1 research outputs found

    A Comparison Between Students’ Performance In Multiple Choice and Modified Essay Questions in the MBBS Pediatrics Examination at the College of Medicine, King Khalid University, KSA

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    Objectives: To investigate the relation between the students' scores in MCQs and MEQs of the summative assessment in pediatrics at the College of medicine KKU. Introduction: Student assessment is the most difficult task in medicine since it is ultimately related to human life and safety. Assessment can take different types of formats with advantages and disadvantages and there is no single prescribed method of choice. Research Methods: This is a quantitative, observational retrospective study enrolling 50 students who completed the final MBBS examination in pediatrics in 2015.The medical students’ scores in MCQs and MEQs in the final MBBS pediatrics examination were collected and SPSS used for analysis. Results: 52% of the students scored A and B, 46% scored C and 2% scored D and nobody scored F. The mean percentage scores in MCQs, MEQs and the combined are75.03%, 79.99% and 76.68% respectively. The standard deviation (SD) for MCQs, MEQs and combined are 0.0753, 0.0763 and 0.0559 respectively.There are no significant differences in means and SD. The correlation (CR) between MCQs and MEQs is -1.73%. The CR between MCQs and MEQs for those who scored A and B is 7.38% which could indicate a weak but significant +ve CR (p value 0.017), (table3). For those who scored C inverse CR (-74.38%) was observed between MCQs and MEQs. Discussion: The main finding of this study was the weakly negative CR between students' performance on MCQs and MEQs. Good performance in MCQs is not necessary correlated with good performance in LEQs. This is not in agreement with Oyebola et al. and Moqattash et al findings, who reported positive CR in the performance of their students. The discrepancy observed in performance between MCQs and MEQs could be explained by the subjectivity and the difficulty in avoiding bias in setting and marking essay questions.   Key Words: multiple choice questions, Modified long essay questions, correlation