39 research outputs found

    Реконструкция системы электроснабжения населенных пунктов, питающихся от децентрализованных источников электрической энергии

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    Объектом проектирования является система электроснабжения, включающая в себя ВЛ-10 кВ, ВЛ-0,4 кВ, КТП ПВ – 400-630 кВА, ДЭС общей мощностью 1915 кВт. Цель работы – проектирование системы электроснабжения населенного пункта, питающегося от децентрализованного источника электрической энергии, на примере поселка Степановка Верхнекетского района Томской области, решение вопросов по выбору электрооборудования, обеспечение над?жной работы вновь строящегося энергооборудования и качества электроэнергии, экологической безопасности. В результате исследования были выбраны дизель-генераторы, устанавливаемые на ДЭС, линии, комплектные трансформаторы ПС.The object of the design is the power supply system, which includes VL-10 kV, OTL-0,4 kV, KTP PV – 400-630 kVA diesel power plants with a total capacity of 1915 kWh. The aim of this work is the design of power supply system of the village, supplied from a decentralized source of electric energy, for example, the village of stepanivka verkhneketsky district of the Tomsk region, the decision on the selection of electrical equipment, ensuring nadini work under construction of power equipment and power quality, and environmental security. The study was chosen as the diesel generators installed on the DPP, lines, complete transformer substation

    Оценка оптимальных условий сушки активной фармацевтической субстанции в псевдоожиженном слое при трансфере технологии дженерика

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    Цель работы: проведение валидации технологического процесса при производстве лекарственного препарата Эналаприл 10 мг. В процессе работы были изучены факторы, влияющие на проведение технологического процесса получения лекарственных препаратов методом влажного гранулирования в псевдоожиженном слое. Построена математическая модель планирования эксперимента на стадии получения массы для таблетирования, произведена оценка значимости коэффициентов уравнения. Подобраны оптимальные условия производства Эналаприл 10 мг, что было подтверждено валидацией процесса. В результате валидационных испытаний подтверждено, что процесс производства лекарственного препарата Эналаприл 10 мг воспроизводим и позволяет изготавливать продукт, соответствующий по качеству требованиям нормативной документации.The purpose of the work is to validate the process in the production of the drug Enalapril 10 mg. In the course of work, factors affecting the process of preparing drugs by wet granulation in a fluidized bed were studied. A mathematical model for planning an experiment at the stage of obtaining a mass for tableting was built; the significance of the coefficients of the equation was estimated. Optimal conditions for the production of Enalapril 10 mg were selected, which was confirmed by process validation. As a result of validation tests, it was confirmed that the production process of the drug Enalapril 10 mg is reproducible and allows the manufacturing of a product that meets the requirements of regulatory documents

    A portable high power diode laser-based single-stage ceramic tile grout sealing system

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    By means of a 60 W high power diode laser (HPDL) and a specially developed grout material the void between adjoining ceramic tiles has been successfully sealed. A single-stage process has been developed which uses a crushed ceramic tile mix to act as a tough, inexpensive bulk substrate and a glazed enamel surface to provide an impervious surface glaze. The single-stage ceramic tile grout sealing process yielded seals produced in normal atmospheric conditions that displayed no discernible cracks and porosities. The single-stage grout is simple to formulate and easy to apply. Tiles were successfully sealed with power densities as low as 200 kW/mm2 and at rates of up to 600 mm/min. Bonding of the enamel to the crushed ceramic tile mix was identified as being primarily due to van der Waals forces and, on a very small scale, some of the crushed ceramic tile mix material dissolving into the glaze. In terms of mechanical, physical and chemical characteristics, the single-stage ceramic tile grout was found to be far superior to the conventional epoxy tile grout and, in many instances, matched and occasionally surpassed that of the ceramic tiles themselves. What is more, the development of a hand-held HPDL beam delivery unit and the related procedures necessary to lead to the commercialisation of the single-stage ceramic tile grout sealing process are presented. Further, an appraisal of the potential hazards associated with the use of the HPDL in an industrial environment and the solutions implemented to ensure that the system complies with the relevant safety standards are given

    The development and characteristics of a hand-held high power diode laser-based industrial tile grout removal and single-stage sealing system

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    As the field of laser materials processing becomes ever more diverse, the high power diode laser (HPDL) is now being regarded by many as the most applicable tool. The commercialisation of an industrial epoxy grout removal and single-stage ceramic tile grout sealing process is examined through the development of a hand-held HPDL device in this work. Further, an appraisal of the potential hazards associated with the use of the HPDL in an industrial environment and the solutions implemented to ensure that the system complies with the relevant safety standards are given. The paper describes the characteristics and feasibility of the industrial epoxy grout removal process. A minimum power density of approximately 3 kW/cm2 was found to exist, whilst the minimum interaction time, below which there was no removal of epoxy tile grout, was found to be approximately 0.5 s. The maximum theoretical removal rate that may be achievable was calculated as being 65.98 mm2/s for a circular 2 mm diameter beam with a power density of 3 kW/cm2 and a traverse speed of 42 mm/s. In addition, the characteristics of the single-stage ceramic tile grout sealing are outlined. The single-stage ceramic tile grout sealing process yielded crack and porosity free seals which were produced in normal atmospheric conditions. Tiles were successfully sealed with power densities as low as 550 W/cm2 and at rates of up to 420 mm/min. In terms of mechanical, physical and chemical characteristics, the single-stage ceramic tile grout was found to be far superior to the conventional epoxy tile grout and, in many instances, matched and occasionally surpassed that of the ceramic tiles themselves

    Auf dem Prüfstand

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    За кадры. 1957. № 21 (761)

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    Успешно провести весеннюю экзаменационную сессиюНа экзаменах в институтеВоспитательная работа на кафедре техники высоких напряжений / А. АстафуровДипломники - производству / ГорбуляПраздник весны и молодости / В. БерезиковаК итогам научно-технической конференции на горном факультете / Ю. РыжковПриезжайте к нам работать! / Ю. Буда, Г. КассихинПроект сдадим в срок / Ю. Колбин, А. ЖлабисЭкзамены, фестиваль... / В. КривкоСможет ли она стать инженером? / Г. МельниковаА они вот так "отдыхали" / В. Бук