56 research outputs found

    Definición de perfiles y competencias profesionales de un director de proyectos multimedia. Detección de las necesidades de formación

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    La aportación de este artículo será la definición y detección de los perfiles y competencias profesionales dentro del sector multimedia en las empresas TIC y posteriormente la detección y orientación de las necesidades de formación adecuadas. Se plantea la definición de las competencias de un profesional de la industria multimedia y la detección de las necesidades formativas de los aspirantes al puesto de trabajo. Las carencias detectadas serán la base de las recomendaciones de cursos de formación para un determinado perfil profesional con el apoyo de los programas de formación del LAM (Laboratorio de Aplicaciones Multimedia). El modelo didáctico utilizado en el LAM es el llamado “híbrido”, semipresencial, (Blended Learning) para la producción e integración de contenidos formativos y entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. El método se ha aplicado a otros perfiles y en otros sectores profesionales.Postprint (published version

    Robotic arm controlled through vision and biomechanical sensors

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    The project aims to design the control of a robotic arm capable of following the movements of a real hand. In order to do that, a number of different technologies were implemented: manufacture by adding material (3D printing), Arduino board programming and implementing and programming of vision and biomechanics sensors. The project was developed in 3 stages: First, making a 3D printing of a robotic arm, which has been acquired with CAD software, for subsequent assembly of all parts. Second, programming of an Arduino Uno, capable of operating actuators (servomotors), to perform the movement of the hand built. Finally, developing a programming code capable of receiving, interpreting and manipulating the data obtained by a mocap device (motion capture), communicating with other devices and sending commands to the Arduino Uno controller chip.Postprint (author's final draft

    Exploring virtual reality to improve engineering students' spatial abilities pilot study

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    A Virtual Reality pilot study is conducted to improve the spatial ability of engineering students based on solid geometry scenarios. The investigation focused on the Graphic Expression and Computer-Aided Design (GECAD) course, specifically on the study of the spatial abilities developed and the assessment of the academic results in the solid geometry module. A total of 20 participants completed three activities (6 h) in an immersive virtual learning environment (IVLE), using head-mounted display (HMD) glasses. Modeling exercises of three-dimensional geometric shapes are proposed, based on concepts of solid geometry. The scenarios are built step by step and the students can regulate the progress between stages while observing the geometric components at the scale and in the point of view they wish. Beyond academic results, the assessment of student improvement is based on spatial abilities tests: the Differential Aptitude Test: Spatial Relations Subset DAT-SR, Purdue Spatial Visualisation Test: Rotations PSVT:R and Mental Cutting Test MCT. Those tests are applied for evaluating different skills: mental folding, mental rotation and section by a plane. In summary, a methodology is proposed developing activities in an (IVLE) with 3D modelling software applied in solid geometry, in order to promote the development of spatial ability (SA). Spatial abilities are measured before and after the classroom activities and looking for correlations between the spatial perception tests (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT) and academic results in solid geometry. In addition, we also wish to determine the students' opinion with regard to the proposed activities. The results obtained confirm the interest in using IVLE to develop spatial abilities in engineering students. Substantial increases of 10,9% in DAT:SR, 8,8 % in PSVT:R and 9,5% in MCT between pre- and post-tests were found. Moreover, the students' opinion of IVLE/HMD activities is positive. The methodology can be summarized in the following steps: 1. Students take the DAT:SR , PSVT:R and MCT prior to the activities. They also answer the survey on other variables that can affect SA (1 h). 2. The students individually complete the exercises with the 3D modelling software SolidWorks (10 h). 3. The IVLE activities consist of the guided reading by the professor of the completed exercise. The professor addresses the concepts of solid geometry used in each step. The students have a few minutes to view with HMD the animation showing the construction of the geometric shape, and once the representation is finished, they can move freely throughout the scenario, using the keyboard options (6 h). 4. Students solve the (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT after the IVLE activities. At the end, the groups answer the satisfaction survey (1 h). 5. All the students are evaluated on their knowledge of the solid geometry contents by means of a test and 3D modelling exercises similar to those done in class and those described in the IVRL (1h). 6. Finally, the analysis of the spatial abilities test data, the controlled variables survey, satisfaction surveys and the academic results obtained in the solid geometry module enable us to examine the correlations and the strongest determining factors in order to obtain good academic results and propose IVLE activities to improve the levels of spatial ability obtained on the tests. This paper describes the exploratory methodology used and its results.Postprint (published version

    Reducing techno-anxiety in high school teachers by improving their ICT problem-solving skills

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    Teachers need to continuously update their information and communication technologies (ICT) knowledge, but they are usually not trained to deal with the problems arising from their use. In fact, studies in the literature report techno-anxiety (i.e. unpleasant physiological activation and discomfort due to present or future use of ICT) in teachers. Thus, the goal of this action research is to study if teachers’ techno-anxiety can be reduced by increasing their ability to solve technological problems. An inter-subject experiment has been carried out with 46 teachers. High school teachers were chosen because they are digital immigrants, while at the moment of this research their students are digital natives (born around year 2000). Since we could not find any specific training for teachers to increase their resolution skills of technological problems, in order to apply the treatment for our study, we have designed and deployed an online course about ICT problem-solving skills based on the 70/20/10 model for learning and development. Results show the success of the course when it comes to increasing the ICT problem-solving skills and to reducing techno-anxiety.Preprin

    Tendencias en la educación : aprendizaje combinado

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    El aprendizaje combinado se define como la integración eficaz de dos componentes: la enseñanza presencial y la tecnología no presencial. Este modelo intenta generar un aprendizaje que influya positivamente en el alumno y que a su vez mejore la calidad de enseñanza y los costos destinados a ello. Es importante señalar que el papel que tiene el profesor y su implicación, así como el proceso de mediación pedagógica, son los elementos clave del proceso. Este artículo hace una revisión del estado del arte y describe el significado del aprendizaje combinado, sus posibilidades, sus características, así como las teorías del aprendizaje que intervienen en el modelo, y concluye hablando de las herramientas utilizadas en los entornos de aprendizaje.Blended learning is defined as the effective integration of two main components: face-to-face (in situ) learning and technological (online) resources. This learning model aims to motivate in the student a different approach to learning, one that has a positive influence on the student while at the same time improves the quality of teaching and decreases the associated costs. It is important to emphasize that the teacher’s role, the pedagogic process and his or her involvement in the learning process are the basis of this learning model. This article contains a revision of the state of the art on this area and describes the meaning of blended learning, including its possibilities and characteristics as well as the learning theories that the model is based on, and concludes with a discussion of the tools commonly used in learning environments

    Análisis de la sensibilidad a las condiciones meteorológicas de los innovadores vuelos parabólicos de la aeronave CAP10B

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    En estudios previos, utilizamos un software de diseño mecánico CAD Solidworks Motion® para simular el movimiento en el entrenamiento de pilotos acrobáticos. Específicamente, se simuló la maniobra de un vuelo parabólico para un pequeño avión con el objetivo de mejorar diferentes aspectos de la maniobra. El simulador se validó con datos experimentales a partir de test de vuelo y se realizó un periodo inicial de entrenamiento con la ayuda de los datos del simulador. Después de esta formación inicial asistida con la simulación, obtuvimos una mejora significativa en la calidad de la gravedad reducida desde 0,1g0 a 0,05g0. En este artículo, simulamos los efectos de las condiciones atmosféricas en el vuelo parabólico, con el fin de encontrar el efecto de los vientos transversales en la calidad de la micro-gravedad obtenida. Para conseguirlo, se utiliza un sistema de dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD) SolidWorks Flow Simulation ®

    An adaptive methodology for the improvement of knowledge acquisition by a multimedia web tool

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    Adaptive learning is a method that personalizes the teaching-learning strategies in accordance with the needs and preferences of each student. This article describes the design, the implementation and the tests of a web application developed with adaptive learning in order to improve student knowledge acquisition and to simplify the teacher’s work. The tool uses EventSource technologies combined with heuristic functions to produce a predictive algorithm, which is capable of being adapted to the students in a customized way by presenting the content adjusted according to their cognitive needs. The design is based on the hypothesis that the acquisition of knowledge can be improved by using a computing application which presents a syllabus to be learned in various forms. In this way, the application determines students’ progress within the content of the material, which is classified by branches of knowledge. The tool was applied to one group of students and the data that we obtained was compared with the results of the rest, subject to the usual knowledge transmission system. The results obtained not only improve the academic results, but also enhance the heuristic decision-making about the content to be taught.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multipurpose virtual reality environment for biomedical and health applications

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    Virtual reality is a trending, widely accessible, and contemporary technology of increasing utility to biomedical and health applications. However, most implementations of virtual reality environments are tailored to specific applications. We describe the complete development of a novel, open-source virtual reality environment that is suitable for multipurpose biomedical and healthcare applications. This environment can be interfaced with different hardware and data sources, ranging from gyroscopes to fMRI scanners. The developed environment simulates an immersive (first-person perspective) run in the countryside, in a virtual landscape with various salient features. The utility of the developed VR environment has been validated via two test applications: an application in the context of motor rehabilitation following injury of the lower limbs and an application in the context of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback, to regulate brain function in specific brain regions of interest. Both applications were tested by pilot subjects that unanimously provided very positive feedback, suggesting that appropriately designed VR environments can indeed be robustly and efficiently used for multiple biomedical purposes. We attribute the versatility of our approach on three principles implicit in the design: selectivity, immersiveness, and adaptability. The software, including both applications, is publicly available free of charge, via a GitHub repository, in support of the Open Science Initiative. Although using this software requires specialized hardware and engineering know-how, we anticipate our contribution to catalyze further progress, interdisciplinary collaborations and replicability, with regards to the usage of virtual reality in biomedical and health applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Realidad virtual inmersiva aplicada al aprendizaje de geometría del espacio

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    Proponemos investigar las posibilidades de utilizar entornos virtuales inmersivos para mejorar la habilidad espacial de los estudiantes de ingeniería a partir del estudio de la geometría del espacio (solid geometry). La hipótesis que se quiere contrastar es que los estudiantes que utilizan el entorno IVLE (Immersive Virtual Learning Environment) presentan una mejora significativa de las habilidades espaciales así como los resultados académicos respecto de aquellos que no lo utilizan. Esto nos permitirá en el futuro prescribir el uso de IVLE para mejorar las habilidades espaciales.Peer Reviewe