40 research outputs found

    Exploring the associations between narcissism, intentions towards infidelity, and relationship satisfaction:Attachment styles as a moderator

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    The ultimate goal of this research was twofold: (1) to investigate the associations between narcissism, intentions towards infidelity, and relationship satisfaction; and (2) to explore the moderating effect of attachment styles on the link between intentions towards infidelity and narcissism. The findings revealed that the link between narcissism and relationship satisfaction is fully mediated by intentions towards infidelity. Similarly, the full mediating effect of relationship satisfaction exists in the association between narcissism and intentions towards infidelity. Mediational analyses further revealed that narcissism is a predictor of intentions towards infidelity, and this link is moderated by preoccupied, fearful, and dismissive attachment styles. As the results indicate, narcissism plays a significant role in young adults’ intimate relationships, and attachment styles have a moderating role in narcissism’s effect on romantic relationships. Results and implications are discussed in light of the relevant research findings

    Acute effects of cocoa flavanols on visual working memory:maintenance and updating

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    Background Consumption of cocoa flavanols may have acute physiological effects on the brain due to their ability to activate nitric oxide synthesis. Nitric oxide mediates vasodilation, which increases cerebral blood flow, and can also act as a neurotransmitter. Objectives This study aimed to examine whether cocoa flavanols have an acute influence on visual working memory (WM). Methods Two separate randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced crossover experiments were conducted on normal healthy young adult volunteers (NExp1 = 48 and NExp2 = 32, gender-balanced). In these experiments, 415 mg of cocoa flavanols were administered to test their acute effects on visual working memory. In the first experiment, memory recall precision was measured in a task that required only passive maintenance of grating orientations in WM. In the second experiment, recall was measured after active updating (mental rotation) of WM contents. Habitual daily flavanols intake, body mass index, and gender were also considered in the analysis. Results The results suggested that neither passive maintenance in visual WM nor active updating of WM were acutely enhanced by consumption of cocoa flavanols. Exploratory analyses with covariates (body mass index and daily flavanols intake), and the between-subjects factor of gender also showed no evidence for effects of cocoa flavanols, neither in terms of reaction time, nor accuracy. Conclusions Overall, cocoa flavanols did not improve visual working memory recall performance during maintenance, nor did it improve recall accuracy after memory updating

    Predicting Factors of Drop Out Counseling Process in University Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the predicting factors the drop out the counseling process . Methods: The study group consists of 555 college students admitted to a Counseling and Guidance Center (CGC) and participated in at least one session of counseling after the first view in the 2013-2014 academic year. As a data collection tool, an "Application Form" on the demographic information and the "Brief Symptom Inventory" was applied to the students; and independent samples t-test and binary logistic regression techniques were used in the analysis of the collected data. Results: According to the analysis results, the age of the students attending the counseling process was found to be higher than those who drop out, but no significant difference was found in their psychometric properties in terms of continuation of the counseling process. Only the age of clients and their previous psychiatric help history was found to predict the dropping out counseling process early. Conclusion: Drop outs are less frequently observed in clients having a previous psychiatric help experience. In addition, it was determined that older clients less frequently drop out the counseling process. [JCBPR 2015; 4(1.000): 18-25

    In Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Individuals: Attachment, Self-compassion and Internalized Homophobia: A Theoretical Study

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    Homophobia is seen as a factor which affects the mental health of not only heterosexual individuals but also of homosexual and bisexual individuals. In this study, attachment, self-compassion and internalized homophobia in lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) individuals are evaluated. Furthermore, it is aimed to explain in detail the historical process of the place of the concept of homosexuality in mental health literature and the concepts related tointernalized homophobia. Within this context, studies regarding attachment, self-compassion and internalized homophobia inLGB individuals are addressed and suggestions are made regarding their relationship with mental health. [JCBPR 2016; 5(3.000): 135-144

    Concurrent consumption of cocoa flavanols and caffeine does not acutely modulate working memory and attention

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    Consumption of cocoa flavanols and caffeine might acutely enhance cognition, particularly in synergy. Due to the use of multifaceted tasks in prior research, it is unclear precisely which cognitive functions are implicated. We aimed to assess the acute effects of the (joint) ingestion of cocoa flavanols and caffeine on temporal attention, spatial attention, and working memory. In four separate sessions of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial, our participants consumed a placebo drink, a drink containing cocoa flavanols (415 mg), a drink containing caffeine (215 mg), and a drink containing both concurrently. In each session, after ingestion, we tested performance in three cognitive tasks. We tested temporal attention in a dual-target rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, known to elicit the attentional blink, in which the lag between the targets was manipulated. We measured spatial attention in a visual search task, where we varied the number of distractors that appeared simultaneously with the target. We tested working memory in a delayed recall task, in which the number of stimuli to be maintained was manipulated. We obtained the expected performance pattern in each task, but found no evidence for modulation of response accuracy or response times by the ingestion of either substance, nor of their combined ingestion, even in the most challenging task conditions. We conclude that, even when jointly ingested, neither the tested amount of cocoa flavanols nor caffeine have acute effects that are robustly measurable on cognitive tasks that target attention and working memory individually

    Narcisismo grandioso y ansiedad rasgo entre adolescentes: el papel mediador del perfeccionismo cuando se controla la autoestima.

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    Parece bastante interesante que durante la adolescencia los ni-veles de ansiedad pueden salirse de control. Esto se debe a varios factores; uno de los posibles determinantes son los rasgos de personalidad como el narcisismo. Contrariamente a que la autoestima alta es un factor predictivo de la salud mental, el narcisismo necesita autoestima para ser beneficioso para una persona. Por lo tanto, como dos factores de rasgos de personali-dad, la autoestima y el narcisismo deben distinguirse entre sí. Los indivi-duos narcisistas intentan satisfacer sus necesidades de afirmación estable-ciendo objetivos perfeccionistas y se han revelado relaciones significativas entre las dimensiones del perfeccionismo y la ansiedad en la literatura rela-cionada. Usando un modelo de ecuación estructural, este estudio investigó el papel de mediación de las dimensiones del perfeccionismo en las relacio-nes entre el rasgo de personalidad narcisista grandioso y el rasgo de ansie-dad cuando se controló la autoestima. Participaron en el estudio una mues-tra de 338 adolescentes (192 mujeres, 146 hombres, edad media = 15.84 años, DE = 1.01) de cinco colegios de secundaria. Los participantes com-pletaron los instrumentos, entre ellos el Formulario de Información De-mográfica destinado a recopilar información personal, la Escala de Autoes-tima de Rosenberg, la dimensión de ansiedad rasgo del Inventario de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo, la Escala de Perfeccionismo del Niño y el Adolescente y el Inventario de Personalidad Narcisista. Los hallazgos revelaron que el perfeccionismo adaptativo medió en la relación entre el narcisismo gran-dioso y el rasgo de ansiedad cuando se controló la autoestima. Este estudio indica que los profesionales que trabajan con adolescentes deben centrarse en las intervenciones cuyo objetivo sea disminuir las tendencias perfeccionistas de los adolescentes.It seems quite interesting that during adolescence anxiety levels can spiral out of control. This is due to several factors; one of the possible determinants is personality traits such as narcissism. Contrary to high self-esteem being a predictive factor of mental health, narcissism needs self-esteem in order to be beneficial for a person. Therefore, as two factors of personality traits, self-esteem and narcissism need to be distinguished from each other. Narcissistic individuals try to meet their affirmation needs by setting perfectionistic goals and significant relationships between perfec-tionism dimensions and anxiety has been revealed in the related literature. Using a structural equation modeling, this study investigated the mediation role of perfectionism dimensions in the relationships between grandiose narcissistic personality trait and trait anxiety when self-esteem was con-trolled. A sample of 338 adolescents (192 females, 146 males, mean age = 15.84 years, SD = 1.01) from five high schools participated in the study. The participants completed the instruments including the Demographic Information Form aimed to gather personal information, the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, the trait anxiety dimension of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Child and Adolescents Perfectionism Scale, and the Narcis-sistic Personality Inventory. Findings revealed that adaptive perfectionism mediated the relationship between grandiose narcissism and trait anxiety when self-esteem was controlled. This study indicates that practitioners working with adolescents should focus on interventions, which aimed to decrease perfectionistic tendencies of adolescents