31 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de capacidades productivas y su influencia en ejecución del programa social Haku Wiñay, NEC Sitabamba, UT Trujillo 2022

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    El objetivo principal de la investigación es determinar la influencia del desarrollo de capacidades productivas en la ejecución del programa social Haku Wiñay NEC Sitabamba, UT Trujillo 2022, empleando una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional causal; con una población de 409 familias beneficiarias del programa social Haku Wiñay, y una muestra de 190 familias, aplicando como técnica la encuesta e instrumento el cuestionario para cada una de las variables, con Alfa de Cronbach de 0.914 y 0.986 respectivamente. Obteniendo como resultados en el nivel del desarrollo de capacidades productivas eficiente con un 72%; dimensión capacitación eficiente con 82%; dimensión asistencia técnica con nivel eficiente de 86%; y, la ejecución del programa social con nivel eficiente de 70%, en cuanto a sus dimensiones producción familiar con nivel eficiente del 80%, vivienda saludable 86% de nivel eficiente, emprendimiento rurales inclusivos con 79% de nivel eficiente, y en inclusión financiera con nivel eficiente de 82%; concluyendo que el desarrollo de capacidades productivas influye positivamente en la ejecución del programa social Haku Wiñay NEC Sitabamba, UT Trujillo, con valor de P= 0.000 y coeficiente de Rho de Spearman de 0.965; con nivel eficiente de 67.9% entre ambas variables

    Control interno y calidad de servicio al usuario en el área de liquidaciones, en una unidad territorial La Libertad, 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación que existe entre control interno y calidad de servicio al usuario en el área de liquidaciones, en una Unidad Territorial La Libertad, 2022, siendo una investigación básica, de enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental; con una población muestral de 46 trabajadores, utilizando como técnica la encuesta e instrumento el cuestionario para ambas variables, con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.971 y 0.959 respectivamente siendo altamente confiable para su aplicación, obteniendo como resultados un nivel de control interno regular con 61%, en sus dimensiones, la cultura organizacional obtuvo un nivel regular con 43%, la dimension gestión de riesgos un nivel eficiente con 43% y la dimension supervisión un nivel regular del 63%. La variable Calidad de servicio al usuario, fue nivel regular con 59%, asimismo en sus dimensiones, satisfacción de usuarios fue nivel regular con 43%, gestión de calidad el nivel obtenido fue regular con 43%, y capacidad de respuesta obtuvo un nivel regular del 61%. Concluyendo que si existe una relación entre control interno y la calidad de servicio con valor de P= 0.000 y una correlación positiva de Rho de Spearman de 0.784; con nivel regular de 58.7% entre ambas

    Elaboración de un quinto estado financiero que registre las actividades de responsabilidad social empresarial que realiza Caxamarca Gas S.A., Cajamarca, año 2016

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    RESUMEN El actual trabajo de investigación realizado en la ciudad de Cajamarca, durante el año 2017, pretende elaborar un Quinto Estado Financiero que registre las actividades de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial que realiza Caxamarca Gas S.A., año 2016. El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de una investigación no experimental, transversal, exploratoria. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación, se utilizó el instrumento de medición (Ficha de Análisis Documental), para poder recolectar toda la información concerniente al tema estipulado, para luego, mediante cálculos de ponderación, lograr identificar la responsabilidad social empresarial de Caxamarca Gas S.A. con sus proveedores, con sus clientes, con sus empleados, con su comunidad, con sus accionistas y con las empresas financistas. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en el actual trabajo, confirmamos que se realizó la elaboración de un Quinto Estado Financiero que registre las actividades de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial de Caxamarca Gas S.A. PALABRAS CLAVES: Generación de Riqueza: Diferencia del valor de las ventas totales menos costos directos totales. Distribución de Riqueza: Repartición del valor generado entre diversos interesados de la empresa.ABSTRACT The current research work carried inside the city of Cajamarca during the year 2017, intends to develop a Fifth Financial Statement that reflects the activities of Corporate Social Responsibility carried out by Caxamarca Gas SA in the year 2016. It is worth noting that the present work is framed within Non- experimental, transverse, exploratory research. During the development of the research, the instrument of measurement (Document Analysis Data Sheets) were used in order to collect all the information concerning the stipulated subject, and then, through weighting calculations, to will achieve identify the corporate social responsibility of Caxamarca Gas S.A. With its suppliers, with its clients, with its employees, with the state, with its community, with its shareholders and with the financial companies. According to the results obtained in the current work, we confirm that a Fifth Financial Statement was prepared to record the Corporate Social Responsibility activities of Caxamarca Gas S.A. KEYWORDS: Wealth Generation: Difference in the value of total sales minus total direct costs (local and non-local). Wealth Distribution: Distribution of the value generated among the stakeholders of the company

    Segmentation approaches for diabetic foot disorders

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    Thermography enables non-invasive, accessible, and easily repeated foot temperature measurements for diabetic patients, promoting early detection and regular monitoring protocols, that limit the incidence of disabling conditions associated with diabetic foot disorders. The establishment of this application into standard diabetic care protocols requires to overcome technical issues, particularly the foot sole segmentation. In this work we implemented and evaluated several segmentation approaches which include conventional and Deep Learning methods. Multimodal images, constituted by registered visual-light, infrared and depth images, were acquired for 37 healthy subjects. The segmentation methods explored were based on both visual-light as well as infrared images, and optimization was achieved using the spatial information provided by the depth images. Furthermore, a ground truth was established from the manual segmentation performed by two independent researchers. Overall, the performance level of all the implemented approaches was satisfactory. Although the best performance, in terms of spatial overlap, accuracy, and precision, was found for the Skin and U-Net approaches optimized by the spatial information. However, the robustness of the U-Net approach is preferred.This research was funded by the IACTEC Technological Training program, grant number TF INNOVA 2016–2021. This work was completed while Abián Hernández was beneficiary of a pre-doctoral grant given by the “Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, Innovacion y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI)” of the “Consejería de Economía, Industria, Comercio y Conocimiento” of the “Gobierno de Canarias”, which is partly financed by the European Social Fund (FSE) (POC 2014–2020, Eje 3 Tema Prioritario 74 (85%))

    Assessment of registration methods for thermal infrared and visible images for diabetic foot monitoring

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    This work presents a revision of four different registration methods for thermal infrared and visible images captured by a camera-based prototype for the remote monitoring of diabetic foot. This prototype uses low cost and off-the-shelf available sensors in thermal infrared and visible spectra. Four different methods (Geometric Optical Translation, Homography, Iterative Closest Point, and Affine transform with Gradient Descent) have been implemented and analyzed for the registration of images obtained from both sensors. All four algorithms´ performances were evaluated using the Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation (STAPLE) together with several overlap benchmarks as the Dice coefficient and the Jaccard index. The performance of the four methods has been analyzed with the subject at a fixed focal plane and also in the vicinity of this plane. The four registration algorithms provide suitable results both at the focal plane as well as outside of it within 50 mm margin. The obtained Dice coefficients are greater than 0.950 in all scenarios, well within the margins required for the application at hand. A discussion of the obtained results under different distances is presented along with an evaluation of its robustness under changing conditions.This research was funded by the IACTEC Technological Training program, grant number TF INNOVA 2016–2021

    The Padul normal fault activity constrained by GPS data: Brittle extension orthogonal to folding in the central Betic Cordillera

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    The Padul Fault is located in the Central Betic Cordillera, formed in the framework of the NW-SE Eurasian-African plate convergence. In the Internal Zone, large E-W to NE-SW folds of western Sierra Nevada accommodated the greatest NW-SE shortening and uplift of the cordillera. However, GPS networks reveal a present-day dominant E-W to NE-SW extensional setting at surface. The Padul Fault is the most relevant and best exposed active normal fault that accommodates most of the NE-SW extension of the Central Betics. This WSW-wards dipping fault, formed by several segments of up to 7 km maximum length, favored the uplift of the Sierra Nevada footwall away from the Padul graben hanging wall. A non-permanent GPS network installed in 1999 constrains an average horizontal extensional rate of 0.5 mm/yr in N66°E direction. The fault length suggests that a (maximum) 6 magnitude earthquake may be expected, but the absence of instrumental or historical seismic events would indicate that fault activity occurs at least partially by creep. Striae on fault surfaces evidence normal-sinistral kinematics, suggesting that the Padul Fault may have been a main transfer fault of the westernmost end of the Sierra Nevada antiform. Nevertheless, GPS results evidence: (1) shortening in the Sierra Nevada antiform is in its latest stages, and (2) the present-day fault shows normal with minor oblique dextral displacements. The recent change in Padul fault kinematics will be related to the present-day dominance of the ENE-WSW regional extension versus ~ NNW-SSE shortening that produced the uplift and northwestwards displacement of Sierra Nevada antiform. This region illustrates the importance of heterogeneous brittle extensional tectonics in the latest uplift stages of compressional orogens, as well as the interaction of folding during the development of faults at shallow crustal levels.This research was funded by PAIUJA 2017/2018, UJA2016/00086/001 project, CGL2016-80687-R AEI/FEDER, UE project and RNM148 and RNM282 research groups of Junta de Andalucía

    Insights of Active Extension Within a Collisional Orogen From GNSS (Central Betic Cordillera, S Spain)

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    The coexistence of shortening and extensional tectonic regimes is a common feature in orogenic belts. The westernmost end of the Western Mediterranean is an area undergoing shortening related to the 5 mm/yr NNW‒SSE convergence of the Nubia and Eurasia Plates. In this region, the Central Betic Cordillera shows a regional ENE‒WSW extension. Here, we present GNSS-derived geodetic data along a 170 km-long transect orthogonal to the main active normal faults of the Central Betic Cordillera. Our data indicate that the total extension rate along the Central Betic Cordillera is 2.0 ± 0.3 mm/yr. Extension is accommodated in the eastern (0.8 ± 0.3 mm/yr in the Guadix-Baza Basin) and western (1.3 ± 0.3 mm/yr in the Granada Basin) parts of the Central Betic Cordillera, while no extension is recorded in the central part of the study area. Moreover, our data permit us to quantify, for the first time, short-term fault slip rates of the Granada Fault System, which is one of the main seismogenic sources of the Iberian Peninsula. We deduce a fault slip rate of ∼1.3 ± 0.3 mm/yr for the whole Granada Basin, with 0.9 ± 0.3 mm/yr being accommodated in the Granada Fault System and 0.4 ± 0.3 mm/yr being accommodated in the southwestern sector of the Granada Basin, where no active faults have been previously described at the surface. The heterogeneous extension in the Central Betic Cordillera could be accommodated by shallow high-angle normal faults that merge with a detachment at depth. Part of the active extension could be derived from gravitational instability because of underlying over-thickened crust.This research was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Regional Government, Research project AICO/2021/196), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (Research Projects RTI2018-100737-B-I00 and PID2021-127967NB-I00), the University of Alicante (Research Project VIGROB053), the University of Jaén (POAIUJA 2021–2022, CEACTEMA and Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía, 2014–2020—call made by UJA, 2018, Ref. 1263446), P18-RT-3275 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER), and the Junta de Andalucía regional government (RNM282 and RNM 148 research groups). The Institut Cartogràfic Valencià, Agencia Valenciana de Seguridad y Respuesta a las Emergencias (Generalitat Valenciana), Consorcio Provincial para el Servicio de Prevención y Extinción de Incendios y Salvamento de Alicante, Excelentísimas Diputaciones Provinciales de Alicante y Castellón, and the Ayuntamiento de Almoradí also provided partial funding

    Geodetic fault slip rates on active faults in the Baza sub-Basin (SE Spain): Insights for seismic hazard assessment

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    One of the most significant parameters for seismic hazard assessment analyses is the fault slip rate. The combination of both geological (long-term) and geodetic (short-term) data offers a more complete characterization of the seismic potential of active faults. Moreover, geodetic data are also a helpful tool for the analysis of geodynamic processes. In this work, we present the results of a local GPS network from the Baza sub-Basin (SE Spain). This network, which includes six sites, was established in 2008 and has been observed for seven years. For the first time, we obtain short-term slip rates for the two active faults in this area. For the normal Baza Fault, we estimate slip rates ranging between 0.3 ± 0.3 mm/yr and 1.3 ± 0.4 mm/yr. For the strike-slip Galera Fault, we quantify the slip rate as 0.5 ± 0.3 mm/yr. Our GPS study shows a discrepancy for the Baza Fault between the short-term slip rates and previously reported long-term rates. This discrepancy indicates that the fault could be presently in a period with a displacement rate higher than the mean of the magnitude 6 seismic cycle. Moreover, the velocity vectors that we obtained also show the regional tectonic significance of the Baza Fault, as this structure accommodates one-third of the regional extension of the Central Betic Cordillera. Our GPS-related slip rates form the basis for future seismic hazard analysis in this area. Our results have further implications, as they indicate that the Baza and Galera Faults are kinematically coherent and they divide the Baza sub-Basin into two tectonic blocks. This points to a likely physical link between the Baza and Galera Faults; hence, a potential complex rupture involving both faults should be considered in future seismic hazard assessment studies.We acknowledge the comments of Editor Prof. Irina M. Artemieva and two anonymous reviewers, which significantly improved the quality of this paper. This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (Research Projects: RTI2018-100737-BI00 and CGL2016-80687-R), the University of Alicante (Research Project: VIGROB053), the University of Jaén (PAIUJA 2019-2020 and Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 - call made by UJA 2018), the University of Granada (B-RNM-301-UGR18) and the Junta de Andalucía regional government (RNM148, RNM282, and RNM370 and P18-RT-3275 research groups). We thank all observers who collected the data of survey-mode GPS measurements

    Randomized-controlled trial of the DIALIVE liver dialysis device vs. standard of care in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute on chronic liver failure (ACLF) is characterized by severe systemic inflammation, multi-organ failure and high mortality rates. Its treatment is an urgent unmet need. DIALIVE is a novel liver dialysis device that aims to exchange d ysfunctional albumin and remove damage- and pathogen-associated molecular patterns. This first-in-man randomized, controlled clinical trial was performed with the primary aim of assessing its safety in ACLF patients with secondary aims to evaluate its clinical effects, device performance and effect on pathophysiologically-relevant biomarkers. METHODS: 32 alcoholic cirrhosis patients with ACLF were included. Patients were treated with DIALIVE for up to 5-days and end points were assessed at Day-10. Safety was assessed in all patients (n=32). The secondary aims were assessed in a pre-specified subgroup that had at least 3-treatment sessions with DIALIVE (n=30). RESULTS: There were no significant differences in 28-day mortality or occurrence of serious adverse events between the groups. Significant reduction in the severity of endotoxemia and improvement in albumin function was observed in DIALIVE group, which translated into a significant reduction in the CLIF-C (Chronic Liver Failure consortium) organ failure (p=0.018) and CLIF-C ACLF scores (p=0.042) at Day-10. Time to resolution of ACLF was significantly faster in DIALIVE group (p=0.036). Biomarkers of systemic inflammation such as IL-8 (p=0.006), cell death [cytokeratin-18: M30 (p=0.005) and M65 (p=0.029)], endothelial function [asymmetric dimethylarginine (p=0.002)] and, ligands for toll-like receptor 4 (p=0.030) and inflammasome (p=0.002) improved significantly in DIALIVE group. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that DIALIVE appears to be safe and impacts positively on prognostic scores and pathophysiologically relevant biomarkers in patients with ACLF. Larger, adequately powered studies are warranted to further confirm its safety and efficacy. LAY SUMMARY: This is the first-in-man clinical trial which tested DIALIVE, a novel liver dialysis device for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and acute on chronic liver failure, a condition associated with severe inflammation, organ failures and a high risk of death. The study met the primary end point confirming DIALIVE system to be safe. Additionally, it reduced inflammation with improved clinical parameters. It did not, however, reduce mortality in this small study and requires further larger clinical trials to re-confirm its safety and evaluate efficacy. CLINICAL TRIAL NUMBER: NCT03065699