5 research outputs found

    Laparoskopska parcijalna pericistektomija ehinokokne ciste slezene – prikaz bolesnice [Laparoscopic partial pericystectomy of splenic hydatid cyst - a case report]

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    Echinococcal cyst of the spleen is usually a result of infection with the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. The spleen is the third most frequent localization of echinococcus after liver and lungs. Partial laparoscopic pericystectomy can be done without the loss of blood and scattering of scolexes with spleen preservation and conservation of its immune function. We present the patient with a large (1 8 x 16 x 12 cm) echinococcal cyst of the spleen that compressed the surrounding organs (stomach, transverse colon, pancreas and left kidney), and prevented normal passage causing vomiting after every meal. In this patient, PAIR procedure (puncture, aspiration, injection, reaspiration) and conservative treatment was attempted on several occasions without success. Finally, laparoscopic partial pericystectomy was performed, evacuating the contents of the cyst. The surgery lasted 120 minutes. Postoperatively the patient was without complications. Hospitalization lasted five days. Six months later, the patient is without problems. These echinococcus cysts of the spleen cannot be solved using PAIR technique and conservative treatment. Laparoscopic partial pericystectomy is a better solution than open surgery due to less trauma to the patient, especially in elderly people


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    Ehinokokna cista slezene redovito je posljedica infekcije parazitom Echinococcus granulosus. Slezena je treća najčešća lokalizacija ehinokoka, nakon jetre i pluća. Parcijalna laparoskopska pericistektomija može se učiniti bez gubitka krvi i rasapa skoleksa s prezervacijom slezene i očuvanjem njezine imunosne funkcije. Prikazana je pacijentica s velikom (18 × 16 × 12 cm) ehinokoknom cistom slezene koja je pritiskala okolne organe (želudac, poprečni kolon, pankreas i lijevi bubreg), onemogućavajući normalnu pasažu i izazivajući povraćanje nakon svakog obroka. Kod bolesnice su u nekoliko navrata neuspješno pokušani postupak PAIR (punkcija, aspiracija, injekcija, reaspiracija) i konzervativno liječenje te je naposljetku učinjena laparoskopska parcijalna pericistektomija s evakuacijom sadržaja ciste. Zahvat je trajao 120 minuta. Postoperacijski tijek protekao je bez komplikacija. Hospitalizacija je trajala 5 dana. Šest mjeseci kasnije bolesnica je bez tegoba. Ovakve ehinokokne ciste slezene nije moguće ukloniti tehnikom PAIR i konzervativnim liječenjem. Laparoskopska parcijalna pericistektomija bolje je rješenje od otvorene operacije zbog manje traume za organizam, osobito kod starijih ljudi.Echinococcal cyst of the spleen is usually a result of infection with the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. The spleen is the third most frequent localization of echinococcus after liver and lungs. Partial laparoscopic pericystectomy can be done without the loss of blood and scattering of scolexes with spleen preservation and conservation of its immune function. We present the patient with a large (18×16×12 cm) echinococcal cyst of the spleen that compressed the surrounding organs (stomach, transverse colon, pancreas and left kidney), and prevented normal passage causing vomiting after every meal. In this patient, PAIR procedure (puncture, aspiration, injection, reaspiration) and conservative treatment was ­attempted on several occasions without success. Finally, laparoscopic partial pericystectomy was performed, evacuating the contents of the cyst. The surgery lasted 120 minutes. Postoperatively the patient was without complications. Hospi­talization lasted five days. Six months later, the patient is without problems. These echinococcus cysts of the spleen cannot be solved using PAIR technique and conservative treatment. Laparoscopic partial pericystectomy is a better solution than open surgery due to less trauma to the patient, especially in elderly people


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    Ehinokokna cista slezene redovito je posljedica infekcije parazitom Echinococcus granulosus. Slezena je treća najčešća lokalizacija ehinokoka, nakon jetre i pluća. Parcijalna laparoskopska pericistektomija može se učiniti bez gubitka krvi i rasapa skoleksa s prezervacijom slezene i očuvanjem njezine imunosne funkcije. Prikazana je pacijentica s velikom (18 × 16 × 12 cm) ehinokoknom cistom slezene koja je pritiskala okolne organe (želudac, poprečni kolon, pankreas i lijevi bubreg), onemogućavajući normalnu pasažu i izazivajući povraćanje nakon svakog obroka. Kod bolesnice su u nekoliko navrata neuspješno pokušani postupak PAIR (punkcija, aspiracija, injekcija, reaspiracija) i konzervativno liječenje te je naposljetku učinjena laparoskopska parcijalna pericistektomija s evakuacijom sadržaja ciste. Zahvat je trajao 120 minuta. Postoperacijski tijek protekao je bez komplikacija. Hospitalizacija je trajala 5 dana. Šest mjeseci kasnije bolesnica je bez tegoba. Ovakve ehinokokne ciste slezene nije moguće ukloniti tehnikom PAIR i konzervativnim liječenjem. Laparoskopska parcijalna pericistektomija bolje je rješenje od otvorene operacije zbog manje traume za organizam, osobito kod starijih ljudi.Echinococcal cyst of the spleen is usually a result of infection with the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. The spleen is the third most frequent localization of echinococcus after liver and lungs. Partial laparoscopic pericystectomy can be done without the loss of blood and scattering of scolexes with spleen preservation and conservation of its immune function. We present the patient with a large (18×16×12 cm) echinococcal cyst of the spleen that compressed the surrounding organs (stomach, transverse colon, pancreas and left kidney), and prevented normal passage causing vomiting after every meal. In this patient, PAIR procedure (puncture, aspiration, injection, reaspiration) and conservative treatment was ­attempted on several occasions without success. Finally, laparoscopic partial pericystectomy was performed, evacuating the contents of the cyst. The surgery lasted 120 minutes. Postoperatively the patient was without complications. Hospi­talization lasted five days. Six months later, the patient is without problems. These echinococcus cysts of the spleen cannot be solved using PAIR technique and conservative treatment. Laparoscopic partial pericystectomy is a better solution than open surgery due to less trauma to the patient, especially in elderly people

    Lymphoscintigraphy and Radiation – Occupational Exposure During Sentinel Node Assay

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    Ionizing radiation has many practical applications, but it is also, as it is well known, dangerous to human health. The purpose of this study was to estimate the dose and exposure for medical staff involved in sentinel node assay and to determine how safe this assay really is. The theoretical method was used for calculation. Three groups of medical staff were selected: nuclear medicine specialist, nuclear medicine technologist and a surgeon. The results obtained show that the most exposed staff member is nuclear medicine specialist and that dose received by the surgeon is smaller then the dose limit

    Role of bone scintigraphy and tumor marker-Ca 15-3 in detection of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is one of the most frequent types of cancer affecting women. After hematogenous spreading of cancer, axial skeleton is most frequently involved. Bone scintigraphy is commonly performed in detection and evaluation of bone metastases. In breast cancer, marker Ca15-3 is widely accepted in follow-up and detection of disease recurrence. Aim of the study was to correlate levels of tumor marker Ca 15-3 and presence of bone metastases detected by bone scintigraphy. Study included 25 patients with breast cancer, previously surgically treated. All patients underwent total body scintigraphy. Ca 15-3 was measured by radioimmunoassay. Presence, number and location of bonemetastases were correlated with Ca 15-3 levels. Bone scintigraphy revealed bone metastases in 16 (64%) patients. 11 (44%) patients with metastases and 1 patient (4%) without scintigraphically visible metastases had elevated Ca 15-3 levels. Significant difference in distribution of metastases was found for spine (t=3.930, p=0.008). Correlation between intensity of radiopharmaceutical uptake and level of Ca 15-3 in patients was positive (r =0.405). A weak correlation was found between number of metastases and level of Ca 15-3 (r=0.139). Significant differences in Ca 15-3 level was found in patients with metastases compared to patients without metastases (chi square 0, p =1.0). Since no significant correlation was found between level of Ca 15-3 and number of metastases, we consider scintigraphy an appropriate method for assessment of bone metastases in breast cancer