3 research outputs found
Deriving an operational measure of corporate identity
- Author
- Albert S., Whetten, D.A.
- Alvesson M.
- Alvesson M., Berg, P.O.
- Balmer J.M.T., Wilkinson, A.
- Berg P.O., Gagliardi, P.
- Bernstein D.
- Birkight K., Stadler, M.M.
- Dowling G.R.
- Hinkle D.N.
- Hofstede G., Neuijen, B., Daval Ohayv, D., Sanders, G.
- Johan van Rekom
- Kammerer J.
- Keller I.
- Knoke D.E., Kuklinski, J.H.
- Larçon J.P., Reitter, R.
- March J.G., Simon, H.A.
- Margulies W.
- Martin J., Feldman, M.S., Hatch, M.J., Sitkin, S.B.
- Merkle W.
- Olins W.
- Pieters R., Baumgartner, H., Stad, H.
- Ramanantsoa B., Moingeon, B.
- Reynolds Th.J., Craddock, A.B.
- Reynolds Th.J., Gutman, J.
- Rossiter J.R., Percy, L.
- Selznick P.
- van Rekom J.
- van Rekom J., van Riel, C.B.M.
- van Riel C.B.M.
- van Riel C.B.M.
- Vervoersbond FNV
- Webster’s Dictionary
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Sociological Aspects of Organizational Symbolism
- Author
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Alvesson M.
- Aredal A.
- Barry A. Turner
- Berg P.O.
- Campbell J.
- Dandridge T.C.
- Ebers M.
- Evans M.K.
- Gagliardi P.
- Glaser B.
- Golding D.
- Grenholm G.
- Gustafsson B.
- Hansell H.A.
- Hendricks J.
- Jeffcutt P.
- Konecki K.
- Kunda. G.
- Lasch C.
- Linstead S.A.
- Louis M.R.
- Ott K.K.
- Ouchi. W.G.
- Pascale R.T.
- Peters T.J.
- Priestley J.B.
- Raspa R.
- Rusted B.
- Schneider S.C.
- Smith S.L.
- Stewart E.C.
- Turner B.A.
- Turner B.A.
- Watson D.R.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Performance appraisal as icon: Oscar-winning performance or dressing to impress?
- Author
- Alvesson M.
- Ball S.J.
- Bartol K.M.
- Bates S.
- Beer M.
- Berg P.O.
- Best S.
- Burawoy M.
- Challis L.
- Chalotsky N.C.
- Chonko L.B.
- Clegg S.R.
- Clegg S.R.
- Cole G.A.
- Cousins M.
- Cutler T.
- Dandeker C.
- Drew P.
- Dreyfus H.L.
- Etzioni A.
- Fay C.H.
- Feldman D.C.
- Ferris G.R.
- Foucault M.
- Foucault M.
- Fowler A.
- Fox A.
- Garrahan P.
- Geary J.
- Giddens A.
- Gordon C.
- Grant Coates
- Guest D.
- Guest D.
- Hassard J.
- Hetherington P.
- Homan R.
- Knights D.
- Marchington M.
- Marshall J.D.
- McGregor D.
- Miller H.
- Millward N.
- Morgan G.
- Mouzelis N.
- Nichols T.
- Nolan P.
- O'Reilly J.
- Oliver N.
- Perrow C.
- Pollert A.
- Pulkingham J.
- Pym D.
- Reed M.
- Reed M.
- Sanders C.
- Smircich L.
- Smith C.
- Storey J.
- Tolliday S.
- Townley B.
- Whitehill A.
- Woods S.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study