8 research outputs found
Regulation of IGF-I and porcine oviductal secretory protein (pOSP) secretion into the pig oviduct in the peri-ovulatory period, and effects of previous nutrition
The mechanisms regulating oviduct function were investigated. In Experiment 1,
porcine oviductal secretory protein (pOSP) mRNA, and pOSP and insulin-like growth
factor (IGF-I) in oviductal flushings, decreased through the peri-ovulatory period.
In Experiment 2, higher plasma steroids in oviductal veins, ipsilateral (INT),
rather than contralateral (OVX), to the remaining ovary in unilaterally ovariectomized
gilts, were associated with higher pOSP in INT oviductal flushings. In Experiment 3,
oviduct function was assessed as part of a collaborative study in cyclic gilts.
Feed restriction in the late, compared to the early, luteal phase reduced estradiol
concentrations in oviductal plasma, pOSP mRNA in oviductal tissue, and IGF-I
concentrations and pOSP abundance in oviduct flushings. Previous insulin treatment
differentially affected oviduct function. These data provide the first direct
evidence for effects of previous feed restriction and insulin treatment on the
oviduct environment in the peri-ovulatory period, which may contribute to nutritional
effects on embryonic survival
Influence of three different histological methods on the morphology and morphometrical data in human testis
Coagulant fixatives and paraffin embedding
were widely used in the past for histomorphometrical
evaluations of the human testis under physiological and
pathological conditions. However, new methods are
applied nowadays using better combinations of fixatives
and plastic resins as embedding media, improving cell
and tissue structural preservation. In an attempt to
compare old and new data, the present study evaluated
histomorphometrical data obtained from human testis
after three different histological processing methods:
Bouin/paraplast, glutaraldehyde/glycol methacrylate and
glutaraldehyde/araldite. The morphometrical parameters
were not affected by glutaraldehyde fixation after both
resin embedding (methacrylate or araldite). On the other
hand, Bouin/paraplast embedding lead to tissue
shrinkage, which could give rise to misinterpretations on
the measurements performed. Since some germ and
somatic cells recognition do not depend upon high
resolution techniques, counting of such cell types could
be performed even using routine Bouin/paraplast
protocols. Thus, the morphometrical analyses relying on
cell recognition were not affected by the methods here
applied, however, when metric measurements were
applied, the obtained results could not be promptly
compared. On the other hand, if the study requires
confident spermatogonial identification for kinetics
evaluation, glutaraldehyde/araldite processing is highly
Descrição morfológica do coração e dos vasos da base do jacaré-do-pantanal (Caiman yacare Daudin, 1802) proveniente de zoocriadouro
Resumo: Com este estudo objetivou-se descrever os aspectos anatômicos e histológicos do coração do jacaré-do-pantanal (Caiman yacare), proveniente de zoocriadouro. Para tanto, estudou-se 13 exemplares da espécie, os quais foram perfundidos, conservados em solução de formaldeído a 10% e submetidos às técnicas anatômicas específicas. O coração foi separado e amostras foram colhidas e submetidas à avaliação histológica. Macroscopicamente o coração é tetracavitário, e além de dois átrios e dois ventrículos, apresenta uma estrutura denominada cone arterial, do qual emergem os vasos da base do coração. Foram identificadas duas aortas, direita e esquerda, sendo que a esquerda emerge do ventrículo direito e se comunica com o tronco sistêmico direito por meio do forame de Panizza. Histologicamente o coração possui epicárdio, miocárdio e endocárdio típicos. Concluímos que a histologia do coração, no jacaré-do-pantanal, é semelhante à de outras espécies de répteis. Contudo, anatomicamente apresenta particularidades importantes, as quais representam, possivelmente, adaptações que permitiram a perpetuação da espécie