67 research outputs found

    A Manual for Basic Techniques of Data Analysis and Distribution

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    A manual is designed to support and help the basic concepts of statistics and its implications in econometric, beside this, interpretation of further statistical techniques have been shown as well by illustrations and graphical methods. It is comprised on several instances of test, obtained from statistical software like SPSS, E-views, Stata and R-language with the understanding of their research models and essentials for the running the test. A basic of manual is included on two elements, first is Distributions of data and second is techniques involve in data analysis. The first part considered the thoughtful meaning of data nature in statistical aspects whereas the other important part explained tactics incorporate with different sets of data and also concept of assimilation of tests in a form of flow chart. The factors have been identified through tests are associations, causes, effects, impacts, relations and integrations that belong to time series sets of observations. On the other hand, a review has been performed of non-time series statistics by introducing techniques in the form of list of tests. The most of the theme of manual is designed in bullets form in order to provide better understanding to reader for the purpose of analyses. Beside these, supported studies of famous authors have been reviewed; hence, technical terminologies of synonyms have been demonstrated in glossary section

    The impact of packet size on inventory turnover of fmcg products in Pakistan [wholesaler & retailer perspective]

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    A question arise, is there any impact of different packet sizes on consumer buying pattern. The study is focus on retailers and wholesaler perspective in Pakistan context. There are 75 respondents were include in research and handed over them a questionnaire having questions regarding with selling pattern of four different packet sizes (i.e. sachet, quarter pack, half pack and full pack) that formulated data of 300 observations (75*4) and asked them about to buy stock on monthly basis. Data converted from monthly basis to yearly basis in order to compose it into inventory turnover. Simple linier regression (OLS-Model) has been used in analyzing data. It was assumed that there is negative impact of packet size on inventory turnover. Several test has been applied on data include (Test of Sufficiency, Test for Significance and Test for Specification). Result matched with hypothesis and negative impact has been shown that represent that with reducing packet size, inventory turnover increases. Beside this it also shows that mostly people in recent context prefer to buy more sachet or quarter pack as compare to half pack and full pack

    Critical Issues in Accounting

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    The world has numerous languages to communicate, understand and interpret problems. The language of finance, business and numerical figures is recognized as accounting. The roots of accounting sprouted in the Middle East, but flourished in Europe. The concept of accounting is thousands of years old, where ancient citizens used it to deal with money problems, majorly in the cases of recording expenditures, and trading goods. The modern accounting has merged countless latest techniques to improve the practice and implementation in practical life. Accounting plays a significant role in many ways to resolve financial dilemmas

    The impact of packet size on inventory turnover of fmcg products in Pakistan [wholesaler & retailer perspective]

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    A question arise, is there any impact of different packet sizes on consumer buying pattern. The study is focus on retailers and wholesaler perspective in Pakistan context. There are 75 respondents were include in research and handed over them a questionnaire having questions regarding with selling pattern of four different packet sizes (i.e. sachet, quarter pack, half pack and full pack) that formulated data of 300 observations (75*4) and asked them about to buy stock on monthly basis. Data converted from monthly basis to yearly basis in order to compose it into inventory turnover. Simple linier regression (OLS-Model) has been used in analyzing data. It was assumed that there is negative impact of packet size on inventory turnover. Several test has been applied on data include (Test of Sufficiency, Test for Significance and Test for Specification). Result matched with hypothesis and negative impact has been shown that represent that with reducing packet size, inventory turnover increases. Beside this it also shows that mostly people in recent context prefer to buy more sachet or quarter pack as compare to half pack and full pack

    Difference in choice of occupation among linguistic communities of Karachi

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    Pakistan is a country where more than 57 languages are being spoken, belong to different cultural background. Karachi, being the biggest city and the major economic arena of the country, is a place where many communities reside together. To name the major communities, there are Urdu speaking, Memon, Makrani, Agha Khani, Hazara, Hindu, Christian, Parsi, Bohri, Pashtun, Punjabi, Balochi, Behari, Bangali and Sindhi. The aim of the present research is to investigate if there a difference exists in the choice of occupation in the major linguistic communities in Karachi. The occupations were categorized into three domains: business, government jobs, and private jobs. A forth category was made for the people who were jobless. The sample of 479 participants consisted of 331 men and 48 women out of whom 83 belonged to Bangali, 99 Memon, 53 Punjabi, 17 Pushto, 125 Sindhi, and 102 to Urdu community. Participants were asked two simple questions: which linguistic community they belong to, and what occupation they belong to. Results demonstrated difference in the choice of occupation among different linguistic communities. Memon and Bangali prefer to be a businessman while a bigger proportion of private jobs is occupied by Urdu speakers while the government sector is predominantly a place of job for Sindhi speakers

    A Manual for Selecting Sampling Techniques in Research

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    The Manual for Sampling Techniques used in Social Sciences is an effort to describe various types of sampling methodologies that are used in researches of social sciences in an easy and understandable way. Characteristics, benefits, crucial issues/ draw backs, and examples of each sampling type are provided separately. The manual begins by describing What is Sampling and its Purposes then it moves forward discussing the two broader types: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Later in the text various types of each of the broader category are discussed. Reading the manual from beginning to the end you will find some points are repeated under various headings. This is done to make each topic exclusively a complete whole so that there might not remain any requirement to read other topics for understanding the one. Also, similar examples with a little modification are used in the description of different sampling techniques. The purpose behind doing this is to clarify the minor distinction in the applicability and usage of different types of sampling techniques. I have also included a section Comparison of some Resembling Sampling Techniques, the purpose of which is to eliminate confusions among the techniques that look somewhat similar to each other. Both types of characteristics are described: that make the techniques resembling, and that create the difference between them. In the section Which Sampling Technique to use in your Research, it has been tried to describe what techniques are most suitable for the various sorts of researches. So one may easily decide which particular technique is applicable and most suitable of his or her research project. There are three appendices in the manual which are giving a concise view of all the techniques discussed in the text. Appendix I is giving a comparison of two broader categories of sampling methods: probability, and non probability. Appendix II is portraying a brief summary of various types of probability sampling technique. Appendix III is presenting a brief summary of various types of non-probability sampling technique. A glossary is also provided in the manual. The words that are used as synonyms to one another are mentioned. Moreover, definitions of the terms that are repetitively used throughout the manual are provided. The words defined in the glossary are written with italic letters in the text

    Leadership for the recent time

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    Individuals have many innate abilities and learned skills, which support them towards the journey of success. Leadership belongs to those skills, which make a person prosperous in various walks of life. Leadership is defined as the ability to lead others, and considered as an art to motivate others to do something, which a person wants to be done. With the growing competition in global economy and technological advancements in 21st century, critical decisions are being made by the organizations. The business and organizations are also required competitive and ambitious employees to move towards high standards. This argumentative essay explains the role and importance of leaders in current era

    Offshore Outsourcing: A positive perspective from U.S. region

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    An argumentative article explained the facts and specifies from United States region and gave generalized affirmative overview globally by maintaining the liaison with supplier through technology. Beside this, the verity of considering the cost incurred in outsourcing was also highlighted and risks minimizing and maximizing involve in outsourcing was also discussed briefly. The comprehensive worldwide evidences were used in article with draw attention to United States perspective as well

    Critical Issues in Accounting

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    The world has numerous languages to communicate, understand and interpret problems. The language of finance, business and numerical figures is recognized as accounting. The roots of accounting sprouted in the Middle East, but flourished in Europe. The concept of accounting is thousands of years old, where ancient citizens used it to deal with money problems, majorly in the cases of recording expenditures, and trading goods. The modern accounting has merged countless latest techniques to improve the practice and implementation in practical life. Accounting plays a significant role in many ways to resolve financial dilemmas

    Leadership for the recent time

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    Individuals have many innate abilities and learned skills, which support them towards the journey of success. Leadership belongs to those skills, which make a person prosperous in various walks of life. Leadership is defined as the ability to lead others, and considered as an art to motivate others to do something, which a person wants to be done. With the growing competition in global economy and technological advancements in 21st century, critical decisions are being made by the organizations. The business and organizations are also required competitive and ambitious employees to move towards high standards. This argumentative essay explains the role and importance of leaders in current era
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