23 research outputs found

    Four pyrrole derivatives used as building blocks in the synthesis of minor-groove binders

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    The title nitro­pyrrole-based compounds, C7H8N2O4, (I) (ethyl 4-nitro-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxyl­ate), its derivative C12H14N2O4, (II) [ethyl 4-nitro-1-(4-pent­yn­yl)-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxyl­ate], C15H26N4O3, (III) {N-[3-(di­methyamino)prop­yl]-1-isopentyl-4-nitro-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxamide}, and C20H27N9O5, (IV) {1-(3-azido­prop­yl)-4-(1-methyl-4-nitro-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxamido)-N-[2-(morpholin-4-yl)eth­yl]-1H-pyrrole-2-carboxamide}, are inter­mediates used in the synthesis of modified DNA minor-groove binders. In all four compounds, the nitro groups lie in the plane of the pyrrole ring. In compounds (I) and (II), the ester groups also lie in the plane of the pyrrole ring. In compound (III), both of the other substituents lie out of the plane of the pyrrole ring. In the case of compound (IV), the coplanarity extends to the second pyrrole ring and through both amide groups. In the crystals of all four compounds, layer-like structures are formed, via a combination of N-H...O and C-H...O hydrogen bonds for (I), (III) and (IV), but by only C-H...O hydrogen bonds for (II)

    A detailed binding free energy study of 2 : 1 ligand–DNA complex formation by experiment and simulation

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    In 2004, we used NMR to solve the structure of the minor groove binder thiazotropsin A bound in a 2 : 1 complex to the DNA duplex, d(CGACTAGTCG)2. In this current work, we have combined theory and experiment to confirm the binding thermodynamics of this system. Molecular dynamics simulations that use polarizable or non-polarizable force fields with single and separate trajectory approaches have been used to explore complexation at the molecular level. We have shown that the binding process invokes large conformational changes in both the receptor and ligand, which is reflected by large adaptation energies. This is compensated for by the net binding free energy, which is enthalpy driven and entropically opposed. Such a conformational change upon binding directly impacts on how the process must be simulated in order to yield accurate results. Our MM-PBSA binding calculations from snapshots obtained from MD simulations of the polarizable force field using separate trajectories yield an absolute binding free energy (-15.4 kcal mol-1) very close to that determined by isothermal titration calorimetry (-10.2 kcal mol-1). Analysis of the major energy components reveals that favorable non-bonded van der Waals and electrostatic interactions contribute predominantly to the enthalpy term, whilst the unfavorable entropy appears to be driven by stabilization of the complex and the associated loss of conformational freedom. Our results have led to a deeper understanding of the nature of side-by-side minor groove ligand binding, which has significant implications for structure-based ligand development

    C9orf72-mediated ALS and FTD: multiple pathways to disease

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    The discovery that repeat expansions in the C9orf72 gene are a frequent cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) has revolutionized our understanding of these diseases. Substantial headway has been made in characterizing C9orf72-mediated disease and unravelling its underlying aetiopathogenesis. Three main disease mechanisms have been proposed: loss of function of the C9orf72 protein and toxic gain of function from C9orf72 repeat RNA or from dipeptide repeat proteins produced by repeat-associated non-ATG translation. Several downstream processes across a range of cellular functions have also been implicated. In this article, we review the pathological and mechanistic features of C9orf72-associated FTD and ALS (collectively termed C9FTD/ALS), the model systems used to study these conditions, and the probable initiators of downstream disease mechanisms. We suggest that a combination of upstream mechanisms involving both loss and gain of function and downstream cellular pathways involving both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous effects contributes to disease progression

    Thiazotropsin aggregation and its relationship to molecular recognition in the DNA minor groove

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    Aggregated states have been alluded to for many DNA minor groove binders but details of the molecule-on-molecule relationship have either been under-reported or ignored. Here we report our findings from ITC and NMR measurements carried out with AIK-18/51, a compound representative of the thiazotropsin class of DNA minor groove binders. The free aqueous form of AIK-18/51 is compared with that found in its complex with cognate DNA duplex d(CGACTAGTCG)2. Molecular self-association of AIK-18/51 is consistent with anti-parallel, face-to-face dimer formation, the building block on which the molecule aggregates. This underlying structure is closely allied to the form found in the ligand’s DNA complex. NMR chemical shift and diffusion measurements yield a self-association constant Kass = (61 ± 19) × 103 M- 1 for AIK-18/51 that fits with a stepwise self-assembly model and is consistent with ITC data. The deconstructed energetics of this assembly process are reported with respect to a design strategy for ligand/DNA recognition

    HOBS methods for enhancing resolution and sensitivity in small DNA oligonucleotide NMR studies

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    1H NMR spectra from biopolymers give chemical shifts classified according to proton type and often suffer from signal degeneracy. Data from nucleic acids are particularly prone to this failing. Recent developments in proton broad-band decoupling techniques with the promise of enhanced resolution at full sensitivity have allowed us to investigate the application of homo-nuclear band-selective (HOBS) decoupling to the study of small synthetic DNA molecules and to compare these with results from classical and Pure Shift techniques. Improved signal resolution at full sensitivity in both HOBS-1D 1H and HOBS-2D [1H, 1H] NOESY NMR data are reported for three example small DNA molecules. Comparisons of 1H T1 and integrals of signals from HOBS-1D 1H and HOBS-2D [1H, 1H] NOESY NMR data with those of standard data collection methods are also reported. The results show that homo-nuclear HOBS-NOESY data are useful for data assignment purposes and have some merit for quantification purposes. In general we show that resolution and sensitivity enhancement of 1H NMR data for small DNA samples may be achieved without recourse to higher magnetic field strengths at full sensitivity in a band-selected manner

    Simultaneous Determination of Pharmaceuticals by Solid-phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry: A Case Study from Sharjah Sewage Treatment Plant

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    The present work describes the optimization and validation of a highly selective and sensitive analytical method using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SPE LC-MS/MS) for the determination of some frequently prescribed pharmaceuticals in urban wastewater received and treated by Sharjah sewage treatment plant (STP). The extraction efficiency of different SPE cartridges was tested and the simultaneous extraction of pharmaceuticals was successfully accomplished using hydrophilic-lipophilic-balanced reversed phase Waters® Oasis HLB cartridge (200 mg/ 6 mL) at pH 3. The analytes were separated on an Aquity BEH C18 column (1.7 µm, 2.1 mm × 150 mm) using gradient elution and mass spectrometric analysis were performed in multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) selecting two precursor ions to produce ion transition for each pharmaceutical using positive electrospray ionization (+ESI) mode. The correlation coefficient values in the linear calibration plot for each target compound exceeded 0.99 and the recovery percentages of the investigated pharmaceuticals were more than 84%. Limit of detection (LOD) varied between 0.1⁻1.5 ng/L and limit of quantification (LOQ) was 0.3⁻5 ng/L for all analytes. The precision of the method was calculated as the relative standard deviation (RSD%) of replicate measurements and was found to be in the ranges of 2.2% to 7.7% and 2.2% to 8.6% for inter and intra-day analysis, respectively. All of the obtained validation parameters satisfied the requirements and guidelines of analytical method validation

    Comparative metabolomics of MCF-7 breast cancer cells using different extraction solvents assessed by mass spectroscopy

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    Metabolic profiling of cancer cells can play a vital role in revealing the molecular bases of cancer development and progression. In this study, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was employed for the determination of signatures found in ER+/PR+ breast cancer cells derived from MCF-7 using different extraction solvents including: A, formic acid in water; B, ammonium hydroxide in water; C, ethyl acetate; D, methanol: water (1:1, v/v); and E, acetonitrile: water (1:1, v/v). The greatest extraction rate and diversity of metabolites occurs with extraction solvents A and E. Extraction solvent D showed moderate extraction efficiency, whereas extraction solvent B and C showed inferior metabolite diversity. Metabolite set enrichment analysis (MSEA) results showed energy production pathways to be key in MCF-7 cell lines. This study showed that mass spectrometry could identify key metabolites associated with cancers. The highest enriched pathways were related to energy production as well as Warburg effect pathways, which may shed light on how energy metabolism has been hijacked to encourage tumour progression and eventually metastasis in breast cancer

    Quantitative determination of doxorubicin in the exosomes of A549/MCF-7 cancer cells and human plasma using ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    In cancer therapy, exosomes efflux enhances resistance of cancer cells toward anticancer agents through mediating the transport of anticancer drugs outside the cells. In this study, a rapid, simple and highly sensitive ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the determination of Doxorubicin (DOX) in exosomes of cancer cells and human plasma using Ketotifen as an internal standard (IS). Plasma samples spiked with DOX and two cancer cell lines (A549 & MCF-7) were incubated with different concentrations of DOX and IS. The analytes were then extracted with methanol after protein precipitation and the chromatographic separation was carried out using a C18 column, with a mixture of acetonitrile–water- formic acid (85:15:0.1%, v/v/v) as mobile phase. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) was utilized to monitor the protonated precursor to product ion transitions of m/z 544.25 > 397.16 and m/z 310.08 > 96.97 for the quantification of DOX and IS, respectively. The method was linear over ranges of 1–1000 ng/mL for DOX in plasma and 2–1000 ng/mL for DOX in exosome samples. The lower limit of quantification of this method was 1 ng/mL, 2 ng/mL and 2 ng/mL in human plasma, A549 & MCF-7 cells respectively. Intra- and inter day precision of all quality control concentrations were less than 10.33% and the accuracy values ranged from −4.82 to 12.60%. The optimized UPLC-MS/MS method proved to be fast, specific, simple and highly sensitive and was successfully applied for the estimation of DOX in the exosomes of cancer cells and plasma. Keywords: Doxorubicin, Ultra performance liquid chromatography, Tandem mass spectrometry, Exosomes, Chemotherapy resistanc