13 research outputs found

    Epidural spinal cord compression from metastatic cancer: clinical features and management

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    We retrospectively analyzed thirty-three patients (21 males, 12 females) with malignancy induced spinal cord compression (SCC). The mean age of the patients was 42.8 years and almost half (51%) of them presented with SCC. Mean duration of symptoms was 4.5 months and the mean interval between the original diagnosis of cancer and the development of SCC was 14.6 months. Back pain was the most frequent (97%) symptom with an equal number of patients having subjective or objective evidence of lower limb weakness. Majority (73%) of the patients were non-ambulatory at the time of diagnosis. Spinal level involvement was mostly thoracic (62%) followed by lumber (38%). Breast cancer was the commonest underlying malignancy (21%). Lung (12%), prostrate (12%), multiple myeloma (9%), and carcinoma with unknown primary (12%) were also frequently encountered. There was an overall response rate of 22% to the therapeutic interventions: mostly observed in the ambulatory patients. Only 7% of the non-ambulatory patients regained ability to walk. None of the responders had bladder or bowel dysfunction. Twenty-two percent of the responders are still ambulatory with a mean follow-up of six months

    Hemicoréia-hemibalismo associado a granuloma criptocócico em paciente com SIDA: relato de caso Hemichorea-hemiballism associated to cryptococcal granuloma in AIDS: case report

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    Distúrbios do movimento são pouco frequentes na síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida (SIDA). Dentre eles destaca-se a hemicoréia-hemibalismo (HC-HB), relacionada a infecção oportunística pelo Toxoplasma gondii. Relatamos caso de HC-HB em um paciente de 28 anos portador de SIDA associada a lesão granulomatosa no núcleo sub-talâmico direito. Após insucesso no tratamento para neurotoxoplasmose, com a pesquisa de antígeno criptocóccico positiva no líquor, houve melhora clínica e radiológica com terapia antifúngica, estabelecendo-se o diagnóstico etiológico de granuloma por Cryptococcus neoformans. Discorre-se acerca das causas de HC-HB, com menção especial ao diagnóstico diferencial deste distúrbio em indivíduos infectados pelo HIV.<br>Movement disorders are not common in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Hemichorea-hemiballism (HC-HB) is the most common of them all, and it is usually related to oportunistic toxoplasmosis of the basal ganglia. We present a 28-year-old man, HIV positive with HC-HB caused by a right subthalamic granuloma, which did not respond to treatment for toxoplasmosis. Cryptoccococic antigen was positive in the cerebrospinal fluid and antifungic therapy led to clinical and radiologic improvement, thus the diagnosis of a granulomatous lesion by Cryptococcus neoformans was established. Current literature on HC-HB and its relationship with AIDS is subsequently reviewed