1,588 research outputs found
The effects of female labor force participation on obesity
This paper assesses whether a causal relationship exists between recent increases in female labor force participation and the increased prevalence of obesity amongst women. The expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in the 1980s and 1990s have been established by prior literature as having generated variation in female labor supply, particularly amongst single mothers. Here, we use this plausibly exogenous variation in female labor supply to identify the effect of labor force participation on obesity status. We use data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and replicate labor supply effects of the EITC expansions found in previous literature. This validates employing a difference-in-differences estimation strategy in the NHIS data, as has been done in several other data sets. Depending on the specification, we find that increased labor force participation can account for at most 19% of the observed change in obesity prevalence over our sample period. Our preferred specification, however, suggests that there is no causal link between increased female labor force participation and increased obesity.Women - Employment ; Obesity ; Tax credits
The Effects of Female Labor Force Participation on Obesity
This paper assesses whether a causal relationship exists between recent increases in female labor force participation and the increased prevalence of obesity amongst women. The expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in the 1980s and 1990s have been established by prior literature as having generated variation in female labor supply, particularly amongst single mothers. Here, we use this plausibly exogenous variation in female labor supply to identify the effect of labor force participation on obesity status. We use data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and replicate labor supply effects of the EITC expansions found in previous literature. This validates employing a difference-in-differences estimation strategy in the NHIS data, as has been done in several other data sets. Depending on the specification, we find that increased labor force participation can account for at most 19% of the observed change in obesity prevalence over our sample period. Our preferred specification, however, suggests that there is no causal link between increased female labor force participation and increased obesity.female labor force participation, obesity, earned income tax credit
Subgenual cingulate cortex activity in predicting risk factor and treatment response in depression
Major depressive disorder (MDD) contributes significantly to morbidity, disability, and decreased quality of life, despite the expansion of treatment options. This, in part, is caused by a lack of valid, applicable, and reliable biomarkers to predict the risk, treatment response, and prognosis of depression. In recent years, the anterior cingulate cortex, in particular pars subgenual (sgACC), has received much attention due to its potential utilization as a neural endophenotype for depression. This essay will discuss the functional activity of sgACC, mostly by functional magnetic resonance imaging, in relation to predicting risk for developing depression, predicting patient response-to-treatment, and eventually, to create a platform for personalized psychiatric approach to each patient. The caveats and conditions need to be met will also be discussed, in order to firmly establish sgACC activity as a valid biomarker for depression
An original meaning of Si Tou Timou Tumou Tou in post-independence war Indonesia: A first-hand experience of Sam Ratulangi’s oldest daughter
Sitou timou tumou tou (ST4) has been a well-recognized philosophy adopted by the Minahasan people. During its development, it has become even more popular within the scope of education. ST4 was said to be first mentioned by the Minahasan national hero, Sam Ratulangi. The interpretations of ST4 have been abundant, mostly reciting the educational aspect: “a man lives to make other men humans.” However, a direct historical record on when and in what situation ST4 was first mentioned by Sam Ratulangi is not well known by the academia and general public. In fact, there has not been any written authoritative source about this manner. In this auto-narrative historical research, the authors took advantage of the direct experiential account of the oldest daughter of Sam Ratulangi (the second author) when ST4 was first said by Sam Ratulangi himself. This has revealed a novel, but rather the original intention of Sam Ratulangi when he first mentioned ST4 in the context of post-war Indonesia: “a man lives to live as a real man.
Analyses of risks associated with radiation exposure from past major solar particle events
Radiation exposures and cancer induction/mortality risks were investigated for several major solar particle events (SPE's). The SPE's included are: February 1956, November 1960, August 1972, October 1989, and the September, August, and October 1989 events combined. The three 1989 events were treated as one since all three could affect a single lunar or Mars mission. A baryon transport code was used to propagate particles through aluminum and tissue shield materials. A free space environment was utilized for all calculations. Results show the 30-day blood forming organs (BFO) limit of 25 rem was surpassed by all five events using 10 g/sq cm of shielding. The BFO limit is based on a depth dose of 5 cm of tissue, while a more detailed shield distribution of the BFO's was utilized. A comparison between the 5 cm depth dose and the dose found using the BFO shield distribution shows that the 5 cm depth value slightly higher than the BFO dose. The annual limit of 50 rem was exceeded by the August 1972, October 1989, and the three combined 1989 events with 5 g/sq cm of shielding. Cancer mortality risks ranged from 1.5 to 17 percent at 1 g/sq cm and 0.5 to 1.1 percent behind 10 g/sq cm of shielding for five events. These ranges correspond to those for a 45 year old male. It is shown that secondary particles comprise about 1/3 of the total risk at 10 g/sq cm of shielding. Utilizing a computerized Space Shuttle shielding model to represent a typical spacecraft configuration in free space at the August 1972 SPE, average crew doses exceeded the BFO dose limit
Penghasilan Per Kapita dan Faktor Penentu Pemilihan Produk Berbasis Budaya
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, produk berorientasi budaya mulai melakuka inovasi baru dengan memasukkan komponen teknologi di dalam pengembangan produknya. Pangsa pasar produk berorientasi budaya tersebar di negara maju dan negara berkembang. Untuk produk berorientasi budaya yang memiliki kecangihan teknologi tinggi sangat potensial dipasarkan di negara maju. Namun lain halnya dengan negara berkembang, sehingga perlu strategi pemilihan produk berorientasi budaya yang akan masuk ke pasar negara berkembang. Tingkat GDP sebuah negara dan kebijakan pemerintah suatu negara akan sangat berperan penting dalam pengembangan produk dan pengambilan keputusan pembelian suatu produk. Permasalahan yang muncul antara lain potensi pasar produk berorientasi budaya lebih dominan di negara maju ataukah negara berkembang. Produk beroientasi budaya yang high technology bisakah masuk ke segmen pasar negara yang memiliki GDP per capita menengah dan rendah (negara berkembang). Pengolahan data sekunder dari berbagai sumber referensi digunakan untuk menjawab problem tersebut. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa negara republik yang memiliki GNI per capita terbesar adalah Singapore dengan selisih yang cukup jauh dengan peringkat kedua yaitu Arab. Posisi selanjutnya yaitu China, Timor leste, Indonesia, Irak, India, Pakistan dan Bangladesh.Negara dengan GNI per capita rendah cenderung memiliki jumlah provider telekomunikasi tinggi, berarti pada negara tersebut harga sangat berpengaruh dalam memutuskan pembelian sebuah produk. Produk yang bernilai budaya banyak juga yang memiliki tingkat teknologi yang tinggi, sehingga akan potensial dipasarkan di negara maju ataupun berkembang. GDP per capita dan kebijakan suatu negara akan dipertimbangan untuk penentuan segmen pasar sebuah produk, hal tersebut berkaitan dengan kemampuan daya beli masyarakat sehingga akan mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian sebuah produkKata Kunci : Produk, Budaya,Teknologi, GDP, Kebijakan Pemerinta
Peranan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Dalam Perncanaan Pembangunan Daerah Di Kabupaten Halmahera Timur
This study aims to determine the role of the Regional Development Planning Agency in Regional Development Planning Process in East Halmahera. In this research, using qualitative research methods and techniques of qualitative data analysis. data collection techniques in this study include: (1) Interview, (2) documentation, and (3) Observation. The stages-resistant performed in analyzing the data, are: (1) Data Editing, (2) Data Reduction, and (3) Data Interpretation. Based on the results of research conducted, showing that: (1) In the process of regional planning, Regional Planning Board of East Halmahera certainly plays an important role in accommodating all available resources to formulate local development planning, (2) Role of Regional Development Planning Board East Halmahera can walk though the process is still there are issues that affect the development planning of factors both internal and external factors. Internal factors of the Halmahera Bappeda itself, among others, the ability of human resources is not adequate, facilities and infrastructure, and coordination are not yet optimal. While external factors which other officials unprepared planning data, other officials have not been the focus in the planning, implementation activities are not always on time according to the fiscal year due to some areas difficult to reach (geographic factors), and the involvement of stakeholders in the planning process is low
Otpornost na antimikrobne tvari, fenotipska obilježja i fagotipovi sojeva vrste B. abortus izdvojenih iz goveda i azijskih bivola (Bubalus bubalis) u Trinidadu.
Strains of Brucella abortus isolated from cattle and domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Trinidad and Tobago were characterized as to their phenotypic features, phage types and resistance to antimicrobial agents using standard methods. A total of 86 isolates were recovered from the lymph nodes of 14 apparently healthy seropositive cattle and 17 water buffalo, skin lesions of 9 water buffalo and aborted tissues of 16 water buffalo. In addition 2 vaccine strains, B. abortus strains 19 (S19) and RB51 (SRB51) were tested. All (100.0%) strains of B. abortus tested grew in the presence of penicillin G, i-erythritol and basic fuchsin but none (0.0%) grew in the presence of thionin blue. All 88 (100.0%) strains of B. abortus were susceptible to bacteriophages TB and BK2 but 84 (95.5%) were lysed by bacteriophage Wb. Of the 8 antimicrobial agents tested by the disc diffusion method, all 42 (100.0%) cattle and water buffalo carried resistant isolates and all 88 (100.0%) isolates of B. abortus exhibited resistance to one or more of the antimicrobial agents. All sources considered, resistance was high to azithromycin (100.0%), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (98.9%) and moxifl oxacin (80.7%) and low to streptomycin (5.7%), tetracycline (1.1%) and doxycycline (1.1%). The differences in prevalence of resistance of B. abortus isolates to antimicrobial agents were statistically significant (P0.05; χ2). Resistance to antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of human brucellosis poses a public health hazard, but most of the strains had similar phenotypic characteristics and bacteriophage susceptibility patterns.Određivana su fenotipska obilježja, fagotipovi i otpornost na antimikrobna sredstva sojeva bakterije Brucella abortus izdvojenih iz goveda i azijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) u Trinidadu i Tobagu. Ukupno je 86 izolata bilo izdvojeno iz limfnih čvorova 14 klinički zdravih serološki pozitivnih goveda i 17 indijskih bivola, iz ozljeda kože devet bivola te tkiva pobačenih plodova 16 bivola. Analizirana su bila i dva cjepna soja bakterije B. abortus, soj 19 (S19) i RB51 (SRB51). Svi analizirani sojevi razmnožavali su se u prisutnosti penicilina G, i-eritritola i bazičnog fuksina, a nijedan se nije razmožavao u prisutnosti tioninskog modrila. Svih 88 sojeva bilo je osjetljivo na bakteriofage TB i BK2, a 84 (95,5%) bili su lizirani bakteriofagom Wb. Sva pretražena goveda i bivoli nosili su sojeve rezistentne na jednu ili više antimikrobnih tvari. Uzročnici su bili testirani na 8 antimikrobnih tvari disk-difuzijskim postupkom. Velika otpornost ustanovljena je na azitromicitestirani na 8 antimikrobnih tvari disk-difuzijskim postupkom. Velika otpornost ustanovljena je na azitromicin (100,0%), sulfametoksazol/trimetoprim (98,9%) i moksifloksacin (80,7%). Slaba otpornost bila je ustanovljena na streptomicin (5,7%), tetraciklin (1,1%) i doksiciklin (1,1%). Razlike u prevalenciji rezistencije izolata B. abortus na antimikrobne tvari bile su statistički značajne (P<0,05; χ2), ali su izolati iz goveda i bivola imali sličnu prevalenciju otpornosti (P<0,05; χ2). Otpornost na antimikrobne tvari rabljene za liječenje bruceloze u ljudi ima javnozdravstveno značenje. Većina izolata ima slična fenotipska obilježja i sličnu osjetljivort na bakteriofage
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