55 research outputs found

    Lubricity Characterizations of Sebacic Acid Based Ester

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    The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of long-chain and branch alcohol on lubricity of sebacic acid based ester. Since currently synthesis of a new lubricant to improve the lubricity properties and quality of lubricant is increasing, in this study, sebacic acid esters were synthesized by the conventional esterification method with some modification using sulfuric acid (SA) as catalyst. Twelve samples of sebacic acid esters with different chemical structures were synthesized including di-2-octyl sebacate, didecyl sebacate, di-2 ethylhexanol sebacate, di-2-ethylbutyl sebacate and dioleyl sebacate. These diesters were tested in terms of their suitability as lubricant. The results showed that the pour point, flash point and oxidation stability were affected by liner and branch of the alcohol used. Di-2-ethylbutyl sebacate (D2EBS) and di-2-ethylhexanol sebacate (D2EHS) showed very low pour point at -44°C and -60°C respectively, while the same carbon number of dihexyl sebacate (DHS) and dioctyl sebacate (DOS) recorded high pour point at 8°C and 15 °C respectively. These differences were due to the presence of the branching. DOS recorded the highest oxidative stability at 290°C. However, there was a slight negative effect of the branching on the flash point

    Aptitudes of Pakistani Rice Industry with Respect to Global Trade

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    Economy of Pakistan based on agriculture, owing to the export of agricultural commodities is major source of foreign exchange earnings. Export of rice play a vital role in country’s economy. However, trade policies influenced the performance of agricultural sector, as there are some gaps of technical advancement in system, financial irregularity, as well as other constitutional regulatory factors. Pakistan is following three years Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) since 2009, to enhance the performance and efficiency of trade sector. Since last few years, trade of rice is decreasing due to traditional markets, energy crises and lack of research and development in agricultural sector. Thus, Pakistan has lost its more than 30% share from Gulf market via rice export during previous three decades. The transaction cost to imports is significantly lower than the exportation, which is negatively affecting the competitiveness of country’s exports. So, it's prior need to pay attention in the export chain sector, to approach the Europeans markets for encouraging trade performance of rice sector, as well as, improve the reforms in trade policies to compete in the international market for maximum foreign exchange revenues. Keywords: Trade strategies, Export competition, Rice expor

    Utjecaj dugolančanog i razgranatog alkohola na mazivost estera na bazi dodekandiojske kiseline

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    Thirteen samples of esters based on dodecanedioic acid with different chemical structures were synthesized. Among these were di-2-octyl dodecanedioate, didecyl dodecanedioate, di-2-ethylhexanol dodecanedioate, di-2-ethylbutyl dodecanedioate, dioctyl dodecanedioate, dihexyl dodecanedioate, and dioleyl dodecanedioate. Diesters were synthesized through the esterification of dodecanedioic acid with selected long-chain and branched alcohols with acid catalyst of H2SO4. These esters were tested in terms of their suitability for application as lubricants. The results showed that the lubricity properties, based on their pour point, flash point, and oxidation stability of the esters were significantly affected by the linear and branched alcohols used. An excellent pour point property of di-2-ethylbutyl dodecanedioate and di-2-ethylhexanol dodecanedioate at −55 °C and −50 °C was observed compared to their respective same linear carbon number esters of dihexyl dodecanedioate at 10 °C and dioctyl dodecanedioate at 20 °C. These are due to the presence of the branched group in their molecule vicinity structure. However, the esters flash points were insignificantly affected by the presence of branched structure. The selected esters could be used for biolubricants or engine oil. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Sintetizirano je trinaest uzoraka estera na bazi dodekandiojske kiseline različitih kemijskih struktura. Među njima su bili di-2-oktil dodekandioat, didecil dodekandioat, di-2-etilheksanol dodekandioat, di-2-etilbutil dodekandioat, dioktil dodekandioat, diheksil dodekandioat i dioleil dodekandioat. Diesteri su sintetizirani esterifikacijom dodekandiojske kiseline s odabranim dugolančanim i razgranatim alkoholima s kiselinskim katalizatorom H2SO4. Ti su esteri ispitani u smislu njihove prikladnosti za primjenu kao maziva. Rezultati su pokazali da su na svojstva mazivosti, temeljena na njihovoj točki tečenja, točki zapaljenja i oksidacijskoj stabilnosti estera, znatno utjecali upotrijebljeni linearni i razgranati alkoholi. Uočeno je izvrsno svojstvo točke tečenja di-2-etilbutil dodekandioata i di-2-etilheksanol dodekandioata pri −55 °C i −50 °C u usporedbi s njihovim istim ravnopravnim esterima ugljikova broja diheksil dodekandioata pri 10 °C i dioktil dodekandioata pri 20 °C, zbog prisutnosti razgranate skupine u strukturi njihove blizine molekule. Međutim, prisutnost razgranate strukture neznatno je utjecala na točke zapaljenja estera. Odabrani esteri mogli bi se rabiti za biomaziva ili motorno ulje. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    Aptitudes of Pakistani Rice Industry with Respect to Global Trade

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    Economy of Pakistan based on agriculture, owing to the export of agricultural commodities is major source of foreign exchange earnings. Export of rice play a vital role in country’s economy. However, trade policies influenced the performance of agricultural sector, as there are some gaps of technical advancement in system, financial irregularity, as well as other constitutional regulatory factors. Pakistan is following three years Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) since 2009, to enhance the performance and efficiency of trade sector. Since last few years, trade of rice is decreasing due to traditional markets, energy crises and lack of research and development in agricultural sector. Thus, Pakistan has lost its more than 30% share from Gulf market via rice export during previous three decades. The transaction cost to imports is significantly lower than the exportation, which is negatively affecting the competitiveness of country’s exports. So, it's prior need to pay attention in the export chain sector, to approach the Europeans markets for encouraging trade performance of rice sector, as well as, improve the reforms in trade policies to compete in the international market for maximum foreign exchange revenues

    Client Intentions and Buying Behavior with Regard of Dairy Products-Review

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    Presently, profoundly educated, focused and soaked business sector, a key to accomplishment of any business relies on knowing consumer and his utilization designs, and perceiving as well as understanding elements impacting his choice making with the end goal of adding to an appealing of products. Moreover, supporting administrations, correspondence implies and other promoting apparatuses that would fit to client's needs. Investigation of consumer conduct has a place with a gathering of wide and solid subjects of advertising consideration and its examination requires continuous methodology. Milk, as one classification of dairy products, fits with the gathering of essential day by day devoured products described by moderately high demand. The study on consumer conduct is the investigation of how people settle on choice to spend their accessible assets (time and cash) for utilization of related things. It incorporates the investigation of what they purchase, why they purchase it, when they purchase it, where they purchase it, how regularly they purchase it, and how frequently they utilize it. Agreeable dairies needs to comprehend this idea in profound mode as the private players a representing a hardy competition to them

    Aptitudes of Pakistani Rice Industry with Respect to Global Trade

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    Economy of Pakistan based on agriculture, owing to the export of agricultural commodities is major source of foreign exchange earnings. Export of rice play a vital role in country’s economy. However, trade policies influenced the performance of agricultural sector, as there are some gaps of technical advancement in system, financial irregularity, as well as other constitutional regulatory factors. Pakistan is following three years Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) since 2009, to enhance the performance and efficiency of trade sector. Since last few years, trade of rice is decreasing due to traditional markets, energy crises and lack of research and development in agricultural sector. Thus, Pakistan has lost its more than 30% share from Gulf market via rice export during previous three decades. The transaction cost to imports is significantly lower than the exportation, which is negatively affecting the competitiveness of country’s exports. So, it's prior need to pay attention in the export chain sector, to approach the Europeans markets for encouraging trade performance of rice sector, as well as, improve the reforms in trade policies to compete in the international market for maximum foreign exchange revenues

    Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Dairy Industry in China

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    The aim of this review to call attention towards the impacts of exchange liberalization on the dairy industry, and these impacts are vital concerning the monetary development of a country. The focus of this literature is on certain issues of proficiency and worldwide competitiveness of the dairy segment in an open economy environment. It identifies the sensational competition raise in the dairy sector affected by China's liberalization programs, via signing trade agreements with several countries across the globe, and the execution of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements. It gives an outline of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and its impacts on the dairy part. So we have concentrated on specific parts of dairy, particularly production, demand and trade policies to empower dairy holders under the worldwide competitiveness and indicators like the local asset cost proportion. China dairy production was 36 million tons during 2010, however alarmingly declined up to 26.52 million tons in 2014. The production declined had driven towards import from out of the country, in this manner strategies and agreements require certain facilitations to meet local dairy items demands in China. The impacts of duties by developed nations to lessen taxes, local support and export subsidies have been insignificant and unless these nations fundamentally diminish the exchange distorting endorsements to their dairy segment it will be troublesome for China to contend with the global market

    Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Dairy Industry in China

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    The aim of this review to call attention towards the impacts of exchange liberalization on the dairy industry, and these impacts are vital concerning the monetary development of a country. The focus of this literature is on certain issues of proficiency and worldwide competitiveness of the dairy segment in an open economy environment. It identifies the sensational competition raise in the dairy sector affected by China's liberalization programs, via signing trade agreements with several countries across the globe, and the execution of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements. It gives an outline of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture and its impacts on the dairy part. So we have concentrated on specific parts of dairy, particularly production, demand and trade policies to empower dairy holders under the worldwide competitiveness and indicators like the local asset cost proportion. China dairy production was 36 million tons during 2010, however alarmingly declined up to 26.52 million tons in 2014. The production declined had driven towards import from out of the country, in this manner strategies and agreements require certain facilitations to meet local dairy items demands in China. The impacts of duties by developed nations to lessen taxes, local support and export subsidies have been insignificant and unless these nations fundamentally diminish the exchange distorting endorsements to their dairy segment it will be troublesome for China to contend with the global market

    Supply Chain Management of Agricultural Technology Innovation: Study of Fujian and Taiwan

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    Fujian and Taiwan has shared a strong cross-strait agricultural relation, and the government is keen to further strengthen the trade between the two. There has been substantial growth in the Fujian trade with Taiwan in agricultural goods that has increased more than $ 2.7 billion in 2013 for a year-on-year growth of 70%. This study adopted secondary data collection method to obtain information for the research. The research was mainly qualitative to acquire in-depth information on the matter under study. The findings showed that with the help of e-commerce both Fujian and Taiwan have been benefited with low transaction costs and efficient supply chain management to ensure effective trade

    Supply Chain Management of Agricultural Technology Innovation: Study of Fujian and Taiwan

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    Fujian and Taiwan has shared a strong cross-strait agricultural relation, and the government is keen to further strengthen the trade between the two. There has been substantial growth in the Fujian trade with Taiwan in agricultural goods that has increased more than $ 2.7 billion in 2013 for a year-on-year growth of 70%. This study adopted secondary data collection method to obtain information for the research. The research was mainly qualitative to acquire in-depth information on the matter under study. The findings showed that with the help of e-commerce both Fujian and Taiwan have been benefited with low transaction costs and efficient supply chain management to ensure effective trade