1 research outputs found

    La Gimnasia Art铆stica en la inclusi贸n de adolescentes con obesidad, a la clase Educaci贸n F铆sica

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    This research will address the design of a training plan based on Artistic Gymnastics as an innovative strategy to address the problem of obesity in adolescents and inclusion in Physical Education classes. This being the main motivation that directed our research, since traditionally the students who present obesity at the institution where we work have remained relegated and with a very low motivation towards Physical Education classes and towards any type of physical activity or related to the movement. The Artistic Gymnastics Plan was structured with strength, flexibility, balance and coordination exercises, organized in a systematic and progressive manner, considering the level of physical condition of each student, it was based on strategies of support and mutual respect, promoting the acceptance of the body diversity and the recognition of individual abilities, contributing to a better structuring of their self-esteem and self-worth. The research is quasi-experimental, with a mixed approach, structured surveys, anthropometric measurements, and physical tests were implemented, with pre-test and post-test. The population was made up of 7 young people with obesity (3 men, 4 women), between 14 and 16 years old, from the Babahoyo Educational Unit, in the city of Babahoyo- Ecuador. The designed plan was implemented during 12 sessions, significant achievements were obtained in the reduction of body fat, waist circumference, and skin folds, as well as an increase in strength and dexterity during the execution of the exercises. Regarding the emotional health of the intervened students, an increase in their self-esteem and self-confidence was evident.Esta investigaci贸n abordar谩 el dise帽o de un plan de entrenamiento basado en la Gimnasia Art铆stica como estrategia innovadora para abordar la problem谩tica de la obesidad en adolescentes y la inclusi贸n a las clases de Educaci贸n F铆sica. Siendo este el principal motivante que direccion贸 nuestra investigaci贸n, ya que tradicionalmente los estudiantes que presentan obesidad de la instituci贸n donde laboramos, se han mantenido relegados y con una muy baja motivaci贸n hacia las clases de Educaci贸n F铆sica y hacia cualquier tipo de actividad f铆sica o relaciona con el movimiento. El Plan de Gimnasia Art铆stica se estructur贸 con ejercicios de fuerza, flexibilidad, equilibrio y coordinaci贸n, organizados de manera sistem谩tica y progresiva, considerando el nivel de condici贸n f铆sica de cada estudiante, se ciment贸 sobre estrategias de apoyo y respeto mutuo, promoviendo la aceptaci贸n de la diversidad corporal y el reconocimiento de las habilidades individuales, contribuyendo a una mejor estructuraci贸n de su autoestima y autovaloraci贸n. La investigaci贸n es de tipo cuasi experimental, con un enfoque mixto, se implementaron encuestas estructuradas, mediciones antropom茅tricas, y test f铆sicos, con pre test y post test. La poblaci贸n estuvo conformada por 7 j贸venes con obesidad (3 hombres, 4 mujeres), entre los 14 y 16 a帽os, de la Unidad Educativa Babahoyo, de la ciudad de Babahoyo- Ecuador. El plan dise帽ado se implement贸 durante 12 sesiones, se obtuvieron logros significativos en la disminuci贸n de la grasa corporal, circunferencia de cintura, y pliegues cut谩neos, as铆 mismo, se comprob贸 un incremento en la fuerza y en la destreza durante la ejecuci贸n de los ejercicios, en cuanto a la salud emocional de los estudiantes intervenidos, se evidenci贸 un incremento en su autoestima y autoconfianza