90 research outputs found
The purpose of this study is to describe the mistakes made by students in solving circle equation questions based on the SOLO plus taxonomy. The method that is used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with 9 subjects of XII grade vocational students in Cimahi. The data collection technique that was carried out is using a learning achievement test which consists of 4 question instruments describing the circle equation, interviewing techniques using the interview guide sheet instrument, and documentating. The results of this study are the overall percentage of students' answers in solving circle equation questions with high ability by 60%, students with medium ability by 50%, and students with low ability by 34%. The results of the analysis obtained based on the tests and the interviews are students find it difficult to solve circle equation questions. Then students' abilities are still at the Pre-structural, Unistructural, Multistructural, and Relational levels
This article an analysis of the results of the test about problem-solving mathematical of grade IX students of Junior High School. This analysis aims to know the kinds of difficulties experienced by students and to determine the level of problem-solving skills students in the mathematics of junior high school students in Cimahi City. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The samples taken for this research are 37 students of class IX in one of junior high school in Cimahi City. Instrument test of the problem-solving ability of mathematics given as many as 5 item. The results of the analysis obtained based on written tests conducted is the level of ability problem-solving mathematics students in one of junior high school in Cimahi is still relatively low.Ă‚
The purpose of this research is to know the types of mistakes made by students in solving the problem of building a flat rectangle. This type of research is a qualitative descripive. With a research sample of 9 grade VII students taken randomly. The problem is about the instrument used in the connection capability test in the form of 5 rounds of essay. Methods performed using qualitative descriptive. Based on the data analysis obtained as much as 11.1% of students doing careless errrors (Ca), 33.3% of students made the error Concept errors (Co), 22.2% of students made a mistake application errors (Ap), 22.2% of students made a mistake Test Taking Errors (Te). It means that the whole student still feels difficulties in resolving the problem relating to the concept of a rectangular flat build
Didactical Obstacles for Junior High School Students in Post-Pandemic Mathematics Learning
Face-to-face learning has been re-implemented by several schools after 2 years offline, and this has caused several obstacles when implementing it. Especially mathematics learning, which tends to require more effort to deliver material. Post-pandemic learning causes didactical obstacles to student and teacher learning during the teaching and learning process. So the purpose of this study is to analyze student barriers to post-pandemic learning. The research method used in this study is qualitative-descriptive, with data collection techniques such as survey methods, observation results, questionnaires, and interviews. The object of this study was 19 grade VIII–4 students and senior teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Cihampelas. This research uses several instruments for students, and the results can be analyzed for obstacles to the post-pandemic learning process. Based on the results of the study, it shows that post-pandemic learning barriers for Grade VIII–4 students are adaptation to a new environment; understanding the material is more difficult and ineffective because the learning process does not involve technology, conventional learning methods, psychological changes, or habits when online learning is still carried over so that it affects face-to-face learning, where students are not ready to get the next material due to the material they previously did not understand due to the lack of maximum understanding of students when learning online. Not only students, but teachers also have their own obstacles when learning after this pandemic, so teachers also need time to be able to adapt to face-to-face meetings that run according to mutual expectations
Analisis kesalahan peserta didik berdasarkan tahapan kastolan dalam menyelesaikan soal relasi dan fungsi pada siswa SMP kelas VIII
This study aims to analyze students' errors in solving questions on relations and function material, based on the Kastolan stages. In this study, a qualitative descriptive method was used. This research was conducted on Class VIII students of SMPN 4 Cimahi with 29 participants. Data was collected through a written test consisting of 5 description questions, and any mistakes made by students were explained based on the Kastolan stages. To analyze the data, the researcher performed data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The research results obtained that in the work of students found conceptual errors occurred because the students misunderstood the concept and did not know the formula to be used. Procedural errors occur because students do not write down or do not know the completion procedure, which indicates the student fails to continue the settlement procedure. Technical errors occur because participants do not understand the basic concepts properly, so students make calculation errors when solving problems. The conclusion from the results of this study is that it was found that students still experienced these three types of errors in solving the description questions on the material relations and functions
Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Ability on Set Material According to Polya Model
Students' mathematical problem solving ability is very influential on learning outcomes that can be implemented in everyday life. However, the facts in the field show that students' mathematical problem solving skills are still low. The purpose of this research is to analyze student difficulties in set material in terms of problem solving theory according to Polya's model. The method used is descriptive qualitative, with data obtained through a test instrument of mathematical problem solving ability on set material with the applied subjects, namely 32 seventh grade students from one of the State Junior High Schools in Cipeundeuy District. Based on the results obtained, the students' ability to solve math problems based on polya steps is high. However, there were still some errors in the results of student answers in solving problem solving questions, including: not writing down what was known, what was asked, and not describing these elements, the process of planning problem solving was not systematic, not understanding the problem, errors in internal calculation of answers and conclusions which are not in accordance with the results of the solution
This study aims to describe the mistakes made by students of grade IX Middle School. As well as analyzing the factors that cause students to mistake in completing the material on flat side spaces in junior high school students in Cimahi City. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The sample taken for this study was 10 students of class IX in one junior high school in Cimahi City. The test instrument was given as many as 5 items. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there are errors in solving the problem of getting up the flat side space, namely: (1) not understanding the basic concept of building a flat side space; (2) lack of understanding of questions or lack of thoroughness in reading problems so students' answers are incomplete; (3) lack of mastery of the principle or conceptual relationship between flat figures (prerequisites regarding the Pythagorean theorem); (4) don't memorize the formula; (5) lack of precision in the calculation process. And this shows that grade IX students in Cimahi City are still low in solving problems in the material to build flat side spaces
Motivasi belajar siswa SMP dalam pembelajaran matematika pasca pandemi
This study aims to see students' learning motivation in post-pandemic mathematics learning. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were 20 respondents of class VIII students in one of the junior high schools in Cimahi city. Data collection uses a questionnaire on student learning motivation in mathematics learning which has 10 statements that have positive and negative values. With the following indicators of desire and desire to succeed; encouragement and need to learn; hopes and ideals of the future; awards in learning and interesting activities in learning. This statement is used to find out respondents' answers regarding student learning motivation in mathematics learning. The results of the study showed that students had good motivation judging from the average percentage of indicators, namely 66.1% and was included in the strong category
Peran utama seorang ibu adalah mengasuh anak, tetapi seiring dengan perkembangan zaman banyak ibu yang terjun ke dunia kerja, sehingga peran pengasuhan pun menjadi semakin rumit. Setiap anak adalah individu yang unik, karena faktor bawaan dan lingkungan yang berbeda. Maka pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak juga berbeda. Perkembangan sosial anak dapat dipengaruhi oleh pola asuh orang tua yaitu ibu. Dalam mengasuh anak ibu cenderung menggunakan pola asuh tertentu. Penggunaan pola asuh ini memberikan dampak perkembangan terhadap bentuk-bentuk perilaku tertentu pada anak. Banyak anak usia prasekolah menunjukkan perilaku sosial yang kurang kondusif dan pelayanan bimbingan perkembangan perilaku sosial anak yang belum sistematik dan terarah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh ibu bekerja dengan perkembangan sosial anak. Berangkat daria permasalahan tersebut maka focus penelitian yang akan di ambil adalah gambaran perilaku soaial anak si SMP Tunas Baru Ciparay, Gambaran pola Asuh Ibu bekerja di SMP Tunas Baru Ciparay, Seberapa besar pengaruh pola asuh ibu bekerja terhadap perilaku sosial anak
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