585 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Sample Preparation Procedures for Determination of Cr(VI) in Cr 2 O 3 Pigments by Vis Spectrophotometry

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    Abstract Six sample preparation procedures were evaluated for selective extraction of Cr(VI) from commercial samples of chromium oxide green (Cr2O3) pigments prior to formation of its diphenylcarbazone complex [CrDPCO]- for determination by visible spectrophotometry: (I) water-soluble chromium; (II) EPA method 3060A without Mg2+; (III) EPA method 3060A with Mg2+; (IV) Na3PO4 based extraction; (V) method IRSA16 based on acidic extraction and; (VI) Na2CO3 based extraction. Evaluation of the influence of concomitant Cr(III) ions, time and stability of the [CrDPCO]- complex was investigated. Recoveries of soluble and insoluble Cr(VI) species were 86% and 80%, respectively, using procedure (VI). Direct calibration against aqueous standards prepared in the extraction medium was successful for Cr(VI) in the concentration range 0.05-1.50 μg L-1. Limits of detection and quantitation were 0.3 µg g-1 and 1.0 µg g-1, respectively, for 250 mg subsamples/25 mL. Procedure (VI) was applied to the analysis of four commercial samples of Cr2O3 pigments, three determined to have Cr(VI) within compliance limits below 1.0 µg g-1, but one at 16.6 ± 0.6 µg g-1, prohibiting use of this pigment in cosmetic formulations. This sample was conveniently employed to evaluate the accuracy of the method. The recommended procedure is simple and accurate and has been adopted by Tecpar's laboratory of Parana Institute of Technology (Curitiba, Brazil)

    ICP OES Determination of Contaminant Elements Leached from Food Packaging Films

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    ABSTRACT Determination of potential contaminants elements in food packing films arising from contact with acidic aqueous foods was undertaken by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) in accordance with DIN EN 1186-1. Test sections from plastic films were totally immersed in 3% w/v CH3COOH used as the food simulant. Testing was conducted under three conditions: (1) 10 days at 40 ºC; (2) 30 min at 70 ºC and 10 days at 40 ºC; and (3) 30 min at 100 ºC and 10 days at 40 ºC. These time and temperature conditions were considered to be the most severe situations likely to be encountered in practice. Several different containers were investigated, including a borosilicate glass beaker, a glass bottle used for food canning, as well as one of polystyrene. The glass bottle was selected for testing treatments according to procedure (3) and a polystyrene one was chosen for use with procedures (1) and (2). Limits of quantitation were adequate for the determination of Ag, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sb, Sn and Zn by solution nebulization ICP OES and As by chemical vapor generation (CVG-ICP OES). Results for the analysis of AccuStandard certified reference materials as well as spike recoveries show good agreement with expected concentrations, demonstrating the accuracy and precision of the determinations. Eleven samples of food packing material were analyzed. The lead was present in the range 4.8 - 85.3 µg L-1 in 10 of 11 evaluated packing material, showing the importance of quality control measures

    Determination of trace metals in electrolytic copper by ICP OES and ICP-MS

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    The performance of axial view ICP OES and ICP-MS techniques were compared through the determination of As, Fe, Mn, Pb, Sb and Sn in electrolytic copper. Samples were prepared by two procedures: 1. Total dissolution with 5 % v/v HNO3 and 2. Dissolution with 1.4 % v/v HNO3 plus 2.0 % v/v H2SO4, followed by separation of the Cu by electrodeposition. The methods were applied for the analysis of standard copper solutions, using calibration against aqueous solutions with or without the addition of Cu. The results obtained by the two techniques were similar, but the separation of Cu from the sample matrix proved to be more adequate for practical reasons.<br>O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo das técnicas ICP-MS e ICP OES com configuração axial e também de dois métodos diferentes de tratamento das amostras, ou seja, por dissolução total com e sem separação do cobre por eletrodeposição, para as determinações de As, Fe, Mn, Pb, Sb e Sn em amostras de cobre eletrolítico. Amostras comerciais e industriais foram dissolvidas com HNO3 5% v/v e o cobre foi eletrodepositado em meio de HNO3 (1,4% v/v) e H2SO4 (2,0% v/v). Verificou-se que a separação do cobre foi eficiente, contudo se constatou contaminação de Fe e Sn durante o processo de eletrodeposição. As determinações foram realizadas utilizando-se um ICP OES Axial Varian (Vista Pro) e um ICP-MS Perkin Elmer (Elan Sciex 6000). Foi aplicada a calibração externa, com soluções padrão contendo ou não cobre na concentração equivalente à da amostra. Os limites de detecção (3s, n=10) para a técnica de ICP OES foram bastante semelhantes na presença ou não do cobre). Já usando ICP-MS, os limites foram melhores na ausência do cobre. Com o objetivo de estabelecer o nível de significância entre as técnicas de quantificação, ou seja, entre ICP OES e ICP-MS,foi aplicado o teste t emparelhado, que demonstrou, para um nível de confiança de 95%, não haver diferença significativa, tanto para as soluções sem ou com cobre. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho demonstraram que as técnicas ICP-MS e ICP OES fornecem resultados similares em determinadas faixas de concentração dos analitos, podendo ambas serem utilizadas, no controle de qualidade do cobre eletrolítico. Contudo, a técnica ICP-MS foi superior em termos de limite de detecção

    Rapid determination of silicone oil lubricant in elastomeric closures by ICP-OES

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    A rapid method for determination of silicone oil in elastomeric closures of injection syringes by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is presented. The silicone oil was extracted from the intact closure using a mixture of methyl isobutyl ketone and 1-pentanol, no further sample treatment was necessary. Quantitation was based on response from Si(i) at 288.158 nm using external calibration with standard solutions of silicone oil dissolved in the same extraction mixture. A supplemental flow of oxygen was used to decrease background interference, providing a detection limit (3s, n = 10) of 0.05 mg of silicone per L. The LOQ (10s, n = 10) was 0.15 mg silicone per L, equivalent to 3.8 \u3bcg silicone/sample of elastomeric closure, based on 25 mL of extraction solvent per closure. The same samples were also analyzed by high-resolution flame atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS F-AAS), providing results similar to those obtained by ICP-OES. Spike recoveries of 97-104% demonstrated the accuracy of the methodology. Precision, expressed as the relative standard deviation, was 0.7-3.0% under conditions of repeatability and 0.7-3.3% for reproducibility. This simple procedure has been adopted by the Institute of Technology of Paran\ue1-TECPAR (Curitiba, Brazil). \ua9 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    A novel approach to cold vapor generation for the determination of mercury in biological samples

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    A novel approach to the generation of mercury vapor at high pH by the simple addition of NaOH or other base to a solution containing mercury ions is described. Subsequent addition of another reducing agent, such as NaBH4 or SnCl2, is unnecessary. Following total dissolution of sample using HNO3 and H2O2 in a closed microwave vessel, the pH of the sample solution is increased to 13 by the addition of NaOH. After standing for 90 min in a closed vessel, the Hg0 is directed to the plasma by a flow of argon. Emission from mercury is measured at 253.652 nm by an axial view inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP OES). The procedure was applied to five certified biological samples, yielding a detection limit (3s, n = 10) of 0.04 \ub5g g-1 based on a nominal sample mass of 0.5 g in a final volume of 50 mL. Calibration was achieved using simple aqueous standard solutions containing 0.1 mol L-1 NaOH. The procedure was efficient, with determined values lying in the range of 85-113 % of the certified values, showing good agreement at the 95% confidence level (t-test). The precision was fit for purpose, with relative standard deviations ranging from 7 to 9%. Organomercury species in solution were not detected; only Hg2+ in solution produces a signal. This new procedure provides for a simple approach to quantitation (and potentially speciation).Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Trace elements in two Oxisols after annual application of sewage sludge for thirteen years

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    This experiment aim was to evaluate the contamination of the trace elements (TE) arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead, selenium, and zinc considered in the CONAMA resolution 375 after 13 years long using sewage sludge (SS) as fertilizer in two soils: an Eutroferric Clayed Red Latosol (Rhodic Eutrudox – RE) and a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox – TH). Experiment in the field under maize cultivation had four treatments (0, 5, 10, and 20 t of SS ha-1, dry weight), five replications and an experimental design in randomized blocks. The agrochemicals (dolomitic limestone, single superphosphate, and potassium chloride), SS, soils, and the certified reference materials were digested according to the USEPA 3051A method and the chemical elements were quantified by ICP OES. The TE contents found in the agrochemicals used should not cause immediate environmental impact. The higher TE values were found in the RE and they did not reach the agricultural (more stringent) Investigation Level (IL) yet, according to 420 CONAMA resolution. Persisting the actual SS fertilization amount applied in the soil and the TE concentration in the SS is foreseen that Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn will be the first elements to reach the IL in the RE

    Simultaneous determination of Pb and Cd in seafood by ICP OES with on-line pre-concentration by solid phase extraction with amberlite XAD-4 after complex formation with DDTP

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    An on-line method for Cd and Pb pre-concentration and simultaneous determination in acid digested seafood by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) was developed. The on-line pre-concentration was based on the complex formation of the analytes with the ammonium salt of O,O-diethyldithiophosphate (DDTP) and using the Amberlite XAD-4 resin as a solid support in a homemade column. Different conditions of the flow injection system, such as solutions flow rates, nebulizer pressure and eluent concentration were optimized. Three certified reference materials of lobster hepatopancreas, dogfish liver and fish protein, three samples of fish muscle and three samples of shrimp were digested with HNO3, H2O2 and H2SO4 in a microwave system under reflux. DDTP was added in the solutions obtained, and the mixture was injected in the FI system. Calibration curves for Cd and Pb were obtained using the standard solutions in the concentration range 0.05-0.5 µg mL-1 in the digestion medium, submitted to the same pre-concentration procedure. The quantification limits (3.3 x LOD) for 5 min of pre-concentration time were 0.005 mg kg-1 Cd2+ and 0.1 mg kg-1 Pb2+ in the sample of fish or shrimp in natura, considering 1.0 g of the sample in a final volume of 50 mL. The agreement of the obtained concentrations with the certified ones (Student t-test, 95% confidence) and the recoveries of spiked real samples, from 90 to 120%, demonstrated good accuracy. Precision was also adequate, with relative standard deviations from 2 to 13%. The method was accurate, precise and certainly could be applied to the digested samples of different natures

    Fast assessment of mineral constituents in grass by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

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    A method for evaluating inorganic constituents in the grass by ICP OES is proposed. The samples were digested with nitric acid plus hydrogen peroxide in a microwave system. Seventeen samples were collected in the metropolitan area of Curitiba and Castro in the Paraná State, Brazil. The following elements were studied: Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Se and Zn. The linear coefficients of the curves were higher than 0.999 and the precision, expressed as the relative standard deviation, which was below 10%, being considered adequate. The accuracy was validated by using the recovery test (recoveries from 80 to 107%) and by the analysis of botanical certified materials. For one sample, two other digestion procedures, using two different mixtures of nitric and hydrochloric acids, produced results in agreement with the adopted procedure. Eleven out of the twenty studied elements could be quantified in real samples. High concentrations of Ca, K, Mg and P, the essential elements for bovines and other animals, were found. The results were evaluated using the principal component analysis that gathered the samples in three groups, according to the areas where the plants were grown
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