14 research outputs found

    Extrathoracic heart in northern Cameroon: a case report

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    Tantchou et al report a case of ectopia cordis with successful surgical correction on a 7 months old child from northern Cameroon. Sternal clefts, ectopia cordis, and Cantrell's pentalogy continue to be very rare congenital anomalies in pediatric surgery. The prenatal diagnosis is easily made with ultrasound by visualizing the heart outside the thoracic cavity. Ectopia cordis is frequently associated with other congenital defects involving multiple organ systems. We report a case of ectopia cordis with successful surgical correction on a 7 months old child from northern Cameroon

    The Shisong Cardiac Center in Cameroon: An Example of a Long-Term Collaboration/Cooperation Toward Autonomy

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    Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are present in nearly 1% of live births; according to WHO, there are 1. 5 million newborns affected by CHD per year and more than 4 million children waiting for cardiac surgery treatment worldwide. The majority of these children (~90%) could be treated, saved and subsequently have a good quality of life but unfortunately, in developing countries with a suboptimal care or no access to care, they are destined to die. Cameroon, one of the 40 poorest countries in the world, is a typical example of this dramatic scenario and this is why we started a collaboration project with a local religious partner (Tertiary Sisters of Saint Francis) in 2001 with the aim of establishing the first cardiac surgery center in this country. There are various well-known organizational models to start a cooperation project in pediatric cardiac surgery in a developing country. In our case, the project included a long-term collaboration with a stable local partner, a big financial investment and a long period of development (10 years or more). It is probably the most difficult model but it is the only one with the greatest guarantee of success in terms of sustainability and autonomy. The aim of this study is to analyze the constructive and problematic aspects of the 17-year collaboration in this project, and to assess possible solutions regarding its critical issues. Although much has been done during this 17-year we are aware that there is still a lot that needs to be done

    L’implication des organisations non gouvernementales dans les systèmes de santé des pays du Sud: l’exemple du Shisong Cardiac Centre The involvement of NGOs in the health systems in developing countries: the example of Shisong Cardiac Center

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    Dans le tiers monde, près de 800 000 enfants naissent chaque année avec des cardiopathies congénitales (CC). Plusieurs millions d’enfants y vivent avec des CC corrigeables et une grande majorité décède à cause de l’absence de structure médicale spécialisée dans la correction chirurgicale totale ou palliative. C’est dans cette optique que l’association Associazione bambini cardiopatici nel mondo (Association mondiale des enfants cardiopathes) a été créée. Grâce aux efforts de cette association, plus de 500 enfants souffrant de CC ont pu être évacués et soignés à l’hôpital de San Donato et plus 800 dans leur pays. Près de 200 praticiens en provenance des pays du Sud ont dans cette même perspective bénéficiée d’une formation en Italie. Cent quinze missions chirurgicales ont été réalisées dans différents pays: Egypte, Tunisie, Libye, Palestine, Cameroun, Roumanie, Azerbaïdjan, Pérou, Syrie, Yémen, Kurdistan et au Mali. Plusieurs hôpitaux ont été équipés gratuitement. Actuellement, l’association œuvre ardemment pour la réalisation de trois projets essentiels dont l’un est la construction d’un centre cardiaque dans la région de Shisong au Cameroun (Shisong Cardiac Centre). Ce centre cardiaque sera équipé d’appareils de dernière génération permettant de réaliser des investigations et la chirurgie cardiaques. L’inauguration de ce centre est prévue pour Novembre 2009

    Occurrence, aetiology and challenges in the management of congestive heart failure in sub-saharan Africa: experience of the Cardiac Centre in Shisong, Cameroon

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study was to investigate the occurrence, the aetiology and the management of congestive heart failure in the cardiac centre of the St. Elizabeth catholic general hospital Shisong in Cameroon. METHODS: Between November 2002 and November 2008, a population of 8121 patients was consulted in the referral cardiac centre of St. Elizabeth Catholic General Hospital. Of these patients, 462 were diagnosed with congestive heart failure according to the modified Framingham criteria for the diagnosis of heart failure. Complementary investigations used to confirm and establish the aetiology of the disease were the chest X-ray, electrocardiography, bi-dimensional Doppler echocardiography. RESULTS: The results showed that the occurrence of congestive heart failure in our centre was 5,7%. Congestive heart failure was diagnosed in 198 females and 264 males, aged between 8 and 86 years old (42.5, plus or minus 18 years old). Post rheumatic valvulopathies (14.6%) and congenital heart diseases (1.9%) were the first aetiologic factor of congestive heart failure in the young, meanwhile cardiomyopathies (8,3%) in elderly followed by hypertensive cardiomyopathy (4.4%). Congestive heart failure was also seen in adults with congenital heart diseases in 0.01%. In this zone of Cameroon, we discovered that HIV cardiomyopathy (1.6%) and Cor pulmonale (8%) were represented, aetiological factors not mentioned in previous studies conducted in urban areas of Cameroon. The mean duration of hospital stay for the compensation treatment was thirteen days, ranging between 7 and 21 days), the mortality being 9.2%. All the medications recommended for the treatment of congestive heart failure are available in our centre but many patients are not compliant to the therapy or cannot afford them. Financial limitation is causing the exacerbation of the disease and premature death. CONCLUSION: Our data show a high incidence of congestive heart failure mainly due to post rheumatic valvulopathies in young patients in our centre. National program to fight against rheumatic fever and complications are of great urgency in our country. The compensation treatment of congestive heart failure is challenging in our milieu, characterized by poor compliance and financial limitation