142 research outputs found

    A transcription frame-based analysis of the genomic DNA sequence of a hyper-thermophilic archaeon for the identification of genes, pseudo-genes and operon structures

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    AbstractAn algorithm for identifying transcription units, independently regulated genes and operons, and pseudo-genes that are not expected to be expressed, has been developed by combining a system for predicting transcription and translation signals, and a system for scoring the triplet periodicity in ORF candidates. By using the algorithm, the 1.09 Mb sequence that covers approximately 60% of the genome of Pyrococcus sp. OT3 has been analyzed. The identified ORFs show the expected biological and physical characteristics, while the rejected ORF candidates do not. Frequent use of operon structures for transcription, and gene duplication followed by mutation or termination of the duplicated genes, are discussed


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    In vivo Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Hypothermic Anaesthesia of a Disease Model in Medaka

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    In medical and pharmacological research, various human disease models in small fish, such as medaka (Oryzias latipes), have been created. To investigate these disease models noninvasively, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is suitable because these small fish are no longer transparent as adults. However, their small body size requires a high spatial resolution, and a water pool should be avoided to maximize the strength of MRI. We developed in vivo magnetic resonance microscopy (MR microscopy) without a water pool by combining hypothermic anaesthesia and a 14.1 T MR microscope. Using in vivo MR microscopy, we noninvasively evaluated the hepatic steatosis level of a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease model in medaka and followed the individual disease progression. The steatosis level was quantified by the MRI-estimated proton density fat-fraction (MRI-PDFF), which estimates the triglyceride fat concentration in liver tissue and is recognized as an imaging biomarker. The MRI-PDFF results agreed with a histological analysis. Moreover, we optimized the hypothermic anaesthesia procedure to obtain a recovery proportion of 1 in the experiment involving MR microscopy. Recovered medaka could not be distinguished from naïve medaka after the experiment. Therefore, the in vivo MR microscopy will expand the possibilities of a human disease model in fish

    A preliminary study for analysis of three dimensional change of children's palates and alveolar ridges in pre-dentition period

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    無歯期小児における口蓋および歯槽部の経時的な形態変化を縦断採得した模型資料により立体的に分析するための基礎研究として、三次元形状計測装置を用いて、成長に伴う口蓋および歯槽部の形態変化について検討を行い、以下の結論を得た。 1)口蓋の側方および垂直方向への成長変化は生後6か月までは大きいが、その後はゆるやかであった。 2)生後7日から3か月までは側方への成長が大きく、特に生後7日から1か月にかけての成長変化が最大となった。 3)生後6か月以降は口蓋前方部の前方向への成長が大きかった。 口腔内模型を三次元形状データに変換することにより、面積や体積の計測が可能になり、数値のみならず形態変化を視覚化することが可能となった。The purpose of this study was to analyze the growth of palates and alveolar ridges in pre-dental period longitudinally and 3-dimmensionally. The study models obtained from a few volunteers during pre-dentition stage at appropriate intervals were scanned to create the corresponding 3D surface models by the use of a non-contact 3D surface scanner, and the morphological changes during growth and development periods of each individual were analyzed. 1) The palates considerably increased laterally and vertically during the first six months, and leveled off. 2) The palates increased, to a large extent, in lateral direction during first one months, and then gradually increased within 3months. 3) The size of anterior palates increased in a sagittally within the first six month. At last, the three-dimensional measuring system was useful aid to analyze the development of jaws of the nepionic children

    Oral findings in Noonan syndrome : Report of a case

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    Oral findings in a case of Noonan syndrome in an 8-year-old Japanese male are reported. Examination of the patient revealed a narrow, higharched palate and an anterior open bite. Cephalometric measurements showed a wide gonial angle, a large mandibular plane angle, a large Y-axis and long facial height. It is suggested that the patient had a skeletal open-bite malocclusion, which included an abnormal swallowing habit

    Thallium transport and the evaluation of olfactory nerve connectivity between the nasal cavity and olfactory bulb

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    金沢大学医学部附属病院耳鼻咽喉科Little is known regarding how alkali metal ions are transported in the olfactory nerve following their intranasal administration. In this study, we show that an alkali metal ion, thallium is transported in the olfactory nerve fibers to the olfactory bulb in mice. The olfactory nerve fibers of mice were transected on both sides of the body under anesthesia. A double tracer solution (thallium-201, 201Tl; manganese-54, 54Mn) was administered into the nasal cavity the following day. Radioactivity in the olfactory bulb and nasal turbinate was analyzed with gamma spectrometry. Auto radiographic images were obtained from coronal slices of frozen heads of mice administered with 201Tl or 54Mn. The transection of the olfactory nerve fibers was confirmed with a neuronal tracer. The transport of intranasal administered 201Tl/54Mn to the olfactory bulb was significantly reduced by the transection of olfactory nerve fibers. The olfactory nerve transection also significantly inhibited the accumulation of fluoro-ruby in the olfactory bulb. Findings indicate that thallium is transported by the olfactory nerve fibers to the olfactory bulb in mice. The assessment of thallium transport following head injury may provide a new diagnostic method for the evaluation of olfactory nerve injury. © The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    Assessment of Olfactory Nerve by SPECT-MRI Image with Nasal Thallium-201 Administration in Patients with Olfactory Impairments in Comparison to Healthy Volunteers

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess whether migration of thallium-201 (201Tl) to the olfactory bulb were reduced in patients with olfactory impairments in comparison to healthy volunteers after nasal administration of 201Tl. Procedures: 10 healthy volunteers and 21 patients enrolled in the study (19 males and 12 females; 26-71 years old). The causes of olfactory dysfunction in the patients were head trauma (n = 7), upper respiratory tract infection (n = 7), and chronic rhinosinusitis (n = 7). 201TlCl was administered unilaterally to the olfactory cleft, and SPECT-CT was conducted 24 h later. Separate MRI images were merged with the SPECT images. 201Tl olfactory migration was also correlated with the volume of the olfactory bulb determined from MRI images, as well as with odor recognition thresholds measured by using T&T olfactometry. Results: Nasal201Tl migration to the olfactory bulb was significantly lower in the olfactory-impaired patients than in healthy volunteers. The migration of 201Tl to the olfactory bulb was significantly correlated with odor recognition thresholds obtained with T&T olfactometry and correlated with the volume of the olfactory bulb determined from MRI images when all subjects were included. Conclusions: Assessment of the 201Tl migration to the olfactory bulb was the new method for the evaluation of the olfactory nerve connectivity in patients with impaired olfaction. © 2013 Shiga et al

    Community-acquired pneumonia in Ugandan adults: short-term parenteral ampicillin therapy for bacterial pneumonia

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    A hospital-based prospective study of 99 patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) was carried out in Kampala, Uganda. We evaluated microbiological etiologies, clinical features and effectiveness of short-term parenteral ampicillin followed by oral amoxicillin for these patients in relation to HIV-status. We demonstrated a very high prevalence (75%) of HIV-1 infection. No significant difference was observed with respect to age, gender, prior antibiotic usage, symptoms, laboratory data or bacterial etiology between HIV-1-infected and HIV-uninfected CAP patients. Most strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 19) and Haemophilus influenzae (n = 8) isolated from HIV-1-infected patients were penicillin-resistant (95%) and beta-lactamase producing (75%) strains, respectively. A high percentage of good clinical response was found in both HIV-1-infected (81%) and HIV-uninfected (86%) among 39 patients with CAP due to a defined bacterial pathogen. These data support the use of short-term parenteral ampicillin for patients with bacterial CAP irrespective of HIV-status