6 research outputs found

    Production de biogaz et de compost à partir de eichhornia crassipes, (mart) solms-laub (pontederiaceae) pour un développement durable en Afrique sahélienne

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    Dans le parc urbain Bangré-Weoogo de la commune de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) la prolifération de la jacinthe d’eau menace la conservation de la biodiversité. L’application de la lutte intégrée n’a pas permis de l’éradiquer. L’objectif de l’étude est de contribuer à la mise en place d’un protocole de gestion de Eichornia crassipes qui associe à la lutte mécanique la valorisation par la production de biogaz et de compost. Les résultats montrent une importante production de biomasse avec une proportion de matière sèche de 6,12 %. Les expérimentations, menées avec des digesteurs de type discontinu de 200 litres de capacité avec pour substrat 60 kg de la jacinthe d’eau ensemencée avec 20 litres de purin de bactéries méthanogènes indique une production moyenne de biogaz de 1440 litres de bio gaz pour 3,67 kg de matière sèche de jacinthe, soit 392,37 litres /kg/ MS. L’analyse chimique a montré que le compost issu de ces expérimentations contient, entre autre 9,930 kg de phosphore total, et 0,690 kg d’ortho-phosphate, 6,27 kg d’azote Kjeldahl par tonne de compost. L’application de cette technologique dans les zones humides infestées par E. crassipes présente plusieurs avantages : production d’énergie, de compost et contrôle de la prolifération de la jacinthe d’eau.In the urban park BANGR-WEOOGO of the commune of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) the proliferation of the water hyacinth threatens the conservation of the biodiversity. The application of the integrated fight, did not permit the éradication. The aim of the study, is to contribute to the installation of a protocol of management of Eichornia crassipes which associates the mechanical fight with valorization by the production of biogas and compost. The results  show a significant production of biomass with a proportion of dry weight (DW) of 6,12 %. The experiment, carry out with some discontinuous digesters of 200 liters using 60 kg of water hyacinth as substrate mixed with 20 liters of liquid manure bacterium méthanogènes, indicate a average of bio gas production of 1440 liters for 3,67 kg of dry matter of water hyacinth witch means 392,37 liters /kg/ DW. The composts resulting from these experiments contain average 9,930 kg de total phosphore, 0,690 kg of ortho-phosphate, 6,27 kg nitrogene d’azote (N-Kjeldahl) 1,1 kg of organic carbon per ton of compost. The application of this technology in the wetlands infested by E crassipes has several advantages: energy production, compost and control of the proliferation of the water hyacinth.

    Production de biogaz et de compost a partir de la jacinthe d’eau pour un développement durable en Afrique sahélienne

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    Dans le parc urbain Bangr-Wéoogo de la commune de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) la prolifération de la jacinthe d’eau menace la conservation de la biodiversité. L’application de la lutte intégrée, n’a pas permis l’éradiquer. L’objectif de l’étude, est de contribuer à la mise en place d’un protocole de gestion de Eichornia crassipes qui associe à la lutte mécanique la valorisation par la production de biogaz et de compost. Les résultats montrent une importante production de biomasse avec une proportion de matière sèche (MS) de 6,12%. Les expérimentations, menées avec des digesteurs de type discontinu de 200 litres de capacité avec pour substrat 60 kg de la jacinthe d’eau ensemencée avec 20 litres de purin de bactéries méthanogènes indique une production moyenne de bio gaz de 1440 litres de bio gaz pour 3,67 kg de matières sèche de jacinthe soit 392,37 litres /kg/MS. Les composts issus de ces expérimentations contiennent en moyenne 0,75 kg de composés azotés, 10,6 kg de composés phosphatés et 1,1 kg de carbone organique. L’application de cette technologique dans les zones humides infestées par E. crassipes présente plusieurs avantages : production d’énergie, de compost et contrôle de la prolifération de la jacinthe d’eau.In the urban park Bangr-Wéoogo of the commune of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) the proliferation of the water hyacinth threatens the conservation of the biodiversity. The application of the integrated fight did not permit the eradication. The aim of the study is to contribute to the installation of a protocol of management of Eichornia crassipes which associates the mechanical fight with valorization by the production of biogas and compost. The results show a significant production of biomass with a proportion of dry weight (MS) of 6.12%. The experiment, carry out with some discontinuous digesters of 200 liters using 60 kg of water hyacinth as substrate mixed with 20 liters of liquid manure bacterium méthanogènes, indicate a average of bio gas production of 1440 liters for 3,67 kg of dry matter of water hyacinth witch means 392,37 liters /kg/ MS. The composts resulting from these experiments contain average 0,75 kg of nitrogene compounds, 10,6 kg of phosphoric compounds and 1,1 kg of organic carbon. The application of this technology in the wetlands infested by E crassipes has several advantages: energy production, compost and control of the proliferation of the water hyacinth

    Production de biogaz et de compost a partir de la jacinthe d’eau pour un développement durable en Afrique sahélienne

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    In the urban park Bangr-Wéoogo of the commune of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) the proliferation of the water hyacinth threatens the conservation of the biodiversity. The application of the integrated fight did not permit the eradication. The aim of the study is to contribute to the installation of a protocol of management of Eichornia crassipes which associates the mechanical fight with valorization by the production of biogas and compost. The results show a significant production of biomass with a proportion of dry weight (MS) of 6.12%. The experiment, carry out with some discontinuous digesters of 200 liters using 60 kg of water hyacinth as substrate mixed with 20 liters of liquid manure bacterium méthanogènes, indicate a average of bio gas production of 1440 liters for 3,67 kg of dry matter of water hyacinth witch means 392,37 liters /kg/ MS. The composts resulting from these experiments contain average 0,75 kg of nitrogene compounds, 10,6 kg of phosphoric compounds and 1,1 kg of organic carbon. The application of this technology in the wetlands infested by E crassipes has several advantages: energy production, compost and control of the proliferation of the water hyacinth

    Factors and Predictors of International Student’s Satisfaction in Turkey

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    Satisfaction of student has been viewed as a vital factor regarding quality of learning approach and a key factor in the success of learning programs. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how students perceive the environment, quality, and services they are offered at a Turkish university and how satisfied they are with them. The analysis utilized structured questionnaire and use SPSS for determining correlation among different factors of satisfaction. Also it applied step wise multiple regression to manifest the degree of factors that satisfied international students of Turkish universities. The study concentrated on the insight into how international students perceive and experienced about environment, quality and services they offered and how they satisfied are. The research consider eight factors as satisfied with academic and education quality, image and prestige of the university, administrative support, future career and retention reason, personal influence, financial and economic consideration, and environment and safety. Among the factors five factors as students self preparation, academic and education quality, administrative and staff support, personal influence, and environment and safety had found significant from the analysis. The findings are expected to provide useful guidelines to the academic institution while improving students satisfaction