11,653 research outputs found

    Hilbert Space of Isomorphic Representations of Bosonized Chiral QCD2QCD_2

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    We analyse the Hilbert space structure of the isomorphic gauge non-invariant and gauge invariant bosonized formulations of chiral QCD2QCD_2 for the particular case of the Jackiw-Rajaraman parameter a=2 a = 2. The BRST subsidiary conditions are found not to provide a sufficient criterium for defining physical states in the Hilbert space and additional superselection rules must to be taken into account. We examine the effect of the use of a redundant field algebra in deriving basic properties of the model. We also discuss the constraint structure of the gauge invariant formulation and show that the only primary constraints are of first class.Comment: LaTeX, 19 page

    Environmental impact and biological removal processes of pharmaceutically active compounds: The particular case of sulfonamides, anticonvulsants and steroid estrogens

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    Pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) have recently received wide attention in the scientific community due to their extensive consumption for human health and consequent discharge to the environment. Release of PhACs into the environment, even in trace amounts, can cause serious environmental damage. This has become a major concern and their removal from water sources is a priority. Although a few PhACs are efficiently removed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), others remain recalcitrant, and their release is causing damage. In this review, the current state of the art on the biological removal processes of sulfonamide sulfamethoxazole (SMX), the anticonvulsant carbamazepine (CBZ), and steroid estrogens 17-estradiol (E2) and 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2) are discussed, along with their environmental impact. Other systems beyond activated sludge, such as membrane bioreactors, enzymatic membrane reactors, fungi treatments and hybrid systems are also becoming of major interest and are being evaluated for the removal of these compounds. Future perspectives are addressed.Cristiano Leal is recipient of a fellowship supported by a doctoral advanced training (call NORTE-69-2015-15) funded by the European Social Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. The authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit, COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Método do Índice de Qualidade (MIQ) para a avaliação sensorial da qualidade do pescado.

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    Characterisation of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics

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    The ability to distinguish between different types of abnormalities affecting wastewater activated sludge systems, by means of image analysis and chemometrics methodologies, was studied in the current work. Three experiments were performed in a pilot plant activated sludge system, during periods ranging from 47 to 85 days each, in a total of 108 samples, reflecting filamentous bulking, zoogleal bulking and pin point flocs conditions. These samples were further analyzed for the determination of image analysis parameters and of the most commonly surveyed operating parameters. Regarding the image analysis methodology three aliquots of each sample were visualized by bright field and fluorescence microscopy, and a total of 150 images per sample were acquired. These images were then treated by image processing software allowing the study of the contents and morphology of aggregated and filamentous bacteria, resulting in the determination of parameters reflecting the aggregates size distribution, filamentous to aggregated biomass ratio, and biomass viability. A Principal Components Analysis was then carried out on the obtained data to identify each studied conditions, with cross-validation (CV) as the criterion to determine the optimal number of significant components. Although the optimal number of principal components, obtained by the CV method, was found to be 7, explaining 91.9 % of the data variability, it was found that the use of the 2 first principal components (explaining 61.2 % of the data variability) allowed to clearly identify all three conditions (pin point flocs, filamentous and zoogleal bulking). In fact, the samples score plot in these two principal components presented three distinct and non-overlapping zones, reflecting the three different studied conditions. Furthermore, it allowed for the identification and exclusion of 5 outliers within the dataset. Analysing the loading contribution for these 2 first principal components, it was evident the preponderance of the aggregates size distribution and of the filamentous to aggregated biomass ratio, reflecting the importance of these two groups of parameters in the identification and enlightenment of activated sludge abnormalities

    Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem

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    No corrente trabalho pretendeu-se detectar e identificar diferentes tipos de perturbações em lamas activadas (bulking filamentoso, bulking viscoso e crescimento de flocos pin point) por técnicas de processamento e análise de imagem. Para o efeito foram determinados os parâmetros operacionais sólidos suspensos totais (SST) e índice volumétrico de lamas (IVL), assim como diversos parâmetros morfológicos (conteúdo e morfologia da biomassa agregada e filamentosa), obtidos por análise de imagem. Os resultados obtidos permitiram o esclarecimento das diferentes inter-relações presentes entre cada uma das condições estudadas e os parâmetros que caracterizaram a biomassa microbiana, assim como a aferição do parâmetro operacional IVL, a partir da caracterização da biomassa

    Método do índice de qualidade na determinação do frescor de peixes.

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    O Método do Índice de Qualidade é um sistema de controle de qualidade do frescor do pescado e baseia-se na avaliação objetiva dos principais atributos sensoriais de cada espécie de peixe, através de um sistema de pontos de demérito. O MIQ é baseado na avaliação visual e olfativa de certos atributos do peixe, principalmente a aparência dos olhos, pele e brânquias, juntamente com o odor e textura, através de um sistema de classificação por pontos de demérito, de 0 a 3. A pontuação de todos os atributos é somada para dar uma pontuação global sensorial, o chamado Índice de Qualidade (IQ). O método permite a avaliação da qualidade do pescado em questão, a previsão da validade comercial da espécie estudada, com a vantagem de ser barato, simples, requerer pouco treinamento em relação aos outros métodos e não destruir a amostra. Sua aplicação faz da análise sensorial, tão importante para avaliação do frescor do pescado, um método objetivo, permitindo de forma confiável e rápida, a avaliação da matéria-prima, seja a bordo das embarcações, no controle da matéria-prima nas indústrias, ou nos entrepostos e em postos de venda

    Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking

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    Activated sludge systems are frequently used in wastewater treatment plant. This process is the most suitable and studied system. However, several problems are being always detected, such as filamentous bulking. Filamentous bulking is typically caused by an overabundance of filamentous organisms that interfere with the settling and compaction process. This phenomenon can be studied and related with settling parameters by automated image analysis using different microscopy acquisitions. However, by using these standard image analysis procedures some relevant information about the state of the sludge is enclosed. Conventional routines, using monochrome images are not suitable to detect the filamentous bacteria which are gram-positive or gram-negative. Moreover, the traditional image acquisition methodologies are not capable to detect both viable and damaged bacteria present within the sludge. Presently, the gram-stain evaluation is performed by visual inspection and manual counting using a microscope which is a tedious procedure. Also, to overcome the lack of viability information, an epifluorescence staining method composed with two nucleic acid-binding stains can be used. For this study, a lab-scale activated sludge reactor was monitored during 100 days through image analysis information and the operational parameters were modified inducing filamentous bulking. Morphological changes were investigated by using new acquisition methods such as epifluorescence staining LIVE/DEAD® BacLight™ Bacterial Viability Kit, the LIVE BacLight™ Bacterial Gram Stain Kit and the traditional bright field. The overall results revealed an improvement of the sludge morphological characterisation, combining these new image analysis procedures with the conventional routines