2 research outputs found
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Does every child produce every correctly?
In this paper, we examine the classic phenomena associated with children\u27s interpretation of every and present an experimental study that looks at production and comprehension in the same children. Children in the age range five through seven years apparently do not have full competence in producing sentences containing every. Their mistakes in comprehension carry over to their production. Although these data are insufficient to decide among the three accounts examined, we hope to have inspired researchers to include production data in their models of how children learn every and other quantifiers
A Touchy Subject: Optimality and Coreference
Four studies are reported that compare production and comprehension of structures involving Principle A and B with 68 English speaking children. The stimuli included simple and complex sentences combined with simple and quantified NPs, each with reflexives and pronouns. A novel technique using a laptop proved successful for eliciting stimulus descriptions as well as truth value judgment. The results test a recent Optimality account of binding by Hendriks and Spenader (2004), but it is argued that more constraints are needed. Although the data can be fit well by the constraints, questions remain about whether it is theoretically satisfactory