23 research outputs found

    Cognitive absorption and the behavioral intention to use business intelligence: Determinants and influence of cognitive absorption

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    Introduction: In the last decade Business intelligence became increasingly important for organizations to adopt in order to compete in highly changing industries. The main purpose of the business intelligence system is to enable users to make and execute decisions better and faster. However, the success of business intelligence is not guaranteed. Users are defined as one of the main sources of the potential issues, since they are the ones who should incorporate the new system into their work environment. Users interact with the system via business intelligence application, and for that reason, it is important to investigate users' behavioral intentions towards the application. In order to investigate users intentions, several theoretical constructs have been developed, mostly from the technology acceptance research. The main one being explored in this study is cognitive absorption. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to test the theory presented in Agarwal and Karahanna (2000) in the new setting. The authors’ theory proved the influence of the cognitive absorption in the context of the World Wide Web. We will use their theory in order to investigate the determinants and the influence of the cognitive absorption in the business intelligence context. Method: This study is explanatory in nature. We used survey methodology - questionnaire for the hypotheses testing. We tested seven hypotheses based on the theoretical model adapted from the literature. Several statistical analyses have been conducted for measurement and hypotheses testing, and they have been performed in SPSS and SmartPLS software packages. Conclusion: The results of the analysis identified playfulness as the significant determinant of the cognitive absorption with the business intelligence application. Furthermore, cognitive absorption proved to have the significant direct as well as indirect influence on the behavioral intention to use the business intelligence application

    On the Future of Passenger Mobility and its Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Cities: Scenarios for Different Types of Policies

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    Many cities have set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Mobility is a major target sector as it is still widely fossil fuel-dependent and largely car-oriented. In this paper, a new methodological approach for modelling the impact of different policies on mobility, energy demand and resulting flow and embedded greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles is derived up to 2050. Finally, this approach is applied to the case of the City of Vienna. Three scenarios are developed with different policy targets focusing on battery electric vehicles and public transport. Each scenario was calculated with an average mix of electricity and a mix of renewable energy sources to be reached by 2030. The major conclusions are: (i) The impact of policies is of tremendous importance; (ii) Travel activity must be reduced and (iii) Public transport must be supported (iv) The electricity mix has to be switched to renewable energy sources

    Analytical and morphometric study of nutrient foramina of femur and its clinical implications

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    Background: The femur is supplied princially by the diaphyseal nutrient artery which enters the bone throught the nutrient foramen. This supply is essential during the growing period, the early phases of ossification, and in different surgical procedures. The aim of present study was to examine the morphology and topography of the femur nutrient foramen to provide detalied data on such features.Methods: This was a cross-sectional-descriptive study in which we observed 50 femurs. We analysed the number and location of nutrient foramina, the length of the bone, the position of the nutrient foramen regarding to values of FI, correlation between number of nutrient foramen and length of femur, correlation between position of nutrient foramen and side of extremity to which femur belongs.Results: The double foramina were common in right (57.1%) and left (42.1%) femur, mostly located in medial lip of aspera line in right (64.3%) and on the lateral lip in left femur (68.4%), with statistically significant correlation, χ = 4.85; p = 0.03, p 0.05). There is positive correlation between length of right and left femur and number of foramina.Conclusions: The study provides data of the nutrient foramina on femur, which is helpful for clinicians to help preserve bone vascularization during surgery

    On the Environmental Benignity of Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles are considered as an important means to cope with increasing environmental problems in the transport sector. Many governments worldwide have set targets to increase the number of electric vehicles, although their environmental benignity is not ensured in the scope of the policies implemented. The core objective of this paper is to investigate the overall environmental impact of electric vehicles in different regions. The analysis is based on a life cycle assessment of electric vehicles including emissions from electricity generation, vehicle production and disposal, and vehicle use. The major conclusion is that the environmental benignity of electric vehicles is very sensitive on: electricity mix (a); number of km driven per year (b) and embedded emissions in car production (c), as well as battery recycling. Yet, as shown in this paper the highest sensitivity is with respect to the electricity mix. Hence, to make electric vehicles more environmentally friendly it is most important to increase the share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation

    Renewable energy systems implementation in road transport: prospects and impediments

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    The transport sector accounts for about one quarter of the global carbon dioxide emissions. It is dominated by fossil fuels, leading to different negative impacts on humans and the environment. Over the last years, interest in alternative automotive powertrains such as different types of electric vehicles as well as low-carbon fuels has been increasing. The main objective of this paper is to provide review of the current state of the major renewable energy systems in road transport focusing on the EU. Based on a detailed literature review, the major prospects and impediments for the future use of biofuels, renewable electricity and green hydrogen in road transport are discussed considering policies implemented, as well as emission reduction targets set for the future with a special focus on passenger car transport. The major conclusions are: (i) The prospects of biofuels depend on their future economic and environmental performance as well as on land availability and the food versus tank discussion. (ii) The high investment costs of battery- and fuel cell electric vehicles are still a major barrier for their faster market penetration but they could be reduced in future due to technological learning. In addition, their contribution to the reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions is achievable only in combination with the increasing use of renewable energy sources in electricity generation

    Electric Mobility in Cities: The Case of Vienna

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    Environmental problems such as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions are especially challenging in urban areas. Electric mobility in different forms may be a solution. While in recent years a major focus was put on private electric vehicles, e-mobility in public transport is already a very well-established and mature technology with a long history. The core objective of this paper is to analyze the economics of e-mobility in the Austrian capital of Vienna and the corresponding impact on the environment. In this paper, the historical developments, policy framework and scenarios for the future development of mobility in Vienna up to 2030 are presented. A major result shows that in an ambitious scenario for the deployment of battery electric vehicles, the total energy demand in road transport can be reduced by about 60% in 2030 compared to 2018. The major conclusion is that the policies, especially subsidies and emission-free zones will have the largest impact on the future development of private and public e-mobility in Vienna. Regarding the environmental performance, the most important is to ensure that a very high share of electricity used for electric mobility is generated from renewable energy sources

    On the Historical Development and Future Prospects of Various Types of Electric Mobility

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    Environmental problems such as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions are caused by almost all transport modes. A potential solution to these problems could be electric mobility. Currently, efforts to increase the use of various types of electric vehicles are under way virtually worldwide. While in recent years a major focus was put on the electrification of passenger cars, electricity has already, for more than hundred years, been successfully used in some public transport modes such as tramways and metros. The core objective of this paper is to analyze the historical developments and the prospects of electric mobility in different transport modes and their potential contribution to the solution of the current environmental problems. With respect to the latter, we analyze the effect of the electricity generation mix on the environmental performance of electric vehicles. In addition, we document major policies implemented to promote various types of e-mobility. Our major conclusions are: (i) The policies implemented will have a major impact on the future development of electric mobility; (ii) The environmental benignity of electric vehicles depends to a large extent on the electricity generation mix

    Methods to determine robust innovation paths for electric vehicle technology

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    The following paper introduces a structured approach assessing the probability for the success of specific technologies increasing the endurance/autonomy of BEV\u27s (Battery Electric Vehicles). Apart from range extenders, flow batteries (redox batteries as one variant) which might be refilled with electrolyte similar to conventional vehicles and technological improvements, the exchange of batteries is a method allowing BEV\u27s similar ranges and similar usability like vehicles with internal combustion engines as they are currently used. The suggested way for the investigation into the success of the concept holds a two fold approach: Mapping the innovation: Enumerating the influencing factors Assessing: In-depth research of acceptance In step one influence analysis (causal loop) is applied to determine the most active factors and the system dynamics. In step two a multi criteria decision analysis is employed in order to quantify the potential impact of the factors/characteristics on the probability of the success of the concepts. The two step methodology is presented for the battery exchange system (swappable battery), because for this system it is easiest to determine the technological aspects being purely mechanical and also the market impact based on the pre-existing knowledge of the facts. The range extenders and flow batteries still need technological research clarifying the operational characteristics of an industrialised concept before a robust assessment may be conducted. The paper anticipates the acceptance of the first mentioned concepts and enumerates the questions that have to be solved in order to allow a successful use case. The closing chapter analyses the influence of paradigm change on the assessment introducing uncertainties. In this respect it is shown how in depth foresight studies may reduce the risk for the innovator by introducing the actors/users introducing criteria for success and failure

    The Long-Term Prospects of Biofuels in the EU-15 Countries

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    The core objective of this paper is to analyze the energy and CO<sub>2</sub> reduction potentials as well as the market prospects of biofuels in EU-15 in a dynamic framework till 2050. The most important result of this analysis is that 2nd generation biofuels might become economically competitive between 2020 and 2030, yet this can only be achieved if the following preconditions are fulfilled: (1) achievement of significant learning effects leading to considerably lower plant costs; (2) significant improvement of conversion efficiency from feedstock to fuel leading to lower feedstock costs and better ecological performance; (3) increases in conventional diesel and gasoline prices, e.g., due to CO<sub>2</sub> based taxes