4 research outputs found

    Učinak hromosti na folikularnu dinamiku u postpartalnom razdoblju u anestričnih križanih krava

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    Lameness affects the reproductive performance of cows. It is not clear whether follicular dynamics is involved. Ovarian ultrasonography was performed once daily in eight non - lame (N) and 11 lame (L) cows for a period of 30 days each. Recurrent follicular waves could be detected every 8.3 ± 0.4 and 7.6 ± 0.5 days, respectively, in the N and L cows. There were no appreciable differences in the day of selection (Day 2.3 ± 0.2 versus Day 2.8 ± 0.2), maximum diameters (8.9 ± 0.6 mm versus 9.2 ± 0.5 mm) and certain characteristics pertaining to growth, static and regression of the dominant follicles (DFs) in the N versus the L cows. The L cows, however, had a tendency to have a higher number (P3≤5 mm). In conclusion, lameness did not affect the DFs that developed but failed to ovulate, but more the number of small follicles, both identifi ed and unidentifi ed, hints at some perturbance in the follicular characteristics of lame cows that needs to be addressed in the light of the mechanisms governing follicular dynamics.Hromost utječe na reprodukcijsku sposobnost krava, ali nije sa sigurnošću ustanovljeno utječe li i na folikularnu dinamiku. Jajnici osam normalnih i 11 hromih krava ultrazvučno su bili pregledavani jednom dnevno u razdoblju od 30 dana. Povratni folikularni valovi mogli su se ustanoviti svakih 8,3 ± 0,4 u normalnih i 7,6 ± 0,5 dana u hromih krava. Nisu bile ustanovljene znatne razlike u selekciji (dan 2,3 ± 0,2 u normalnih, 2,8 ± 0,2 u hromih), najvećem promjeru (8,9 ± 0,6 mm u normalnih, 9,2 ± 0,5 mm u hromih) određenim značajkama rasta, postojanosti i regresije dominantnih folikula u normalnih u odnosu na hrome krave. Međutim hrome krave pokazivale su tendenciju većeg broja (P3≤5 mm). Zaključuje se da hromost nije utjecala na dominantne folikule koji su se razvili, a nisu ovulirali, ali veći broj malih folikula, identifi ciranih i neidentifi ciranih, upućuje na neke smetnje folikularnih značajki u hromih krava koje se moraju uzeti u obzir u svjetlu mehanizma što upravlja folikularnom dinamikom

    Učinak hromosti na folikularnu dinamiku u križanih krava

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    Lameness impedes reproduction in dairy cows. It is not clear whether follicular dynamics is also involved. Ovarian ultrasonography was performed once daily for one to two interovulatory intervals in the cyclic cows that were either normal (N) or lame (L). A 2-wave pattern of follicular growth predominated and was therefore utilized to compare the follicular dynamics during six and 13 interovulatory intervals, respectively, in six N and 10 L cows. At wave emergence, the follicular characteristics were similar between the N and the L cows. Subsequently, the L cows compared to the N cows exhibited an increased number of small (P<0.05), medium (P<0.01) and large (P<0.05) sized-follicles during the anovulatory and ovulatory follicular waves; delayed selection of the dominant follicle in the anovulatory (day 3.6 ± 0.2 versus day 2.8 ± 0.1; P<0.05) as well as the ovulatory wave (day 5.6 ± 0.2 versus day 2.8 ± 0.1; P<0.01) and longer persistence of the ovulatory follicle (10.9 versus 9.4 days; P<0.05). It was concluded that the follicular composition and characteristics were disturbed in the lame cycling cows.Hromost utječe na rasplođivanje mliječnih krava. Dosada nije ustanovljeno utječe li i na folikularnu dinamiku u tijeku spolnoga ciklusa. Ultrazvučna pretraga jajnika provedena je jednom dnevno u jednom ili dvama međuovulacijskim razmacima u normalnih i hromih krava. Pretežito su ustanovljena dva vala folikularnog rasta te je to uzeto za usporedbu kretanja folikularnog rasta između šest i 13 međuovulacijskih razmaka u šest normalnih i 10 hromih krava. Značajke pojave folikularnih valova bile su slične u normalnih i hromih krava. U odnosu na normalne, hrome krave pokazivale su povećani broj malih (P<0,05), srednjih (P<0,01) i velikih (P<0,05) folikula u tijeku valova ovulacijskih folikula, zatim zakašnjelu selekciju dominantnog folikula u izvanovulacijskom (dan 3,6 ± 0,2 u odnosu na dan 2,8 ± 0,1; P<0,05) kao i ovulacijskom valu (5,6 ± 0,2 dana u odnosu 2,8 ± 0,1 dana; P<0,01) i veću postojanost ovulacijskog folikula (10,9 u odnosu na 9,4 dana; P<0,05). Može se zaključiti da se sastav i značajke folikula mijenjaju u hromih krava

    Hospital based study of demography and clinical picture of vernal keratoconjunctivitis

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    Background: Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is common cause of ocular morbidity in children living in tropical countries. Its diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms of the disease. The study was undertaken to stress upon the demography and clinical presentation of VKC.Methods: Retrospective pre-formed proforma of 155 patients of VKC, who were detected at random in the out - patient department of ophthalmology, ASCOMS, Jammu from May 2016 to April 2017, were analyzed.Results: Mean age at presentation was 10.31 years +4.05. The Male: Female ratio was 4.96:1. Majority of patients reported in the month of May. Mixed type of VKC was predominant. Personal or family history of allergy was seen in 5.8% of patients. Itching (100%) was commonest symptom and palpaberal papillae were commonest sign seen in 78.70% of patients.Conclusions: Clinical pattern of VKC seen in hot and dry climate of Northern India is like that seen in other parts of country

    Hospital based study of demography and clinical picture of vernal keratoconjunctivitis

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    Background: Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is common cause of ocular morbidity in children living in tropical countries. Its diagnosis is based on signs and symptoms of the disease. The study was undertaken to stress upon the demography and clinical presentation of VKC.Methods: Retrospective pre-formed proforma of 155 patients of VKC, who were detected at random in the out - patient department of ophthalmology, ASCOMS, Jammu from May 2016 to April 2017, were analyzed.Results: Mean age at presentation was 10.31 years +4.05. The Male: Female ratio was 4.96:1. Majority of patients reported in the month of May. Mixed type of VKC was predominant. Personal or family history of allergy was seen in 5.8% of patients. Itching (100%) was commonest symptom and palpaberal papillae were commonest sign seen in 78.70% of patients.Conclusions: Clinical pattern of VKC seen in hot and dry climate of Northern India is like that seen in other parts of country