12 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis of Published Articles on Management Information Systems (MIS)

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    This paper aimed to explore trends in management information systems (MIS) research from 2017 to 2021 and compare their contributions based on different countries and authors. In particular, this study presents a bibliometric analysis of MIS highlighting key themes including, effective top MIS journals, authors, contributing countries, source types, sponsoring institutions, document languages, and subject areas, within the past five years. The data were chosen from Web of Science and Scopus databases based on defined search terms relating to MIS. Microsoft Excel 2016 was used to summarize bibliometric features, including the number of publications, subject areas and country contributions. Based on the search results, a total of 3624 papers were included. The results showed that most of the articles were published in journals and conferences, mainly in English. Additionally, most of the research in MIS was in the computer, engineering, medicine and management sciences fields and China contributed the largest percentage of articles (17%). The “Journal of Physics”and the“International Conference on Information Systems Development” had the highest publication number, while, the European Commission, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the National Science Foundation were the top funding institutions.The outcomes provide a global perspective of the MIS field, identifying the works that have had the greatest impact, the main study traditions or themes that have been explored in MIS studies. Structural analyses revealed changes in the MIS over time. The paper concluded with suggestions and accumulated knowledge for future study. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, Information Systems, Management Information Systems, MIS field. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-4-14 Publication date:November 30th 2021

    Determinants of Tax Compliance Intention among Jordanian SMEs: A Focus on the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    The present study aimed to adopt the extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) to determine the intentions of owner-managers in SMEs towards engaging in sales tax compliance. The study distributed a total of 660 questionnaire copies through systematic random sampling to the mangers/owners of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs, from which 385 questionnaire copies were retrieved and considered useable and appropriate for further analysis. The study made use of Partial-Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) for the validation of the measurement model and structural model, and to establish the predictive relevance of the proposed model. Based on the obtained findings, the attitude towards behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and patriotism were significant determinants of the intentions towards engaging in sales tax compliance among the examined enterprises

    Determinants of Tax Compliance Intention among Jordanian SMEs: A Focus on the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    The present study aimed to adopt the extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) to determine the intentions of owner-managers in SMEs towards engaging in sales tax compliance. The study distributed a total of 660 questionnaire copies through systematic random sampling to the mangers/owners of Jordanian manufacturing SMEs, from which 385 questionnaire copies were retrieved and considered useable and appropriate for further analysis. The study made use of Partial-Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) for the validation of the measurement model and structural model, and to establish the predictive relevance of the proposed model. Based on the obtained findings, the attitude towards behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and patriotism were significant determinants of the intentions towards engaging in sales tax compliance among the examined enterprises

    The role of foreign directors in corporate risk disclosure: empirical evidence from Jordan

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    The current study examined the role of foreign directors in enhancing the level of risk disclosure in the annual reports of Jordanian listed companies. The content analysis method was used to measure the level of risk disclosure by computing the number of risk-related sentences in annual reports. To achieve the study’s objective, random effect model has been applied on a sample of 376 firm-year observations of Jordanian non-financial companies for the period of 2014-2017. The findings are in line with the argument of agency theory and resource dependence theory, which posits that existence of foreign members on the board contributes in increasing the level of risk disclosure.The study aimed to fill the gap in the literature of risk disclosure regarding the relationship between foreign directors and risk disclosure. It is expected that the findings will be useful to researchers, authorities and investors alike in understanding the important role of foreign directors in improving practices of risk disclosure in Jordan

    The Influence of Audit Committee Chair Characteristics on Financial Reporting Quality

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    This study examines the extent to which the characteristics of the audit committee chair enhance the quality of financial reports and reduce the possibility for companies to receive a modified audit opinion (MAO) from an external auditor. We apply logistic regression to investigate the influence of Audit Committee Chair (ACC) characteristics on the FRQ (FRQ), for a sample of 460 firm-year observations (service and industrial company listed) on the Amman stock exchange for the years 2017–2020. This study uses the MAO as a proxy for Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ). The results of this study confirmed that the characteristics of the chair of the audit committee have significant and clear impacts on the quality and efficiency of financial reports, which is in line with previous studies that have addressed this topic. The results also indicated that researchers, academics, regulators, and policymakers should not look just at the characteristics of audit committees as a whole, given that audit committee chairs have effects on financial reports. This study presents its contribution through experimental demonstration of the characteristics of the chair of the audit committee and how these affect the financial reports of companies. It also provides a guide for benefits for working to provide a basis for organizational procedures, especially those related to the impact on corporate boards and internal and external auditing

    Digital Financial Inclusion Sustainability in Jordanian Context

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    Digital Financial Inclusion (DFI) refers to efforts to make digital financial services available and affordable to all individuals and institutions, regardless of their net expense or institution size and demographic location. Despite the immense benefits of DFI and DFI-based products and services such as mobile money and payment systems, users’ acceptance is thin, limited, and disappointing in some developing countries as Jordan. Consequently, this study has investigated the factors influencing the acceptance of the mobile payment system in the Jordanian context. This study’s research model synthesizes the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) variables and extended the model with perceived financial cost as an independent variable. The research model has been empirically confirmed by fitting the model to data collected from 304 Jordanian citizens using a survey instrument. The data were analysed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The result has confirmed that behavioural intention to use the m-payment system is significantly and positively influenced by perceived usefulness and perceived financial cost; behavioural intention to use m-payment system was not found to be significantly and positively influenced by perceived ease of use and hence the related hypothesis was not supported. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are further discussed in the last section of this paper

    Antecedents and Impacts of Enterprise Resource Planning System Adoption among Jordanian SMEs

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    Businesses need accounting information to support their decision-making. In this regard, the extensive use of Information Technology (IT) has enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of accounting functions that support accounting-related information. Specifically, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system ensures reporting accuracy, large amounts of transaction processing, and the generation of reports for analysis. Regardless of the numerous benefits that an ERP system provides, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have yet to catch up with their system usage. Hence, this study draws upon the technology-organisation-environment (TOE) framework to propose an integrated model that includes diffusion of innovation (DOI), institutional factors, and TOE to examine ERP adoption antecedents in the context of SMEs in Jordan. A mixed method is applied in this work, and it uses a self-administered questionnaire survey as the main data collection instrument along with interviews. Quantitative data are obtained from 102 respondents through the questionnaire, after which the research model is validated using SMEs in Jordan. The survey results show that relative advantage, top management support, organisational readiness, training, competitive pressure, government support compatibility, and service provider support significantly influence ERP adoption among the SMEs. The findings are expected to shed light on the way SMEs can enhance their ERP adoption for optimum performance, as well as extend the literature dedicated to the antecedents of information system, IT adoption, and their impact

    The Role of E-Accounting Adoption on Business Performance: The Moderating Role of COVID-19

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    In the last decade, information systems (ISs) have made dynamic developments in light of their ability to enhance the performances of businesses. In relation to this, an organization that is effectively and efficiently managed often displays optimum performance using financial systems such as electronic accounting (e-accounting). Thus, essentially, e-accounting is utilized for the automation of operational processes and for improving business efficiency and performance. More currently, e-accounting dynamic development has laid credence to the performance of businesses in a way that the influence cannot be exaggerated. Nevertheless, past studies evidenced that successful e-accounting depends on critical success factors, and hence this study primarily aims to conduct an evaluation of e-accounting using DeLone and McLean’s information system model (DM ISM) among firms in Jordan. More specifically, this study determines the influence of information quality, system quality, service quality, system usage, and user satisfaction on business performance. The current study adopted a quantitative method, applying a self-administered survey questionnaire for the purpose of data collection from 104 e-accounting users. This study employed partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to validate the data, and based on the findings, system quality and information quality affect system use; service quality of e-accounting had no significant impact on use, but e-accounting use had a significant influence on the satisfaction of users. Moreover, e-accounting system use and user satisfaction positively influence business performance. This study is an extension of the current IS literature, particularly of those focused on determining the effects of e-accounting benefits. This study validated the proposed model in the context of Jordanian firms and contributes to both the literature on and practice of e-accounting. This study provided implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research

    Assessing the Intention to Adopt Cloud Accounting during COVID-19

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    The information technology (IT) revolutionization aside with the emergence of COVID-19 have catalyzed cloud-computing services and systems with multiple end-user benefits for online business management, specifically in the accounting discipline. For example, cloud accounting enables the significant reduction of organisational IT investment with flexible access to a large group of scalable resources. The cloud accounting enables small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to independently engage in fundamental bookkeeping responsibilities rather than hiring external auditors for the same services. As cloud-based accounting adoption remains in the preliminary stage within Jordanian businesses, this study applied the technology, organisation, and environment model to explore cloud accounting among Jordanian SMEs. The study data were gathered from 156 Jordanian SME owners or managers with a structured online survey questionnaire. The recommended study framework encompassed seven determinants that influenced the cloud accounting adoption intention. Resultantly, except Perceived knowledge uncertainty factor, the proposed hypotheses were supported as the aforementioned factors (relative advantages, security concerns, top management support, organizational readiness, competitor’s intensity and suppliers computing support) positively and significantly influenced the cloud accounting of Jordanian SMEs. The study outcomes could facilitate IT field decision-makers and practitioners by investigating an actual cloud accounting case based on the essentiality of its application

    Antecedents of Big Data Analytic Adoption and Impacts on Performance: Contingent Effect

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    The adoption of big data analytics (BDA) is increasing pace both in practice and in theory, owing to the prospects and its potential advantages. Numerous researchers believe that BDA could provide significant advantages, despite constant battles with the constraints that limit its implementation. Here, we suggest an incorporated model to investigate the drivers and impacts of BDA adoption in the Jordanian hotel industry based on the technology–organisation–environment framework and the resource-based view theory. The suggested model incorporates both the adoption and performance components of BDA into a single model. For data collection, in this study, we used an online questionnaire survey. The research model was verified based on responses from 119 Jordanian hotels. This study yielded two significant findings. First, we discovered that relative advantage, organizational readiness, top management support, and government regulations have a major impact on BDA adoption. The study results also reveal a strong and favourable association between BDA adoption and firm performance. Finally, information sharing was found to have a moderating effect on the association between BDA adoption and firm performance. The data revealed how businesses might increase their BDA adoption for improved firm performance. The present study adds to the limited but growing body of literature investigating the drivers and consequences of technology acceptance. The findings of this study can serve as a resource for scholars and practitioners interested in big data adoption in emerging nations