13 research outputs found


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    This study examines the effect of defi cit fi nancing on economic stability in Jordan during the period 2005-2017, using quarterly data by employing the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) after seasonally adjusting the variables. This paper is unique as it is the fi rst of its kind that tackles the issue of stability in Jordan. It provides empirical evidence that external borrowing (EBDT) and domestic bank fi nancing (BANK) negatively affect economic stability in Jordan. The bank effect is due to crowding out the private sector. External borrowing negative impact is driven by the current high level of outstanding public debt, 98 percent of GDP. Public debt is mainly channeled to fi nance current expenditures at the expense of capital expenditures, which has a minimal impact on growth. Interest rate (REPO) effect is in line with the fi nance theory as higher rates lead to lower growth. Nonbank fi nancing (NonBank), although not statistically signifi cant, exhibits the right sign as it has a positive effect. Future research may extend this work by including other macroeconomic variables such as current account defi cit, money supply and direct foreign investment.U ovom se radu ispituje utjecaj financiranja deficita na ekonomsku stabilnost u Jordanu u razdoblju od 2005. do 2017. godine, temeljem tromjesečnih podataka, korištenjem vektorskog modela korekcije pogreške (VECM) nakon sezonskog prilagođavanja varijabli. Ovaj je rad jedinstven jer je prvi takve vrste koji se bavi pitanjem stabilnosti u Jordanu. Rad pruža empirijske dokaze da vanjsko zaduživanje (EBDT) i financiranje domaćih banaka (BANK) negativno utječu na ekonomsku stabilnost u Jordanu. Učinak banke posljedica je istiskivanja privatnog sektora. Negativni utjecaj vanjskog zaduživanja utječe na trenutačno visoku razinu nepodmirenog javnog duga od 98 posto BDP-a. Javni dug uglavnom se usmjerava na financiranje tekućih rashoda na teret kapitalnih rashoda, što ima minimalan utjecaj na rast. Učinak kamatnih stopa (REPO) u skladu je s teorijom financija jer veće stope dovode do nižeg rasta. Nebankarsko financiranje (NonBank), iako nije statistički značajno, pokazuje pravi predznak, jer ima pozitivan učinak. Buduća istraživanja mogu proširiti ovaj rad uključivanjem ostalih makroekonomskih varijabli poput deficita tekućeg računa, novčane mase i izravnih stranih ulaganja


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    The paper disentangles gross savings into government and private savings and investigate their impact on gross investment. Our methodology is based on a balanced panel of four MENA countries (Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon) for the period 2000-2017 by employing the Panel Vector Autoregressive Model (PVAR). Our findings show that government savings as a ratio of GDP does not have any impact on investment while private savings as a ratio of GDP does. Both variables exhibit the correct signs. The results also show that mobility of private saving is high and seemingly statistically inconsistent with the Fielstein and Horioka (1980) puzzle. Our paper also reveals that even though OECD countries are more open than our sample countries, the higher capital mobility of our sample is driven by the economic and political instability in the region.Rad razgraničava bruto štednju na državnu i privatnu štednju te istražuje njihov utjecaj na bruto investicije. Metodologija se temelji na uravnoteženom panelu četiri zemlje Bliskog istoka i Afrike (Tunis, Jordan, Egipat i Libanon) za razdoblje od 2000. do 2017. primjenom panel vektorskog autoregreijskog modela (PVAR). Rezultati pokazuju da državna štednja kao omjer BDP-a nema utjecaja na investicije, dok privatna štednja kao omjer BDP -a ima. Obje varijable potvrđuju očekivani predznak. Rezultati također pokazuju da je mobilnost privatne štednje velika i naizgled statistički neusklađena s zagonetkom Fielstein i Horioka (1980.). Ovaj članak također otkriva da, iako su zemlje OECD-a otvorenije od zemalja promatranog uzorka, veća mobilnost kapitala promatranog uzorka je posljedica ekonomske i političke nestabilnosti u regiji

    The Determinants Of Capital Flight: Evidence From MENA Countries

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    This paper examines the determinants of capital flight in seven Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries during the period of 1981-2008. The results are robust to four econometrics techniques: Ordinary least Squares, Fixed effects, Random Effects, and Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model. The empirical findings indicate that the capital flight in MENA countries is driven mainly by lag capital flight, external debt, foreign direct investment, real GDP growth rate and uncertainty. Based on these results, the paper recommends that governments in these countries should manage their external debt efficiently, and stabilize their monetary and macroeconomic policies in order to staunch capital flight

    Bank size and capital: A trade-off between risk-taking incentives and diversification

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    This paper analyzes the importance of size and capital for risk-taking incentives of Jordanian banks using panel data of 13 commercial banks for the period 2007–2017. The results reveal that size and capital add to stability, consistent with the economies of scale and scope hypothesis. In developing countries, banks are more conservative and less involved in market-based activities; however, they are interconnected just as in developed countries. The results of the first model and second model reveal that as size increases by 1 percent, risk decreases by 0.11 percent and 0.03 percent, respectively, implying that too-big-to-fail is not present and that moral hazard is not a serious issue. In both models, large size is driven by diversification not by risk-taking incentives. In terms of capital, the results of the first model and second model reveal that as capital increases by 1 percent, risk decreases by 0.48 and 0.12 percent, respectively. The fact that Jordanian banks are overcapitalized indicates that the central bank regulation is not binding. Banks increase their capital adequacy ratios to reduce risk. It is clear that there is economic benefit from increased size. However, the failures of large banks are systemic due to their interconnectedness. Therefore, regulators need to pay special attention to them in accordance with Basel III Accord

    Bank Capital Adequacy: The Impact Of Fundamental And Regulatory Factors In A Developing Country

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    This paper provides evidence that the overcapitalized banks are much more sensitive to fundamental factors rather than to the regulatory requirements such the Basle’s Accord requirements, which raises the question of whether Basel’s limits are sufficient to minimize financial crises. Also, keeping buffers against falling below the minimum requirements appear to be of second order importance. Three fundamental factors affect capital adequacy in Jordan; risk, return and activity. Risk indicators drive the capital adequacy ratios downward. Return on average assets (ROAA) has the biggest impact among all factors, banks fuel their capital internally following the pecking order theory, and they also raise capital whenever their activities (loan to asset ratio) improve. Return on average equity (ROAE) is a cost factor; banks avoid issuing capital whenever cost of common equity is high. This paper also provides evidence that systematically important banks hold less capital, a sign of moral hazard

    Systemically Important Bank: A Bibliometric Analysis for the Period of 2002 to 2022

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    This paper aims to analyzes the English-language literature related to Systemically Important Banks (SIBs) by applying the bibliometric methodology to present the current state of SIBs’ intellectual structure and emerging trends from a large quantity of data for the period 2002 to first 2 months of 2022 from Scopus, which is which is considered the most widely used database. SIBs are large and powerful, their contribution to economic growth is significant but their failure is usually systematic and contagious. Regulators subsidize them with public money to avoid systematic financial crises. It is striking that smaller banks do not receive the same treatment, which places them under competitive disadvantage. The bibliometric methodology helps in focusing on this issue for being a rigorous way for exploring and evaluating large volumes of data, identifying gaps, deriving unique research ideas, and resulting in a significant research impact. Therefore, we apply the bibliometric analysis to describe the field’s evolution and structure, including co-authorship, bibliographical coupling, and co-citation. The findings reveal that, the USA is the most relevant country, the University of Southeast is the most relevant institution, and the Journal of Banking and Finance is the most relevant journal. We contribute to the literature mainly by: (1) identifying the benchmark authors, locations of SIBs, and journals; (2) specifying the research streams and summarizing the most cited papers; and (3) identifying the research gaps and future directions

    The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Pain Management Awareness among Nurses

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    Background: Pain management, a crucial part of nursing care, is considered one of the most basic patient rights. To properly treat patients’ pain, nurses need a high degree of pain management awareness (PMA). The researchers hypothesized that nurses’ pain management awareness is affected by their emotional intelligence (EI). Purpose: Because there is a dearth of studies on this topic, the purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between emotional intelligence and pain management awareness in a sample of nurses. Methods: The study employed a descriptive design with a quantitative approach to analyze data from a survey designed with the simple random sample technique. The questionnaires were completed by 330 nurses working at six governmental hospitals in Saudi Arabia. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (V23) and Analysis of Moment Structures (V23) were used to determine the reliability and validity of the questionnaires and analyze the causal relationships among the variables. Results: The results revealed a significant positive relationship between nurses’ emotional intelligence and their pain management awareness. Conclusions: These findings suggest that having emotional intelligence is an important nurse characteristic for effective pain management awareness and possibly the provision of pain management care. Clinical Implications: Hospital and nurse managers as well as administration should consider using the emotional intelligence variables utilized in this study to develop ways to improve pain management awareness among nurses. Such efforts may help improve hospital and patient outcomes related to pain management