27 research outputs found

    Embedding novel and surprising elements in touch-screen games for children with autism: creating experiences “worth communicating about”

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    Relative infrequency of communication initiation, particularly initiations that involve attention-sharing or other social purposes, appears to negatively impact the later-life outcomes of children with autism. Strategies to improve or encourage initiation skills in autism are hampered by the need for the behaviour to be spontaneous (i.e. unprompted by a partner). One potential approach that addresses the spontaneity issue is to extrinsically motivate initiations by changing aspects of the child’s environment such that they merit, or even demand, initiating a communication. Detecting subjectively inconsistent (i.e. discrepant) aspects in game-like virtual contexts appears to be something that inherently interests young children with autism, and can motivate them to initiate spontaneous, positive communications. Initial evidence for discrepancy as a communicative motivator came from a study which re-analysed video data from an existing autism and technology project (ECHOES), illustrating that a heterogeneous group of children all reacted frequently and socially to naturally occurring (i.e. unintentional, non-designed) discrepant aspects within ECHOES. A set of high-level design principles was developed in order to capture “lessons learned” from ECHOES that might facilitate re-creation of a similar pattern of spontaneous, positive initiation around discrepancy. A second, proof-of-concept study implemented these design principles in a set of three new touch-screen games (Andy’s Garden) that sought to establish, and then deliberately violate, child expectations (i.e. provide discrepancy-detection opportunities: DDOs). Children reacted socially and positively to the new games and DDOs. The results of this study allow us to answer its overall questions affirmatively: it is possible to motivate children’s communication–specifically, their initiation–by including deliberately-designed DDOs in a set of games. These findings are the first step towards determining whether discrepancy-detection opportunities may form a component of a future technology-based communication skills intervention, capable of changing children’s initiation behaviour outside of a game context

    Deliberate System-Side Errors as a Potential Pedagogic Strategy for Exploratory Virtual Learning Environments

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    This paper describes an exploratory study of system-side errors (i.e. expectation- or rule-violations) in a virtual environment (VE), and the subsequent reactions of young children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC). Analysis of existing video from 8 participants interacting with the ECHOES VE showed that they frequently detected and reacted to system-side errors, engaging in social and communicative behaviours targeted by ECHOES. Detecting errors requires children to compare the VE's state to their mental model of its behaviour, determining where the two are discrepant. This is equivalent to learners identifying mistakes in their own knowledge and then re-aligning with the system-as-expert. This paper explores the implications of these results, proposing a taxonomy of discrepant event types, and discussing their location with respect to the learner and/or system. In addition to considering these results' significance for this user group and context, it relates the research to existing work that uses erroneous examples. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Social communication between virtual characters and children with autism

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    Children with ASD have difficulty with social communication, particularly joint attention. Interaction in a virtual environment (VE) may be a means for both understanding these difficulties and addressing them. It is first necessary to discover how this population interacts with virtual characters, and whether they can follow joint attention cues in a VE. This paper describes a study in which 32 children with ASD used the ECHOES VE to assist a virtual character in selecting objects by following the character’s gaze and/or pointing. Both accuracy and reaction time data suggest that children were able to successfully complete the task, and qualitative data further suggests that most children perceived the character as an intentional being with relevant, mutually directed behaviour

    Short report: Evaluation of wider community support for a neurodiversity teaching programme designed using participatory methods

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    Children with diagnoses such as autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia and so on often experience bullying at school. This group can be described as neurodivergent, meaning they think and process information differently from most people. Previous research suggests that increasing people's knowledge can be an effective way to reduce stigma and bullying. Therefore, we decided to create a primary school resource to teach about neurodiversity - the concept that all humans vary in how our brains work. Working with educators, our research team - which included neurodivergent people - developed plans for a teaching programme called Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS). Next, we wanted to know whether these plans, developed by our small neurodiverse team, would be endorsed by the wider community. To find out, we conducted an online feedback survey about our plans for the resource. We analysed feedback from 111 people who participated. Most of them identified as neurodivergent (70%) and reported being familiar with neurodiversity (98%), meaning they could provide an informed opinion on our plans. Over 90% of people expressed support for the planned programme content described in the survey, and 73% of them approved our intended definition of the resource's core concept, neurodiversity. From these results, we concluded that there was a high level of support for the planned LEANS programme content across those from the wider community who completed the survey. Consequently, we continued developing the LEANS programme in line with the initial plans from our neurodiverse team. The completed resource is now available as a free download

    The near future of children's robotics

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    Robotics is a multidisciplinary and highly innovative field. Recently, multiple and often minimally connected sub - communities of child - robot interaction have started to emerge , variously focusing on the design issues , engineering, and applications of robotic platforms and toolkits . Despite increasing public interest in robots, including robots for children, child - robot interaction research remains highly fragmented and lacks regular cross - disciplin ary venue s for discussion and dissemination . This workshop will bring together researchers with diverse scientific backgrounds . It will serve as a venue in which to reflect on the current circumstances in which child - robot research is conducted, articulate emerging and “near future” challenges, and discuss actions and tools with which to meet those challenges and consolidate the field

    Usability of a Robot's Realistic Facial Expressions and Peripherals in Autistic Children's Therapy

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    Robot-assisted therapy is an emerging form of therapy for autistic children, although designing effective robot behaviors is a challenge for effective implementation of such therapy. A series of usability tests assessed trends in the effectiveness of modelling a robot's facial expressions on realistic facial expressions and of adding peripherals enabling child-led control of emotion learning activities with autistic children. Nineteen autistic children interacted with a small humanoid robot and an adult therapist in several emotion-learning activities that featured realistic facial expressions modelled on either a pre-existing database or live facial mirroring, and that used peripherals (tablets or tangible 'squishies') to enable child-led activities. Both types of realistic facial expressions by the robot were less effective than exaggerated expressions, with the mirroring being unintuitive for children. The tablet was usable but required more feedback and lower latency, while the tactile tangibles were engaging aids.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 2nd Workshop on Social Robots in Therapy and Care. 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2019