20 research outputs found

    Difficulties in emotion and social support in people with epilepsy: relationship with depression levels

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    Purpose: In this study, we aimed to examine the relationship between depression level, emotion regulation difficulties and social support in individuals with epilepsy. Materials and Methods: Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory-Epilepsy (NDDI-E), Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), and Two-Way Social Support Scale (2- WSSS) were filled out by the patients followed up with a diagnosis of focal epilepsy. Results: One hundred nine patients were included in the study. Depression was found in 25% of the patients. The median DERS value of the patients with depression was 45 (28-55), and the group without depression was 24 (1833.5). It was determined that the DERS score of the depressed group was significantly higher than the group without depression. There is a negative correlation between social support scale (92 (69.5-102.5)) and emotion regulation difficulties scale (27 (19-41)) in the correlation analysis of the entire study population. According to the regression analysis, difficulties in emotion regulation are the main determinant of depression and explain depression at a rate of 16.8%. Conclusion: Emotion regulation difficulties are one of the main determinants of depression in individuals with epilepsy and inadequate social support is associated with emotion regulation difficulties. In order to reduce the frequency of depression in individuals with epilepsy, rehabilitation programs are needed to strengthen emotion regulation strategies

    Investigation of the peripheral inflammation (neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio) in two neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system

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    Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) are the neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). Cognitive impairment is on the forefront in AD. However, IPD is a movement disorder. Inflammation was suggested to have an effect in the pathophysiology of these two diseases. Neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was shown to be a possible marker showing the peripheral inflammation. We aimed to investigate the NLR of patiens with the diagnosis of AD, and IPD, and individuals with no neurodegenerative disease. Materials and methods: A total of 100 patients with the diagnosis of IPD, and 94 with diagnosis of AD, and 61 healthy controls were included into the study. All the demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were retrospectively obtained from the hospital automated database system. Results: The NLR in the IPD group was found statistically significantly higher compared with the control group and the AD group (p < 0.001, p = 0.04, respectively). The age-adjusted values were statistically analyzed because of age difference. No statistically significant difference was detected between AD and control groups in terms of NLR (p = 0.6). The age-adjusted NLR value in the Parkinson’s group was found significantly higher compared to the control group (p = 0.02) and Alzheimer’s group (p = 0.03). Discussion: Chronic inflammation has an important role in the emergence and progression of the chronic neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS. Our results show that the inflammation in the peripheral blood in IPD was more significant compared with the inflammation in AD. © 2021, Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia

    Evaluation of Interictal Electroencephalography Findings in Patients with Focal Epilepsy: Does Secondary Bilateral Synchrony Play a Role on Seizure Frequency?

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    Objectives: Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological test used in daily practice and important in the diagnosis and treatment process for epileptic patients. Accurate assessment of the interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and recognition of secondary bilateral synchrony (SBS) are important for the evaluation of appropriate treatment options. In this study, we investigated whether the presence of SBS is a risk factor for seizure frequency, treatment response, and localization. Methods: In this study, the data of 126 patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of epilepsy in the Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Namk Kemal University Education and Research Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic characteristics, seizure frequency, localization, treatment response and EEG characteristics of the patients were investigated and the results of 122 patients were obtained. Results: Fifty-eight (46%) of the patients were female, and 68 (54%) were male. The mean age was 36.5 +/- 16.4 (15-78) years. EEG of 15 patients (12.2%) was reported as SBS. Focal epileptiform abnormality was detected in 54 patients (44.2%) and focal irregular background activity (non-epileptic findings) was found in 12 patients (9.8%). When semiological features and EEG findings were evaluated together, 44 patients (34.9%) were classified as frontal lobe seizures, 66 patients (52.4%) as temporal lobe seizures, 16 patients (12.6%) as the others. Forty-six patients (36.5%) had no seizures, while 15 (11.9%) had one seizure per year, 46 (36.5%) had one seizure in one to six months, and 19 (15.1%) had daily or weekly seizures. Twenty-nine (23%) of the 46 seizure-free patients became seizure-free in an early stage, 17 patients (13.5%) became seizure-free after the sixth month of the treatment. Conclusion: Although the presence of IED and SBS in interictal EEG is not a risk factor for seizure frequency and treatment response, and the rate of SBS is higher in frontal lobe seizures. The presence of IED and SBS in the management of treatment may lead to false results

    Evaluation of Interictal Electroencephalography Findings in Patients with Focal Epilepsy: Does Secondary Bilateral Synchrony Play a Role on Seizure Frequency?

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    Amaç: İnteriktal elektroensefalografi (EEG) epilepsi hastaları için günlük pratikte sıklıkla kullanılan, tanı ve tedavi sürecinde önemli olan elektrofizyolojik bir testtir. İnteriktal epileptiform deşarjların (İED) doğru değerlendirilmesi ve sekonder bilateral senkroninin (SBS) tanınması uygun tedavi seçeneklerinin değerlendirilmesi için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, SBS varlığının nöbet sıklığı, lokalizasyon ve tedavi yanıtında rolü olup olmadığının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nöroloji Polikliniği’nde epilepsi tanısı ile takip edilmekte olan 126 hastanın verileri geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, nöbet sıklığı, lokalizasyonu, tedavi yanıtı ve EEG özellikleri incelenmiş ve 122 hastanın sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular: Olguların 58’i (%46) kadın, 68’i (%54) erkektir. Yaş ortalaması 36.5±16.4 (15–78) olarak saptanmıştır. On beş hastanın (%12.2) EEG’sinin SBS olarak raporlandığı tespit edilmiştir. Elli dört hastada (%44.2) fokal epileptiform anomali, 12 hastada (%9.8) fokal zemin ritmi düzensizliği (non-epileptik bulgular) saptanmıştır. Semiyolojik özellikler ve EEG bulguları ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde 44 hasta (%34.9) frontal lob nöbet, 66 hasta (%52.4) temporal lob nöbet ve 16 hasta (%12.6) diğerleri olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Yüz yirmi altı hastanın 46’sı (%36.5) nöbetsiz iken 15 hastada (%11.9) yılda bir nöbet, 46 hastada (%36.5) 1–6 ayda bir nöbet ve 19 hastada (%15.1) günlük ya da haftalık nöbetler olduğu saptanmıştır. Kırkaltı nöbetsiz hastanın 29’unda (%23) erken dönemde, 17’sinde (%13.5) tedavinin başlanmasından altı ay sonra nöbetsizlik elde edilebilmiştir. Sonuç: İnteriktal EEG’de, İED ve SBS varlığı nöbet sıklığı ve tedavi yanıtı açısından risk faktörü olmamakla birlikte frontal lob nöbetlerde SBS oranı daha yüksektir. Tedavi düzenlenmesinde, İED ve SBS varlığının göz önünde bulundurulması yanlış sonuçlara neden olabilirObjectives: Interictal electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological test used in daily practice and important in the diagnosis and treatment process for epileptic patients. Accurate assessment of the interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and recognition of secondary bilateral synchrony (SBS) are important for the evaluation of appropriate treatment options. In this study, we investigated whether the presence of SBS is a risk factor for seizure frequency, treatment response, and localization. Methods: In this study, the data of 126 patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of epilepsy in the Neurology Outpatient Clinic of Namık Kemal University Education and Research Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Demographic characteristics, seizure frequency, localization, treatment response and EEG characteristics of the patients were investigated and the results of 122 patients were obtained. Results: Fifty-eight (46%) of the patients were female, and 68 (54%) were male. The mean age was 36.5±16.4 (15–78) years. EEG of 15 patients (12.2%) was reported as SBS. Focal epileptiform abnormality was detected in 54 patients (44.2%) and focal irregular background activity (non-epileptic findings) was found in 12 patients (9.8%). When semiological features and EEG findings were evaluated together, 44 patients (34.9%) were classified as frontal lobe seizures, 66 patients (52.4%) as temporal lobe seizures, 16 patients (12.6%) as the others. Forty-six patients (36.5%) had no seizures, while 15 (11.9%) had one seizure per year, 46 (36.5%) had one seizure in one to six months, and 19 (15.1%) had daily or weekly seizures. Twenty-nine (23%) of the 46 seizure-free patients became seizure-free in an early stage, 17 patients (13.5%) became seizure-free after the sixth month of the treatment. Conclusion: Although the presence of IED and SBS in interictal EEG is not a risk factor for seizure frequency and treatment response, and the rate of SBS is higher in frontal lobe seizures. The presence of IED and SBS in the management of treatment may lead to false results


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    Bisiklete binme tüm dünyada popüler hale gelmiş olan egzersizlerden biridir. Bu çalışmada profesyonel bir destek almayan amatör bisikletçilerde boyun ağrısı için risk faktörlerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Bisiklet gruplarının internet üzerindeki sosyal ağlarında bireylerin demografik özelliklerini, bisiklet kullanım özelliklerini, bisiklete binme alışkanlıklarını, Bournemouth Boyun Anketini (BBA), dinlenme ve bisiklet kullanımı esnasındaki boyun ağrısı şiddetini sorgulayan yapılandırılmış bir anket paylaşıldı. Veriler toplandı ve analiz edildi. Yirmi yedi (%25,7) kişi kriterleri karşılamaması nedeni ile çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Yetmiş sekiz bisiklet kullanıcısının analiz sonuçlarında, haftada 10 saatten fazla bisiklet süren bireylerin ortalama BBA değerinin 1-5 ve 5-10 saat bisiklet süren bisikletçilere gore anlamlı derecede düşük olduğu gözlendi (p&lt;0,001). Multivariate lojistik regresyon analizinde ise dağ bisikleti kullanımının (OR=0,147; p=0,033) ve 10-20 saat arasında (OR=0,022; p=0,005) bisiklet kullanım süresinin boyun ağrısı açısından en düşük riske sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Kişiye özel bisiklet ayarlamalarının (bike-fit) boyun ağrısına etkisinin olmadığı gözlemlendi (p=0,5). Çalışmamızın sonuçlarına gore amatör bisikletçilerde boyun ağrısını önlemek için haftalık kullanım süresinin 10-20 saat arasında tutularak düzensiz, az veya aşırı kullanımdan kaçınması ve boyun ağrısı olan bireylerin dağ bisikletine yönelmesi önerilebilir

    Urodynamic findings of multiple sclerosis patients at a single institution

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    Aim: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and progressive disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The destructive effect of MS on the urogenital system has been demonstrated in many studies especially in young adults. Urodynamic evaluation is recommended in the diagnosis of urogenital system pathologies for MS patients. Unfortunately, there are not enough studies evaluating the urodynamic examinations of MS patients in our country. In this study, urodynamic findings of patients with MS were evaluated. Material and Method: A total of 58 patients (39 female and 19 male) were included in the study. The urodynamic findings of the patients in the same center between January 2011 and October 2017 were evaluated retrospectively. Urodynamic evaluation was performed with 20 ml of infusion per minute according to the International Continence Society standards. Results: The mean age of the patients was 47.4 +/- 8.8 years. The mean duration of multiple sclerosis was 11.8 +/- 7.4 years. When the features of multiple sclerosis were evaluated, 13 (22.4%) patients had a progressive type, 20 (34.5%) had a secondary progressive type, and 25 (43.1%) had relapsing-remitting (with relapses and remissions). The urodynamic findings of the patients are shown in Table 1. Urodynamic evaluations of patients with urinary incontinence are reported as 'Urge type urinary incontinence' was observed in 30 (83.3%), 'stress type urinary incontinence' in 5 (13.9%) and 'mixed type urinary incontinence' in 1 (2.8%) patient. Discussion: Multiple sclerosis is a common neurological pathology which has different urinary system findings. Detrusor overactivity is the most common urinary manifestation, and patients may also have impaired contractility, detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, urodynamic stress incontinence, and bladder outlet obstruction

    Primary headaches in scuba divers and the effect of temporomandibular dysfunction

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of episodic primary headaches (EPH) and temporomandibular dysfunction’s (TMD) effect in experienced scuba divers. Methods: A form consisting of the Fonseca Anamnestic Index and a structured headache questionnaire was sent to individuals using social media platforms. Results: A total of 132 divers and 104 non-divers were included the study. In male divers, EPH and TMD were not different from the non-diver group (p = 0.1, p = 0.1), and TMD had an effect on increasing the possibility of migraine (OR = 2.5, p = 0.04). In female divers, the possibility of EPH and TMD were also lower (OR = 0.1, p < 0.001, OR = 0.2, p = 0.01). Conclusion: Scuba diving does not pose a risk for EPH or TMD in either gender. TMD treatment in male divers is important for uncontrolled migraine attacks. © 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Akut optik nöritli multipl skleroz ve nöromiyelitis optika spektrum bozuklukları hasta-larında vep parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması]

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) are idiopathic, autoimmune, and central nervous system inflammatory diseases. The similarity in the clinical course of both diseases creates difficulties in the differential diagnosis. Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (VEP) are used at this stage. This study aimed to investigate VEP’s role in the differential diagnosis of MS and NMOSD when the patients apply with acute optic neuritis. Method: The data of 15 relapsing-remitting MS patients (RRMS) and 10 NMOSD patients (1 seropositive patient) presenting with blurred vision and who were diagnosed with acute optic neuritis were retrospectively analyzed. Demographic, disease, and VEP characteristics of the patients were recorded. Results: According to retrospective data obtained from NMOSD patients, the mean P100 latency was 117.3 ± 12.3, and the mean amplitude was 6.1 ± 3.5. When the VEP characteristics obtained from 15 RRMS patients were evaluated, the P100 latency was 131.7 ± 17.3, and the mean P100 amplitude was 8.0 ± 3.0. P100 latency was significantly prolonged in the RRMS group than the NMOSD group, and amplitude was significantly lower in the NMOSD group than the RRMS group. Discussion: Differentiating NMOSD patients with optic neuritis from MS in the early period is very important for preventing permanent visual damage, initiating appropriate treatment, planning treatment, and predicting prognosis. VEP findings in early-stage acute optic neuritis can be used to differentiate clinically challenging both seropositive and seronegative NMOSD patients from patients with MS. © 2020, Istanbul Universitesi. All rights reserved

    Comparison of VEP Parameters in NMOSD and MS Patients

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    Congress of the Pan-Asian-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (PACTRIMS) -- 2018 -- Sydney, AUSTRALIA[No Abstract Available]Pan Asian Comm Treatment & Res Multiple Sclerosi

    The Comparison of VEP Parameters in NMOSD and MS Patients with Acute Optic Neuritis

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) are idiopathic, autoimmune, and central nervous system inflammatory diseases. The similarity in the clinical course of both diseases creates difficulties in the differential diagnosis. Pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (VEP) are used at this stage. This study aimed to investigate VEP’s role in the differential diagnosis of MS and NMOSD when the patients apply with acute optic neuritis. Method: The data of 15 relapsing-remitting MS patients (RRMS) and 10 NMOSD patients (1 seropositive patient) presenting with blurred vision and who were diagnosed with acute optic neuritis were retrospectively analyzed. Demographic, disease, and VEP characteristics of the patients were recorded. Results: According to retrospective data obtained from NMOSD patients, the mean P100 latency was 117.3 ± 12.3, and the mean amplitude was 6.1 ± 3.5. When the VEP characteristics obtained from 15 RRMS patients were evaluated, the P100 latency was 131.7 ± 17.3, and the mean P100 amplitude was 8.0 ± 3.0. P100 latency was significantly prolonged in the RRMS group than the NMOSD group, and amplitude was significantly lower in the NMOSD group than the RRMS group. Discussion: Differentiating NMOSD patients with optic neuritis from MS in the early period is very important for preventing permanent visual damage, initiating appropriate treatment, planning treatment, and predicting prognosis. VEP findings in early-stage acute optic neuritis can be used to differentiate clinically challenging both seropositive and seronegative NMOSD patients from patients with MS. © 2020, Istanbul Universitesi. All rights reserved