3 research outputs found

    Neural networks meet physics-based material models: Accelerating concurrent multiscale simulations of path-dependent composite materials

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    In a concurrent (FE2) multiscale modeling is an increasingly popular approach for modeling complex materials. As such, it is especially suited for modeling composites, as their complex microstructure can be explicitly modeled and nested to each integration point of the macroscale. However, this generality is often associated with exceedingly high computational costs for real-scale applications. One way to tackle the issue is to employ a cheaper-to-evaluate surrogate model for the microstructure based on few observations of the high-fidelity solution. On this note, Neural Networks (NN) are by far the most popular technique in building constitutive surrogates. However, conventional NNs assume a unique mapping between strains and stresses, limiting their ability to reproduce path-dependent behavior. Moreover, their data-driven nature severely limits their ability to extrapolate away from their training spaces. To circumvent these drawbacks, the alternative explored in this work is to reintroduce some of the physics-based knowledge of the problem into the NN. This is done by employing actual material models used in the full-order micromodel as the activation function of one of the layers of the network. Thus, path-dependency arises naturally since every material model in the layer has its own internal variables. To assess its capabilities, the network is employed as the surrogate model for a composite Representative Volume Element with elastic fibers and elasto-plastic matrix material. First, for a single micromodel, the performance of the network is compared to that of a state-of-the-art Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) in a number of challenging scenarios for data-driven models. Then, the proposed framework is applied to an FE2 example and the results are compared to the full-order solution in terms of accuracy and computational cost. An important outcome of the physics-infused network is the ability to naturally predict unloading/reloading behavior without ever seeing it during training, a stark contrast with highly popular but data-hungry models such as RNN.Applied Mechanic

    Physically recurrent neural networks for path-dependent heterogeneous materials: Embedding constitutive models in a data-driven surrogate

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    Driven by the need to accelerate numerical simulations, the use of machine learning techniques is rapidly growing in the field of computational solid mechanics. Their application is especially advantageous in concurrent multiscale finite element analysis (FE2) due to the exceedingly high computational costs often associated with it and the high number of similar micromechanical analyses involved. To tackle the issue, using surrogate models to approximate the microscopic behavior and accelerate the simulations is a promising and increasingly popular strategy. However, several challenges related to their data-driven nature compromise the reliability of surrogate models in material modeling. The alternative explored in this work is to reintroduce some of the physics-based knowledge of classical constitutive modeling into a neural network by employing the actual material models used in the full-order micromodel to introduce non-linearity. Thus, path-dependency arises naturally since every material model in the layer keeps track of its own internal variables. For the numerical examples, a composite Representative Volume Element with elastic fibers and elasto-plastic matrix material is used as the microscopic model. The network is tested in a series of challenging scenarios and its performance is compared to that of a state-of-the-art Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). A remarkable outcome of the novel framework is the ability to naturally predict unloading/reloading behavior without ever seeing it during training, a stark contrast with popular but data-hungry models such as RNNs. Finally, the proposed network is applied to FE2 examples to assess its robustness for application in nonlinear finite element analysis.Applied Mechanic

    BIOS: an object-oriented framework for Surrogate-Based Optimization using bio-inspired algorithms

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    This paper presents BIOS (acronym for Biologically Inspired Optimization System), an object-oriented framework written in C++, aimed at heuristic optimization with a focus on Surrogate-Based Optimization (SBO) and structural problems. The use of SBO to deal with structural optimization has grown considerably in recent years due to the outstanding gain in efficiency, often with little loss in accuracy. This is especially promising when adaptive sampling techniques are used. However, many issues are yet to be addressed before SBO can be employed reliably in most optimization problems. In that sense, continuous experimentation, testing and comparison are needed, which can be more easily carried out in an existing framework. The architecture is designed to implement conventional nature inspired algorithms and Sequential Approximated Optimization (SAO). The system aims to be efficient, easy to use and extensible. The efficiency and accuracy of the system are assessed on a set of benchmarks, and on the optimization of functionally graded structures. Excellent results are obtained.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Applied Mechanic