15 research outputs found
Approaching Sentiment Analysis by Using Semi-supervised Learning of Multidimensional Classifiers
Sentiment Analysis is defined as the computational study of opinions, sentiments and emotions
expressed in text. Within this broad field, most of the work has been focused on either Sentiment
Polarity classification, where a text is classified as having positive or negative sentiment,
or Subjectivity classification, in which a text is classified as being subjective or objective. However,
in this paper, we consider instead a real-world problem in which the attitude of the author
is characterised by three different (but related) target variables: Subjectivity, Sentiment Polarity,
Will to Influence, unlike the two previously stated problems, where there is only a single variable
to be predicted. For that reason, the (uni-dimensional) common approaches used in this area
yield suboptimal solutions to this problem. In order to bridge this gap, we propose, for the first
time, the use of the novel multi-dimensional classification paradigm in the Sentiment Analysis
domain. This methodology is able to join the different target variables in the same classification
task so as to take advantage of the potential statistical relations between them. In addition, and
in order to take advantage of the huge amount of unlabelled information available nowadays in
this context, we propose the extension of the multi-dimensional classification framework to the
semi-supervised domain. Experimental results for this problem show that our semi-supervised
multi-dimensional approach outperforms the most common Sentiment Analysis approaches, concluding
that our approach is beneficial to improve the recognition rates for this problem, and in
extension, could be considered to solve future Sentiment Analysis problems
Phytosociological Surveys in Weed Science: Old Concept, New Approach
Phytosociological surveys have been applied to studies on agroecosystems, especially in relation to weed populations into arable fields. These surveys can indicate trends of variation of the importance of plant populations within a crop, and whether the variations are associated to agricultural practices adopted, which can be further used to support the development of weed management programs. However, to understand the applicability of phytosociological studies for weeds, it is necessary to understand the ecological basis and determine the most appropriate methods to be used when surveying arable fields. Therefore, the aim of the present chapter is to introduce a new approach of phytosociological survey to be used as a tool for the weed science. Throughout the chapter, this new approach is presented in details covering aspects related to methods for sampling and describing weed communities. The following sequence of steps is proposed as the most suitable for a weed phytosociological and association survey: (1) overall infestation; (2) phytosociological tables/graphs; (3) intra-characterization by diversity; (4) inter-characterization and grouping by multivariate analysis; and (5) weeds association through contingency tables
Diseño de un plan de Auditoria para el Programa de Auditoría en el SGC de la Inocuidad basado en la norma ISO 22000: 2018 para productos alimenticios Magdalana
La gran responsabilidad de las industrias de la cadena alimentaria en la actualidad, es garantizar la inocuidad de sus productos, por ello a parte de la normativa de obligatorio cumplimiento las industrias se acogen a estándares internacionales, como la ISO 22000 sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad Alimentaria; esta norma se basa en el cumplimiento de los programas prerrequisitos del sistema HACCP y en el control de los riesgos.
Ajustándose a la metodología del ciclo PHVA para la implementación, mantenimiento y mejora continua de la norma ISO 22000 en un sistema de gestión, es necesario establecer mecanismos de verificación y evaluación periódica, para determinar si la norma funciona de forma eficaz, con la ayuda de un programa de auditoria interno, como elemento aplicable de comprobación de su eficiencia (Ruiz, 2008). Los elementos que comprenden un programa de auditoria se rigen bajo una serie de directrices normativas que se encuentran en la norma ISO 19011: 2018, Programa con el cual se pueden evidenciar oportunidades de mejora y hallazgos que permite establece acciones de mejora (Lorena & Fernando, 2016).
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se presenta un plan de auditoria para verificar la evaluación y corrección de los hallazgos relacionados a la norma ISO 22000, de una auditoria interna que realizo la empresa Magdalana, es su esfuerzo por implementar y mantener un sistema de gestión de seguridad alimentaria que le permita aumenta la confianza de sus consumidores y abrirse puertas en mercados internacionales.The great responsibility of the industries in the food chain at present is to guarantee the safety of their products, therefore, apart from the mandatory regulations, the industries adhere to international standards, such as ISO 22000 Food Safety Management systems ; This standard is based on compliance with the prerequisite programs of the HACCP system and the control of risks.
Adjusting to the PDCA cycle methodology for the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the ISO 22000 standard in a management system, it is necessary to establish mechanisms for periodic verification and evaluation, to determine if the standard works effectively, with the help of an internal audit program, as an applicable element to verify its efficiency (Ruiz, 2008). The elements that comprise an audit program are governed by a series of normative guidelines found in the ISO 19011: 2018 standard, a Program with which opportunities for improvement and findings can be evidenced that allows establishing improvement actions (Lorena & Fernando, 2016).
Taking into account the above, an audit plan is presented to verify the evaluation and correction of the findings related to the ISO 22000 standard, of an internal audit carried out by the Magdalana company, it is its effort to implement and maintain a management system of food safety that allows you to increase the confidence of your consumers and open doors in international markets
Comunicación, educación y contexto
Ante la situación mundial vivida en el año 2020 con la aparición de la pandemia del Covid-19 desde el Comité de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación se proyectó la realización del I Encuentro Virtual de Grupos de Investigación, cuyas memorias tienen a su disposición en la presente obra, conformada por diez ponencias congregadas en cuatro secciones, las cuales se agruparon de acuerdo a la afinidad entre sus campos disciplinares y las líneas de investigación de los grupos que pertenecen a esta unidad académica. Estas áreas del conocimiento demuestran la diversidad de temáticas de investigación presentes en esta facultad que abarcan el discurso y las representaciones, la pedagogía, procesos investigativos sobre lectura y escritura, y, por último, la memoria, la historia y las políticas públicas.Given the global situation experienced in the year 2020 with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Research Committee of the Faculty of Education Sciences planned to hold the First Virtual Meeting of Research Groups, whose memories are available in this work, consisting of ten papers grouped into four sections, which were grouped according to the affinity between their disciplinary fields and the lines of research of the groups belonging to this academic unit. These areas of knowledge demonstrate the diversity of research topics present in this faculty, which include discourse and representations, pedagogy, research processes on reading and writing, and finally, memory, history and public policies.CONTENIDO
Introducción. Apuestas colectivas de los docentes-investigadores
de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación...................................11
Sección discurso y representaciones...........................................17
El grupo “Estudios del lenguaje y la Educación”
y sus aportes a la Glotopolítica en Colombia .............................18
Proyecto: Creación de una estrategia audiovisual con
base en storytelling para cambiar imaginarios urbanos:
Caso Pereira Imaginada y sus croquis ciudadanos. ....................25
Proyecto Observatorio de Análisis del Discurso televisivo
en el aula: Una propuesta integradora y didáctica para
la formación de audiencia en la Escuela de Español y
Comunicación Audiovisual.........................................................33
Sección pedagogía ........................................................................43
Sociología de la Infancia: Surgimiento de un
campo de estudio, evolución y perspectivas...............................44
Concepciones de conflicto de estudiantes
de Educación Básica. ..................................................................47
Sección lecto-escritura.................................................................53
Transformaciones en la escritura académica
de estudiantes de maestría...........................................................54
Una apuesta de la Facultad, para la Facultad..............................61
Sección memoria, historia y políticas públicas..........................71
Laboratorios andantes: Fotografía estenopeica
como interfaz cultural de la memoria colectiva..........................72
UTP 60 años:
Legados y transformaciones en la construcción de
saberes, sociedad y territorio – Vicerrectoría de
Responsabilidad Social y Bienestar Universitario
10 años – Crecimiento Urbano, Historia Barrial y
Política Local: Pereira 1930-1980. .............................................76
Proyecto: Gestión de Políticas Públicas Migratorias
en la ciudad de Pereira, Colombia durante el periodo
2015-2019. ..................................................................................81
Conclusiones finales.....................................................................8
The global abundance of tree palms
Aim Palms are an iconic, diverse and often abundant component of tropical ecosystems that provide many ecosystem services. Being monocots, tree palms are evolutionarily, morphologically and physiologically distinct from other trees, and these differences have important consequences for ecosystem services (e.g., carbon sequestration and storage) and in terms of responses to climate change. We quantified global patterns of tree palm relative abundance to help improve understanding of tropical forests and reduce uncertainty about these ecosystems under climate change. Location Tropical and subtropical moist forests. Time period Current. Major taxa studied Palms (Arecaceae). Methods We assembled a pantropical dataset of 2,548 forest plots (covering 1,191 ha) and quantified tree palm (i.e., ≥10 cm diameter at breast height) abundance relative to co‐occurring non‐palm trees. We compared the relative abundance of tree palms across biogeographical realms and tested for associations with palaeoclimate stability, current climate, edaphic conditions and metrics of forest structure. Results On average, the relative abundance of tree palms was more than five times larger between Neotropical locations and other biogeographical realms. Tree palms were absent in most locations outside the Neotropics but present in >80% of Neotropical locations. The relative abundance of tree palms was more strongly associated with local conditions (e.g., higher mean annual precipitation, lower soil fertility, shallower water table and lower plot mean wood density) than metrics of long‐term climate stability. Life‐form diversity also influenced the patterns; palm assemblages outside the Neotropics comprise many non‐tree (e.g., climbing) palms. Finally, we show that tree palms can influence estimates of above‐ground biomass, but the magnitude and direction of the effect require additional work. Conclusions Tree palms are not only quintessentially tropical, but they are also overwhelmingly Neotropical. Future work to understand the contributions of tree palms to biomass estimates and carbon cycling will be particularly crucial in Neotropical forests
Escuela de supervivencia, preppers y camping
The Orion Survival School is a business plan that from the beginning was thought from the experiences shared in the past, the experience of more than 20 years in outdoor activities allows the founder to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this project, finding in the a great opportunity for the community in general.
Initially, it is proposed that the Orion Survival School serves campers and hikers, but as we do the research, we find how this proposal can cover different communities with very similar and different needs in turn, allowing to cover part of the non-formal education in social environments of : companies, communities and target groups. This allows us not only to offer camping, but an outdoor education for all types of society interested in ecotourism and the environment.
We see how the Orion Survival School approaches trainings and experiences in nature in an innovative way, not only as a hotel, glampling or natural experience, but as a real experience, which leaves a mark on each of its participants, allowing a greater reception by the intestates, allowing in turn a cohesion for future campaigns or meetings between all have been part of the activities carried out by the Orion Survival School.Rionegro, Antioqui
Producción de biodiesel a partir de aceites vegetales utilizando enzimas libres: estudio preliminar.(Report)
Se estudian las principales variables que afectan el rendimiento de la reacción de transesterificación de aceites vegetales con etanol utilizando enzimas (lipasas) libres de Cándida rugosa y Pseudomonas fluorescens como catalizador, y se analiza teoricamente la viabilidad de adaptar al proceso un sistema híbrido reacción-separación que contribuya a mejorar la rentabilidad del mismo. Para ello, inicialmente fue necesario realizar ensayos utilizando un catalizador alcalino con el fin de comprender mejor la naturaleza de la reacción. Los parámetros de operación empleados fueron: temperatura (69.5 [grados]C), tipo de catalizador (hidróxido de sodio y lipasas), concentración de catalizador alcalino (0.34 wt %), concentración de lipasa (12.5 wt %), relación molar aceite/etanol (1:7.4), masa de aceite (8 g) y tiempo de reacción (5 h para el proceso químico y 24 h para el proceso enzimático). Se probaron diferentes aceites vegetales, entre ellos el de palma y el de higuerilla, ya que estos cultivos representan un recurso abundante en nuestro país que podría ser aprovechado en aras de contribuir a la economía, y se encontró que el aceite de palma refinado era el más apropiado. De manera cualitativa se verifica la formación de etil esteres (biodiesel) al final del proceso químico, empleando cromatografía de gases y una técnica colorimétrica de identificación. Además, por las características de la enzima, se logró establecer las condiciones adecuadas en las que debe ajustarse ésta para efectuar la reacción
Evaluación del plan lector de la institución educativa Hernando Duran Dussan Bogotá, Colombia, con el fin de analizar las actividades entorno a la lectura.
Esta investigación se realizó con el fin de evaluar el plan lector de la Institución
Educativa Distrital Hernando Duran Dussan, Bogotá, Colombia, ubicada en la
localidad de Kennedy, encaminado al fortalecimiento de los procesos de lectura, y
por ende a contribuir con los procesos académicos de los estudiantes, por otra parte
con nuestro desarrollo profesional como futuros docentes de Humanidades y Lengua
Lo anterior se desarrolló en un periodo comprendido entre el 15 de febrero de
2013 y el 25 de septiembre del mismo año, tiempo en que se realizará las respectivas
prácticas profesionales, donde se evidencia mediante el trabajo de aula y diagnósticos
hechos en la institución dificultades en torno a la lectura de conceptos referidos al
área de Lengua Castellana y demás disciplinas académicas
Diversity and plant growth-promoting functions of diazotrophic/N-scavenging bacteria isolated from the soils and rhizospheres of two species of Solanum.
Studies of the interactions between plants and their microbiome have been conducted worldwide in the search for growth-promoting representative strains for use as biological inputs for agriculture, aiming to achieve more sustainable agriculture practices. With a focus on the isolation of plant growth-promoting (PGP) bacteria with ability to alleviate N stress, representative strains that were found at population densities greater than 104 cells g-1 and that could grow in N-free semisolid media were isolated from soils under different management conditions and from the roots of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and lulo (Solanum quitoense) plants that were grown in those soils. A total of 101 bacterial strains were obtained, after which they were phylogenetically categorized and characterized for their basic PGP mechanisms. All strains belonged to the Proteobacteria phylum in the classes Alphaproteobacteria (61% of isolates), Betaproteobacteria (19% of isolates) and Gammaproteobacteria (20% of isolates), with distribution encompassing nine genera, with the predominant genus being Rhizobium (58.4% of isolates). Strains isolated from conventional horticulture (CH) soil composed three bacterial genera, suggesting a lower diversity for the diazotrophs/N scavenger bacterial community than that observed for soils under organic management (ORG) or secondary forest coverture (SF). Conversely, diazotrophs/N scavenger strains from tomato plants grown in CH soil comprised a higher number of bacterial genera than did strains isolated from tomato plants grown in ORG or SF soils. Furthermore, strains isolated from tomato were phylogenetically more diverse than those from lulo. BOX-PCR fingerprinting of all strains revealed a high genetic diversity for several clonal representatives (four Rhizobium species and one Pseudomonas species). Considering the potential PGP mechanisms, 49 strains (48.5% of the total) produced IAA (2.96-193.97 μg IAA mg protein-1), 72 strains (71.3%) solubilized FePO4 (0.40-56.00 mg l-1), 44 strains (43.5%) solubilized AlPO4 (0.62-17.05 mg l-1), and 44 strains produced siderophores (1.06-3.23). Further, 91 isolates (90.1% of total) showed at least one PGP trait, and 68 isolates (67.3%) showed multiple PGP traits. Greenhouse trials using the bacterial collection to inoculate tomato or lulo plants revealed increases in plant biomass (roots, shoots or both plant tissues) elicited by 65 strains (54.5% of the bacterial collection), of which 36 were obtained from the tomato rhizosphere, 15 were obtained from the lulo rhizosphere, and 14 originated from samples of soil that lacked plants. In addition, 18 strains showed positive inoculation effects on both Solanum species, of which 12 were classified as Rhizobium spp. by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Overall, the strategy adopted allowed us to identify the variability in the composition of culturable diazotroph/N-scavenger representatives from soils under different management conditions by using two Solanum species as trap plants. The present results suggest the ability of tomato and lulo plants to enrich their belowground microbiomes with rhizobia representatives and the potential of selected rhizobial strains to promote the growth of Solanum crops under limiting N supply