13 research outputs found

    Considerations Design for Cultural Events in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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    Saudi Arabia is multicultural, and this mixture allows it to be a fertile ground for contemporary cultural events. Cultural events, thus, became very important at the present time for Saudi Arabia to keep pace with the directions of Vision 2030 in improving the quality of individual’s life. To draw a clear picture of the most prominent design considerations that must be available in cultural events, this study investigates: What are the most important design considerations for cultural events? How successful is the application of these design considerations to cultural events in Saudi Arabia? The study too further aims to identify the level of application of such design considerations in cultural events in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The research highlights the importance of supporting organizations that design and implement cultural events, and raise the quality of applied design considerations to cultural events in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Descriptive and analytical approaches were followed to obtain answers to the study questions. To analyze the current situation of cultural events in Saudi Arabia, various sizes of communities that work with cultural events have been studied.The results showed the success of cultural events in Saudi Arabia in designing and building an integrated and harmonious visual identity with the content of each event. Designing a customer journey map that provides ease of access and movement for the visitor, and good activation of social media and official websites for cultural events were some of the best attributes as well.In addition, this study further showed the effectiveness of targeting different categories of visitors and providing an appropriate content for each. Moreover, the commitment of cultural events to the precautions imposed to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic led to building trust between the visitor and cultural events. It was observed that there is a weak transportation link in events with multi locations. Moreover, recommended is the need to study services surrounding exhibitions and halls designated for cultural events. Also, service design and user experiences must be designed by specialists to avoid simple mistakes that affect the customer’s journey in cultural events

    Chimerism analysis of cell-free DNA in patients treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may predict early relapse in patients with hematologic malignancies

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    Background: We studied DNA chimerism in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in patients treated with HSCT.Methods: Chimerism analysis was performed on CD3+ cells, polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells, and cfDNA using 16 small tandem repeat loci. The resulting labeled PCR-products were size-fractionated and quantified.Results: Analyzing samples from 191 patients treated with HSCT for nonneoplastic hematologic disorders demonstrated that the cfDNA chimerism is comparable to that seen in PMN cells. Analyzing leukemia patients (N = 126) showed that, of 84 patients with 100% donor DNA in PMN, 16 (19%) had evidence of clinical relapse and \u3e10% recipient DNA in the plasma. Additional 16 patients of the 84 (19%) showed \u3e10% recipient DNA in plasma, but without evidence of relapse. Eight patients had mixed chimerism in granulocytes, lymphocytes, and plasma, but three of these patients had \u3e10% recipient DNA in plasma compared to PMN cells and these three patients had clinical evidence of relapse. The remaining 34 patients showed 100% donor DNA in both PMN and lymphocytes, but cfDNA showed various levels of chimerism. Of these patients 14 (41%) showed laboratory or clinical evidence of relapse and all had \u3e10% recipient DNA in cfDNA.Conclusion: Monitoring patients after HSCT using cfDNA might be more reliable than cellular DNA in predicting early relapse

    Clinical and laboratory presentation of von Willebrand disease: Experience from a single center in Saudi Arabia

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: لتقييم العرض السريري والنتائج المعملية بين المرضى الذين تم تشخيص إصابتهم بمرض فون ويلبراند في وحدة الرعاية الثالثة في السعودية. طريقة البحث: تضمنت هذه الدراسة بأثر رجعي 189 مريضًا يعانون من مرض فون ويلبراند تمت متابعتهم في وحدتنا على مدار أربع سنوات ، وتم جمع البيانات السريرية والمخبرية وتحليلها باستخدام برنامج الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية. النتائج: كان متوسط عمر مجموعة الدراسة 30 عامًا (المدى 11 شهرًا - 56 عامًا). كان هناك غلبة للإناث بنسبة 32.30٪ ذكور و 66.70٪ إناث. معظم المرضى (48٪) تعرضوا لأكثر من نوع واحد من النزيف بناءً على التوطين وتم تحديدهم على أنه نزيف من مواقع مختلفة ، معظمها من المفاصل والعضلات (23.90٪) ، يليها الغشاء المخاطي (14.60٪) ، والجهاز البولي التناسلي (7.70٪) ، كدمات (2.80٪) ، ونزيف معدي معوي (2.80٪). 48٪ من الأشخاص الذين يعانون من أكثر من نوع واحد من النزيف ، 105 (58.01٪) لديهم النوع الأول ، 29 (16.02٪) لديهم النوع الثاني ، و 47 (25.96٪) لديهم النوع الثالث. كان متوسط قيمة الهيموجلوبين 116 ± 25.60 جم / لتر ؛ كان الفيريتين 75.80 ± 166.80 ميكروغرام / لتر (متوسط 28.5) ؛ كان مستضد فون ويلبراند 0.40 ± 0.27 وحدة دولية / مل ، وفون ويلبراند: كان العامل المساعد ريستوسيتين 0.32 ± 0.20 وحدة دولية / ديسيلتر 49.20٪ من الأشخاص أظهروا لفترات طويلة ، وأظهر 50.80٪ وقت الثرومبوبلاستين الجزئي الطبيعي. أظهر التحليل المقارن لفصيلة الدم من النوع أو مع النوع غير أو أن فصيلة الدم مرتبطة بشكل كبير مع العامل الثامن (قيمة ب = 0.013) ، عامل فون ويلبراند: العامل المساعد للريستوسيتين (قيمة ب = 0.004 ) ، وعامل فون ويلبراند: المستضد (قيمة ب = 0.019) الاستنتاجات: كان نزيف المفاصل والعضلات أكثر العروض السريرية شيوعا في مجموعتنا. على الرغم من أن مرض فون ويلبراند من النوع الأول كان الأكثر انتشارا في مجموعتنا ، فقد لاحظنا انتشارا أعلى نسبيا من النوع الثالث والذي قد يكون بسبب الاختلافات العرقية أو تحيز الإحالة. ومستضد عامل فون ويلبراند ، مع وجود فرق أكثر وضوحا لعامل مساعد ريستوسيتين. Abstract: Objectives: This study was aimed at assessing the clinical presentations and laboratory findings among patients diagnosed with vWD at a Saudi tertiary care unit. Methods: This retrospective study included 189 patients with vWD who were followed up in our unit over 4 years. Clinical and laboratory data were collected and analyzed in SPSS. Results: The median age of the study cohort was 30 years (range 11 months–56 years). The cohort had a female preponderance, with 32.30% males and 66.70% females. Bleeding from different sites was observed, mostly from the joints and muscles (23.90%), followed by the mucus membranes (14.60%), genitourinary areas (7.70%), ecchymoses (2.80%), and gastrointestinal areas (2.80%). A total of 48% of participants presented with more than one type of bleeding. A total of 105 (58.01%) participants had type 1; 29 (16.02%) had type 2; and 47 (25.96%) had type 3 vWD. Blood tests indicated the following mean value: hemoglobin, 116 ± 25.60 gm/L; ferritin, 75.80 ± 166.80 μg/L (median 28.5); vWAg, 0.40 ± 0.27IU/ml; and vWD:RCo, 0.32 ± 0.20IU/dL. The partial thromboplastin time was prolonged in 49.20% and normal in 50.80% of participants. Platelet function analysis values were prolonged in 92.90% and normal in 7.10% of participants. Comparative analysis of the O-type and non-O blood type showed that blood type O was significantly correlated with factor VIII (p-value = 0.013), vWF:RCo (p-value = 0.004), and vWF:Ag (p-value = 0.019). Conclusion: Joint and muscle bleeds were the most common clinical presentations in our cohort. Although type 1 vWD was most prevalent in our cohort, we observed a comparatively higher prevalence of type 3, possibly because of ethnic differences or referral bias. We found a significant difference between O and non-O blood type regarding FVIII and vWF:Ag, and observed a more pronounced difference for vWD activity measuresd by vWF:RCo with blood type O being the systematic factor

    Guide lines for management of adult histiocytic disease

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    BACKGROUND: Histiocytic disease is a diverse disease, characterized by multisystem involvement, diagnosis and management can be challenging. Guidelines are important tool to provide evidence-based management; however, guidelines for management of adult histiocytic disease are scarce. METHODOLOGY: A multidisciplinary team from Saudi Arabia developed guidelines to manage the adult histiocytic disease with an intention to provide standard of care for diagnosis and management of the most frequently encountered subtypes of adult histiocytic disease in the region. RESULTS: Detailed guidelines to different categories of histiocytic disease were finalized after review of many international guidelines and extensive literature review. CONCLUSION: Local guidelines for adults histiocytic disease was developed and can be shared with different hematology centers