9,039 research outputs found

    Morphological analysis of Yarrowia lipolytica under stress conditions through image processing

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    Yarrowia lipolytica is an aerobic microrganism capable to produce important metabolites, has an intense secretory activity which drives efforts to be employed in industry (as a biocatalyst), in molecular biology and genetics studies. Dimorphism is refeered to fungi ability to growth in two distinct forms, usually as single oval cells os as a filament and to be reversible between each one. The cell shape is controlled by environmental factors and has been seeked by some authors [1,2,3]. Y. lipolytica has been considered an adequate model for dimorphism studies in yeasts since it has an efficient system for transformation and is easy to distinct between its morphological forms, on opposite to S. cerevisiae that do not produce true filaments and exhibits pseudohyphae growth under nitrogen limited conditions. Y. lipolytica has an hyphae diameter corresponding 60 to 100% of its single cell stage [4,5]. It is believed that Y. lipolytica dimorphism is related to defense mechanism from adverse conditions. The aim of this work resides on investigate morphological changes in Y. lipolytica under thermal and oxidative stress conditions. Yarrowia lipolytica (IMUFRJ 50682) was cultivated in YPD medium (glucose 2%, peptone 0.64%, yeast extract 1%) at 29oC and 160 rpm. Thermal stress experiments were carried employing a temperature shift (37oC / 1 h.). For oxidative ones, an addition of H2O2 was used to reach final concentration of 10mM. Both stress conditions were applied at exponential growth phase. Morphology was observed in a optic microscope (Axiolab, Zeiss) and cell characteristics were determined employing image processing analysis (Matlab v. 6.1, The Mathworks Inc.) and comparisons were carried on to a control system. A net increase around 22% on hyphae formation was detected as well as a significant increment in its length in relation to control system, when both thermal and oxidative stress was applied. The results herein obtained drives to consider a possible relationship between dimorphism and a cell response mechanism to stress conditions.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT); CAPES

    On fermionic tilde conjugation rules and thermal bosonization. Hot and cold thermofields

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    A generalization of Ojima tilde conjugation rules is suggested, which reveals the coherent state properties of thermal vacuum state and is useful for the thermofield bosonization. The notion of hot and cold thermofields is introduced to distinguish different thermofield representations giving the correct normal form of thermofield solution for finite temperature Thirring model with correct renormalization and anticommutation properties.Comment: 13 page

    Driven interfaces in disordered media: determination of universality classes from experimental data

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    While there have been important theoretical advances in understanding the universality classes of interfaces moving in porous media, the developed tools cannot be directly applied to experiments. Here we introduce a method that can identify the universality class from snapshots of the interface profile. We test the method on discrete models whose universality class is well known, and use it to identify the universality class of interfaces obtained in experiments on fluid flow in porous media.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Topological mass mechanism and exact fields mapping

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    We present a class of mappings between models with topological mass mechanism and purely topological models in arbitrary dimensions. These mappings are established by directly mapping the fields of one model in terms of the fields of the other model in closed expressions. These expressions provide the mappings of their actions as well as the mappings of their propagators. For a general class of models in which the topological model becomes the BF model the mappings present arbitrary functions which otherwise are absent for Chern-Simons like actions. This work generalizes the results of [1] for arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 11 page

    Stochastic Feedback and the Regulation of Biological Rhythms

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    We propose a general approach to the question of how biological rhythms spontaneously self-regulate, based on the concept of ``stochastic feedback''. We illustrate this approach by considering the neuroautonomic regulation of the heart rate. The model generates complex dynamics and successfully accounts for key characteristics of cardiac variability, including the 1/f1/f power spectrum, the functional form and scaling of the distribution of variations, and correlations in the Fourier phases. Our results suggest that in healthy systems the control mechanisms operate to drive the system away from extreme values while not allowing it to settle down to a constant output.Comment: 15 pages, latex2e using rotate and epsf, with 4 ps figures. Submitted to PR

    Cascade Failure in a Phase Model of Power Grids

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    We propose a phase model to study cascade failure in power grids composed of generators and loads. If the power demand is below a critical value, the model system of power grids maintains the standard frequency by feedback control. On the other hand, if the power demand exceeds the critical value, an electric failure occurs via step out (loss of synchronization) or voltage collapse. The two failures are incorporated as two removal rules of generator nodes and load nodes. We perform direct numerical simulation of the phase model on a scale-free network and compare the results with a mean-field approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure