magnets wound with coated conductors deteriorate the field quality of the magnets. Particularly, in magnets that are excited repeatedly, and must generate time-varying magnetic fields, for example, in certain types of accelerator magnets, the influence of the temporal behavior of the SCIFs on magnetic field is quite complicated. We focused on the magnetic field drifts and conducted magnetic field measurements using a small dipole magnet wound with coated conductors cooled using a cryocooler. The magnet was operated under various patterns of excitation, and magnetic fields were measured using a rotating pickup coil, which enabled us to measure the dipole and sextupole components of the magnetic field. Numerical electromagnetic field analyses were conducted to examine the current distributions in conductors, which influenced the temporal behavior of the magnetic field

    Simplified Electromagnetic Modelling of Accelerator Magnets Wound With Conductor on Round Core Wires for AC Loss Calculations

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    We developed a simplified three-dimensional electromagnetic field analysis model for accelerator magnets wound with Conductor on Round Core (CORC) to estimate ac loss of magnets. In our model, the coil winding of the analyzed magnet was separated into several divisions composed of dozens of turns. Then, ac loss density in a division was assumed to be the same as that of a single CORC wire exposed to magnetic field in a representative turn of the division. We carried out the ac loss calculations using the model for a superferric magnet composed of coil wound with CORC wires and iron core

    Simplified Numerical Electromagnetic Field Analysis Method of Coils Wound With Spiral Coated-Conductor Cables

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    To reduce the computation load for electromagnetic field analyses of magnets wound with spiral coated-conductor cables, we developed a simplified analysis method. In the method, we analyze a single spiral coated-conductor cable carrying transport current under the external magnetic field, which is generated by the current in adjacent spiral coated-conductor cables while ignoring influence of shielding currents in them. We conducted numerical electromagnetic field analyses with and without the model and directly compared the analysis results: magnetization and ac loss density distributions in coated conductors and the temporal evolution of ac losses. The comparison of the analysis results from each analysis model showed the applicability of the analysis method for ac loss estimation of magnets

    Shielding current in copper-plated multifilament coated conductor wound into single pancake coil and exposed to normal magnetic field

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    A single pancake coil wound with a copper-plated multifilament coated conductor, with four filaments, was put in a cusp magnetic field, and the magnetic field was measured near the coil at 30 K. A similar experiment was performed by using another reference single pancake coil wound with a monofilament coated conductor. Numerical electromagnetic field analyses of these coils were carried out, and the calculated shielding current-induced fields (SCIFs) were compared with the measured ones in both coils. The temporal behaviour of the calculated SCIF in the coil wound with the four-filament coated conductor was also compared with a series of exponential components, in which a coupling time constant extrapolated from short sample experiments was used as the time constant of the primary component. Current distributions in the coated conductors wound into the pancake coils were visualised. In particular, the temporal behaviours of the current distributions in the four-filament coated conductor and their influence on the SCIF were discussed