24 research outputs found

    I sistemi bibliotecari di Ateneo in Sicilia: l'esperienza di Messina

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    breve storia del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo di Messin

    Dalla crisi della comunicazione scientifica alle strategie Open Access: nuovi modelli di circolazione del sapere

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    The "serial pricing crisis" that has hit the Scholarly Communication system generated a great deal of initiatives and projects designed to transform radically the ways in which knowledge circulates. The first reaction to this crisis was new forms of cooperation between libraries which led to the creation of consortia for the shared purchasing of electronic resources. The academic community, resorting to sustainable electronic Publishing and Open Access to scientific literature, then sought new channels of communication able to satisfy the demand for widespread and rapid circulation of ideas and research findings. Open models of scientific communication achieved by the two strategies of "Open Access Publishing" and "Open Access Self-Archiving" represent an innovative approach that is capable of guaranteeing the dissemination of research literature. Some Open Access Journals, a new generation of freely accessible electronic periodicals, are already acclaimed. However, the affordability of their business model and their financial and other repercussions has generated a lively debate that still rages within the international community involved in the evolution of new models of Scholarly Communication

    Open Access to scholarly literature: what your elders havenÂ’t told you

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    There are some key-issues regarding open access which researchers must be aware of, as P. Suber recently stated. If the aim of Open Access is to free up research through alternative channels that increase its impact and the dissemination of its output, then authors are the means and the ends of this process. Therefore, the academic community must gain a clear understanding of the open access tools at their disposal in every field, i.e. OA journals, OA repositories and the policies of academic publishers re pre and post-print submissions. Finally, authors should be aware of the "intangible benefits" that open access brings them in terms of visibility, prestige and impact

    Biblioteca digitale e servizi di misurazione

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    Atti del convegno della 4. Giornata delle biblioteche siciliane svoltosi a Ragusa il 26 maggio 2006. A cura di Renato Meli. Sono state presentate le attivita' del Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche di Messina inerenti la Digital Library, l'Accesso Aperto e gli strumenti di misurazione dei servizi erogati

    Portali delle biblioteche digitali e CIBER: come migliorarsi?

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    The slides present an analysis of the italian library portals made by Ciber in May 2007. Focus of the study is to explore the way Electronic Resources are organized and accessed through library web sites or portals. Results show different quality levels in library portals. Authors stress the need to plan accurately contents and services of library portals in order to meet the manifold needs of library users. Suggestions are given in the presentation to foster a better organization of the ER in library portals

    L’istituzione di CARE e le prime trattative nazionali

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    L'istituzione del Gruppo di Coordinamento per l'Accesso alle Risorse Elettroniche (CARE), ad opera della Commissione Biblioteche della Conferenza dei Rettori (CRUI), costituisce senza dubbio l’evento che più di altri ha introdotto una significativa trasformazione del panorama consortile italiano degli ultimi due anni. La forte incidenza nella conduzione delle attività negoziali per l’acquisto delle risorse scientifiche delle Università e la ricaduta nei rapporti tra la CRUI, i Consorzi e gli Atenei italiani ne hanno rappresentato i tratti essenziali. Il contributo ripercorre le tappe salienti della costituzione del primo tavolo negoziale a carattere nazionale per l'acquisto e l'accesso ai pacchetti elettronici dei più importanti editori scientifici

    Open Science for a shared and collaborative knowledge

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    The conventional model of “Scholarly communication”, based on the publication in "tall access" journals and by preference in high-Impact Factor journals, has distorted over time, if not betrayed, its original vocation, that is to "communicate" science. The year 1665 is often cited, being the year of birth of the Journal des Sçavans in France and of Philosophical Transactions in England, published by Henry Oldenburg to present advances in scientific research to members of the Royal Society. It is the founding date of the first scientific journals and marks the starting point of the privileged circuit for sharing scientific knowledge and encouraging the so-called "Great Conversation" of science. This debate among scientists should be the true essence and the raison d’être of Scholarly Communication. Since then, unfortunately, academic publishing has turned into a real business, "the most profitable obsolete technology in history", dominated by the "Big Five", a cartel of the five publishing groups (Reed Elsevier, Wiley- Blackwell, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Sage) which rank in the highest positions in the international scientific publishing market, both in terms of profit margins (38% of Reed Elsevier's net profit), and the number of articles published every year, with a price spiral in subscription costs that peaked at 402% for the period 1986-2011. Economic barriers are only one of the obstacles that restrict access to research findings. Paradoxically, although huge economic investments are made by the institutions to enable the academic community to do research, much of the scientific literature is actually inaccessible. Jon Tennant remarks: "we spend 1/3 of the total global research budget (£59/175bn) in publishing and communicating results that 99% of people cannot access"